# mknative Some bash wrappers around nativefier to generate standalone electron apps and have them installed as desktop apps. ``` mknative ======== Basic Usage: $ mknative [-u] -n NativeExample -s https://example.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -n NativeExample installed application name (basically an id) -s https://example.com website address -u [optional] uninstall -i example.com [optional] domain name to fetch favicon from. -e '--extra-args' [optional] pass some extra args to nativefier build. ``` ## Installation dependencies: - bash - docker - jq - curl - wget ``` make install ``` note: make sure `~/.local/bin` is in your `$PATH` ## Generating apps ``` mknative -n example-app -s https://example.com ``` it will look for an example-app.png file in `~/.local/share/mknative/icons/`. Just download the icon for the site and place it there before running. If you supply the `-i` argument, it will reach out to the favicongrabber.com API and give you a list of things that look like icons on the home page of the domain you specify and save it to your icons folder for you. Here's an example of how that looks for a Plex.tv app. ``` $ mknative -s https://app.plex.tv/desktop -n plex.with.parts -i plex.tv mknative ======== URL: https://app.plex.tv/desktop Name: plex.with.parts Icon Domain: plex.tv Fetching potential icons using favicongrabber.com API (retry if fails, flaky API )... Here's the icons I found, which would you like? 0) https://www.plex.tv/wp-content/themes/plex/assets/img/favicons/favicon-32x32.png 1) https://www.plex.tv/wp-content/themes/plex/assets/img/favicons/favicon-16x16.png 2) https://www.plex.tv/wp-content/themes/plex/assets/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-144x144.png 3) https://www.plex.tv/wp-content/themes/plex/assets/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png 4) https://www.plex.tv/wp-content/themes/plex/assets/img/favicons/mstile-144x144.png Selection: 2 getting https://www.plex.tv/wp-content/themes/plex/assets/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-144x144.png ... ``` Then check out your application launcher for example-app. ## Uninstalling apps ``` mknative -u -n $name ``` ## Contributing I'd like to know if it works for you, or if it's broken somehow. I'm not looking to create a giant repository of icons, the official nativefier repo on github has a ton of them for common sites. Please don't open issues and pull requests to add them.