// Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// geth is the official command-line client for Ethereum.
package main
import (
const (
ClientIdentifier = "Geth"
Version = "1.4.0-unstable"
VersionMajor = 1
VersionMinor = 4
VersionPatch = 0
var (
gitCommit string // set via linker flagg
nodeNameVersion string
app * cli . App
func init ( ) {
if gitCommit == "" {
nodeNameVersion = Version
} else {
nodeNameVersion = Version + "-" + gitCommit [ : 8 ]
app = utils . NewApp ( Version , "the go-ethereum command line interface" )
app . Action = geth
app . HideVersion = true // we have a command to print the version
app . Commands = [ ] cli . Command {
importCommand ,
exportCommand ,
upgradedbCommand ,
removedbCommand ,
dumpCommand ,
monitorCommand ,
Action : makedag ,
Name : "makedag" ,
Usage : "generate ethash dag (for testing)" ,
Description : `
The makedag command generates an ethash DAG in / tmp / dag .
This command exists to support the system testing project .
Regular users do not need to execute it .
` ,
} ,
Action : gpuinfo ,
Name : "gpuinfo" ,
Usage : "gpuinfo" ,
Description : `
Prints OpenCL device info for all found GPUs .
` ,
} ,
Action : gpubench ,
Name : "gpubench" ,
Usage : "benchmark GPU" ,
Description : `
Runs quick benchmark on first GPU found .
` ,
} ,
Action : version ,
Name : "version" ,
Usage : "print ethereum version numbers" ,
Description : `
The output of this command is supposed to be machine - readable .
` ,
} ,
Name : "wallet" ,
Usage : "ethereum presale wallet" ,
Subcommands : [ ] cli . Command {
Action : importWallet ,
Name : "import" ,
Usage : "import ethereum presale wallet" ,
} ,
} ,
Description : `
get wallet import / path / to / my / presale . wallet
will prompt for your password and imports your ether presale account .
It can be used non - interactively with the -- password option taking a
passwordfile as argument containing the wallet password in plaintext .
` } ,
Action : accountList ,
Name : "account" ,
Usage : "manage accounts" ,
Description : `
Manage accounts lets you create new accounts , list all existing accounts ,
import a private key into a new account .
' help ' shows a list of subcommands or help for one subcommand .
It supports interactive mode , when you are prompted for password as well as
non - interactive mode where passwords are supplied via a given password file .
Non - interactive mode is only meant for scripted use on test networks or known
safe environments .
Make sure you remember the password you gave when creating a new account ( with
either new or import ) . Without it you are not able to unlock your account .
Note that exporting your key in unencrypted format is NOT supported .
Keys are stored under < DATADIR > / keys .
It is safe to transfer the entire directory or the individual keys therein
between ethereum nodes by simply copying .
Make sure you backup your keys regularly .
In order to use your account to send transactions , you need to unlock them using
the ' -- unlock ' option . The argument is a space separated list of addresses or
indexes . If used non - interactively with a passwordfile , the file should contain
the respective passwords one per line . If you unlock n accounts and the password
file contains less than n entries , then the last password is meant to apply to
all remaining accounts .
` ,
Subcommands : [ ] cli . Command {
Action : accountList ,
Name : "list" ,
Usage : "print account addresses" ,
} ,
Action : accountCreate ,
Name : "new" ,
Usage : "create a new account" ,
Description : `
ethereum account new
Creates a new account . Prints the address .
The account is saved in encrypted format , you are prompted for a passphrase .
You must remember this passphrase to unlock your account in the future .
For non - interactive use the passphrase can be specified with the -- password flag :
ethereum -- password < passwordfile > account new
Note , this is meant to be used for testing only , it is a bad idea to save your
password to file or expose in any other way .
` ,
} ,
Action : accountUpdate ,
Name : "update" ,
Usage : "update an existing account" ,
Description : `
ethereum account update < address >
Update an existing account .
