/* * nheko Copyright (C) 2017 Konstantinos Sideris * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "Ripple.h" #include "RoomInfoListItem.h" #include "RoomState.h" #include "Theme.h" RoomInfoListItem::RoomInfoListItem(RoomState state, QString room_id, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , state_(state) , roomId_(room_id) , isPressed_(false) , maxHeight_(60) , unreadMsgCount_(0) { setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); setMouseTracking(true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover); setFixedHeight(maxHeight_); QPainterPath path; path.addRect(0, 0, parent->width(), height()); ripple_overlay_ = new RippleOverlay(this); ripple_overlay_->setClipPath(path); ripple_overlay_->setClipping(true); } void RoomInfoListItem::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); QPainter p(this); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); if (isPressed_) p.fillRect(rect(), QColor("#38A3D8")); else if (underMouse()) p.fillRect(rect(), QColor(200, 200, 200, 128)); else p.fillRect(rect(), QColor("#F8FBFE")); QFont font("Open Sans", 10); QFontMetrics metrics(font); p.setFont(font); p.setPen(QColor("#333")); QRect avatarRegion(Padding, Padding, IconSize, IconSize); // Description line int bottom_y = avatarRegion.center().y() + metrics.height() / 2 + Padding / 2; if (width() > ui::sidebar::SmallSize) { if (isPressed_) { QPen pen(QColor("white")); p.setPen(pen); } auto name = metrics.elidedText(state_.resolveName(), Qt::ElideRight, (width() - IconSize - 2 * Padding) * 0.8); p.drawText(QPoint(2 * Padding + IconSize, avatarRegion.center().y() - metrics.height() / 2), name); if (!isPressed_) { QPen pen(QColor("#5d6565")); p.setPen(pen); } double descPercentage = 0.95; if (unreadMsgCount_ > 0) descPercentage = 0.8; auto description = metrics.elidedText(state_.resolveTopic(), Qt::ElideRight, width() * descPercentage - 2 * Padding - IconSize); p.drawText(QPoint(2 * Padding + IconSize, bottom_y), description); } p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); // We using the first letter of room's name. if (roomAvatar_.isNull()) { QBrush brush; brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); brush.setColor("#eee"); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(brush); p.drawEllipse(avatarRegion.center(), IconSize / 2, IconSize / 2); font.setPointSize(13); p.setFont(font); p.setPen(QColor("#333")); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawText(avatarRegion.translated(0, -1), Qt::AlignCenter, QChar(state_.resolveName()[0])); } else { p.save(); QPainterPath path; path.addEllipse(Padding, Padding, IconSize, IconSize); p.setClipPath(path); p.drawPixmap(avatarRegion, roomAvatar_); p.restore(); } if (unreadMsgCount_ > 0) { QColor textColor("white"); QColor backgroundColor("#38A3D8"); QBrush brush; brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); brush.setColor(backgroundColor); if (isPressed_) brush.setColor(textColor); p.setBrush(brush); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); QFont msgFont("Open Sans", 8); msgFont.setStyleName("Bold"); p.setFont(msgFont); int diameter = 20; QRectF r(width() - diameter - Padding, bottom_y - diameter / 2 - 5, diameter, diameter); if (width() == ui::sidebar::SmallSize) r = QRectF(width() - diameter - 5, height() - diameter - 5, diameter, diameter); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.drawEllipse(r); p.setPen(QPen(textColor)); if (isPressed_) p.setPen(QPen(backgroundColor)); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawText(r.translated(0, -0.5), Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(unreadMsgCount_)); } } void RoomInfoListItem::updateUnreadMessageCount(int count) { unreadMsgCount_ += count; repaint(); } void RoomInfoListItem::clearUnreadMessageCount() { unreadMsgCount_ = 0; repaint(); } void RoomInfoListItem::setPressedState(bool state) { if (!isPressed_ && state) { isPressed_ = state; update(); } else if (isPressed_ && !state) { isPressed_ = state; update(); } } void RoomInfoListItem::setState(const RoomState &new_state) { state_ = new_state; repaint(); } void RoomInfoListItem::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { emit clicked(roomId_); setPressedState(true); // Ripple on mouse position by default. QPoint pos = event->pos(); qreal radiusEndValue = static_cast(width()) / 3; Ripple *ripple = new Ripple(pos); ripple->setRadiusEndValue(radiusEndValue); ripple->setOpacityStartValue(0.15); ripple->setColor(QColor("white")); ripple->radiusAnimation()->setDuration(200); ripple->opacityAnimation()->setDuration(400); ripple_overlay_->addRipple(ripple); } RoomInfoListItem::~RoomInfoListItem() { }