The account is saved in the newest version in encrypted format , you are prompted
for a passphrase to unlock the account and another to save the updated file .
This same command can therefore be used to migrate an account of a deprecated
format to the newest format or change the password for an account .
For non - interactive use the passphrase can be specified with the -- password flag :
ethereum -- password < passwordfile > account update < address >
Since only one password can be given , only format update can be performed ,
changing your password is only possible interactively .
Note that account update has the a side effect that the order of your accounts
changes .
` ,
} ,
Action : accountImport ,
Name : "import" ,
Usage : "import a private key into a new account" ,
Description : `
ethereum account import < keyfile >
Imports an unencrypted private key from < keyfile > and creates a new account .
Prints the address .
The keyfile is assumed to contain an unencrypted private key in hexadecimal format .
The account is saved in encrypted format , you are prompted for a passphrase .
You must remember this passphrase to unlock your account in the future .
For non - interactive use the passphrase can be specified with the - password flag :
ethereum -- password < passwordfile > account import < keyfile >
Note :
As you can directly copy your encrypted accounts to another ethereum instance ,
this import mechanism is not needed when you transfer an account between
nodes .
` ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
Action : initGenesis ,
Name : "init" ,
Usage : "bootstraps and initialises a new genesis block (JSON)" ,
Description : `
The init command initialises a new genesis block and definition for the network .
This is a destructive action and changes the network in which you will be
participating .
` ,
} ,
Action : console ,
Name : "console" ,
Usage : ` Geth Console: interactive JavaScript environment ` ,
Description : `
The Geth console is an interactive shell for the JavaScript runtime environment
which exposes a node admin interface as well as the Ðapp JavaScript API .
See https : //github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Javascipt-Console
` ,
} ,
Action : attach ,
Name : "attach" ,
Usage : ` Geth Console: interactive JavaScript environment (connect to node) ` ,
Description : `
The Geth console is an interactive shell for the JavaScript runtime environment
which exposes a node admin interface as well as the Ðapp JavaScript API .
See https : //github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Javascipt-Console.
This command allows to open a console on a running geth node .
` ,
} ,
Action : execScripts ,
Name : "js" ,
Usage : ` executes the given JavaScript files in the Geth JavaScript VM ` ,
Description : `
The JavaScript VM exposes a node admin interface as well as the Ðapp
JavaScript API . See https : //github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Javascipt-Console
` ,
} ,
app . Flags = [ ] cli . Flag {
utils . IdentityFlag ,
utils . UnlockedAccountFlag ,
utils . PasswordFileFlag ,
utils . GenesisFileFlag ,
utils . BootnodesFlag ,
utils . DataDirFlag ,
utils . KeyStoreDirFlag ,
utils . BlockchainVersionFlag ,
utils . OlympicFlag ,
utils . FastSyncFlag ,
utils . CacheFlag ,
utils . LightKDFFlag ,
utils . JSpathFlag ,
utils . ListenPortFlag ,
utils . MaxPeersFlag ,
utils . MaxPendingPeersFlag ,
utils . EtherbaseFlag ,
utils . GasPriceFlag ,
utils . MinerThreadsFlag ,
utils . MiningEnabledFlag ,
utils . MiningGPUFlag ,
utils . AutoDAGFlag ,
utils . TargetGasLimitFlag ,
utils . NATFlag ,
utils . NatspecEnabledFlag ,
utils . NoDiscoverFlag ,
utils . NodeKeyFileFlag ,
utils . NodeKeyHexFlag ,
utils . RPCEnabledFlag ,
utils . RPCListenAddrFlag ,
utils . RPCPortFlag ,
utils . RPCApiFlag ,
utils . WSEnabledFlag ,
utils . WSListenAddrFlag ,
utils . WSPortFlag ,
utils . WSApiFlag ,
utils . WSAllowedOriginsFlag ,
utils . IPCDisabledFlag ,
utils . IPCApiFlag ,
utils . IPCPathFlag ,
utils . ExecFlag ,
utils . PreLoadJSFlag ,
utils . WhisperEnabledFlag ,
utils . DevModeFlag ,
utils . TestNetFlag ,
utils . VMForceJitFlag ,
utils . VMJitCacheFlag ,
utils . VMEnableJitFlag ,
utils . NetworkIdFlag ,
utils . RPCCORSDomainFlag ,
utils . MetricsEnabledFlag ,
utils . SolcPathFlag ,
utils . GpoMinGasPriceFlag ,
utils . GpoMaxGasPriceFlag ,
utils . GpoFullBlockRatioFlag ,
utils . GpobaseStepDownFlag ,
utils . GpobaseStepUpFlag ,
utils . GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag ,
utils . ExtraDataFlag ,
app . Flags = append ( app . Flags , debug . Flags ... )
app . Before = func ( ctx * cli . Context ) error {
runtime . GOMAXPROCS ( runtime . NumCPU ( ) )
if err := debug . Setup ( ctx ) ; err != nil {
return err
// Start system runtime metrics collection
go metrics . CollectProcessMetrics ( 3 * time . Second )
utils . SetupNetwork ( ctx )
// Deprecation warning.
if ctx . GlobalIsSet ( utils . GenesisFileFlag . Name ) {
common . PrintDepricationWarning ( "--genesis is deprecated. Switch to use 'geth init /path/to/file'" )
return nil
app . After = func ( ctx * cli . Context ) error {
logger . Flush ( )
debug . Exit ( )
utils . Stdin . Close ( ) // Resets terminal mode.
return nil
func main ( ) {
if err := app . Run ( os . Args ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Fprintln ( os . Stderr , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
func makeDefaultExtra ( ) [ ] byte {
var clientInfo = struct {
Version uint
Name string
GoVersion string
Os string
} { uint ( VersionMajor << 16 | VersionMinor << 8 | VersionPatch ) , ClientIdentifier , runtime . Version ( ) , runtime . GOOS }
extra , err := rlp . EncodeToBytes ( clientInfo )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( logger . Warn ) . Infoln ( "error setting canonical miner information:" , err )
if uint64 ( len ( extra ) ) > params . MaximumExtraDataSize . Uint64 ( ) {
glog . V ( logger . Warn ) . Infoln ( "error setting canonical miner information: extra exceeds" , params . MaximumExtraDataSize )
glog . V ( logger . Debug ) . Infof ( "extra: %x\n" , extra )
return nil
return extra
// geth is the main entry point into the system if no special subcommand is ran.
// It creates a default node based on the command line arguments and runs it in
// blocking mode, waiting for it to be shut down.
func geth ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
node := utils . MakeSystemNode ( ClientIdentifier , nodeNameVersion , makeDefaultExtra ( ) , ctx )
startNode ( ctx , node )
node . Wait ( )
// attach will connect to a running geth instance attaching a JavaScript console and to it.
func attach ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
// attach to a running geth instance
client , err := utils . NewRemoteRPCClient ( ctx )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Unable to attach to geth: %v" , err )
repl := newLightweightJSRE (
ctx . GlobalString ( utils . JSpathFlag . Name ) ,
client ,
ctx . GlobalString ( utils . DataDirFlag . Name ) ,
true ,
// preload user defined JS files into the console
err = repl . preloadJSFiles ( ctx )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "unable to preload JS file %v" , err )
// in case the exec flag holds a JS statement execute it and return
if ctx . GlobalString ( utils . ExecFlag . Name ) != "" {
repl . batch ( ctx . GlobalString ( utils . ExecFlag . Name ) )
} else {
repl . welcome ( )
repl . interactive ( )
// initGenesis will initialise the given JSON format genesis file and writes it as
// the zero'd block (i.e. genesis) or will fail hard if it can't succeed.
func initGenesis ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
genesisPath := ctx . Args ( ) . First ( )
if len ( genesisPath ) == 0 {
utils . Fatalf ( "must supply path to genesis JSON file" )
chainDb , err := ethdb . NewLDBDatabase ( filepath . Join ( utils . MustMakeDataDir ( ctx ) , "chaindata" ) , 0 , 0 )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "could not open database: %v" , err )
genesisFile , err := os . Open ( genesisPath )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "failed to read genesis file: %v" , err )
block , err := core . WriteGenesisBlock ( chainDb , genesisFile )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "failed to write genesis block: %v" , err )
glog . V ( logger . Info ) . Infof ( "successfully wrote genesis block and/or chain rule set: %x" , block . Hash ( ) )
// console starts a new geth node, attaching a JavaScript console to it at the
// same time.
func console ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
// Create and start the node based on the CLI flags
node := utils . MakeSystemNode ( ClientIdentifier , nodeNameVersion , makeDefaultExtra ( ) , ctx )
startNode ( ctx , node )
// Attach to the newly started node, and either execute script or become interactive
client , err := node . Attach ( )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Failed to attach to the inproc geth: %v" , err )
repl := newJSRE ( node ,
ctx . GlobalString ( utils . JSpathFlag . Name ) ,
ctx . GlobalString ( utils . RPCCORSDomainFlag . Name ) ,
client , true )
// preload user defined JS files into the console
err = repl . preloadJSFiles ( ctx )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "unable to preload JS file %v" , err )
// in case the exec flag holds a JS statement execute it and return
if script := ctx . GlobalString ( utils . ExecFlag . Name ) ; script != "" {
repl . batch ( script )
} else {
repl . welcome ( )
repl . interactive ( )
node . Stop ( )
// execScripts starts a new geth node based on the CLI flags, and executes each
// of the JavaScript files specified as command arguments.
func execScripts ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
// Create and start the node based on the CLI flags
node := utils . MakeSystemNode ( ClientIdentifier , nodeNameVersion , makeDefaultExtra ( ) , ctx )
startNode ( ctx , node )
// Attach to the newly started node and execute the given scripts
client , err := node . Attach ( )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Failed to attach to the inproc geth: %v" , err )
repl := newJSRE ( node ,
ctx . GlobalString ( utils . JSpathFlag . Name ) ,
ctx . GlobalString ( utils . RPCCORSDomainFlag . Name ) ,
client , false )
for _ , file := range ctx . Args ( ) {
repl . exec ( file )
node . Stop ( )
// tries unlocking the specified account a few times.
func unlockAccount ( ctx * cli . Context , accman * accounts . Manager , address string , i int , passwords [ ] string ) ( common . Address , string ) {
account , err := utils . MakeAddress ( accman , address )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Unlock error: %v" , err )
for trials := 0 ; trials < 3 ; trials ++ {
prompt := fmt . Sprintf ( "Unlocking account %s | Attempt %d/%d" , address , trials + 1 , 3 )
password := getPassPhrase ( prompt , false , i , passwords )
if err := accman . Unlock ( account , password ) ; err == nil {
return account , password
// All trials expended to unlock account, bail out
utils . Fatalf ( "Failed to unlock account: %s" , address )
return common . Address { } , ""
// startNode boots up the system node and all registered protocols, after which
// it unlocks any requested accounts, and starts the RPC/IPC interfaces and the
// miner.
func startNode ( ctx * cli . Context , stack * node . Node ) {
// Start up the node itself
utils . StartNode ( stack )
// Unlock any account specifically requested
var ethereum * eth . Ethereum
if err := stack . Service ( & ethereum ) ; err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "ethereum service not running: %v" , err )
accman := ethereum . AccountManager ( )
passwords := utils . MakePasswordList ( ctx )
accounts := strings . Split ( ctx . GlobalString ( utils . UnlockedAccountFlag . Name ) , "," )
for i , account := range accounts {
if trimmed := strings . TrimSpace ( account ) ; trimmed != "" {
unlockAccount ( ctx , accman , trimmed , i , passwords )
// Start auxiliary services if enabled
if ctx . GlobalBool ( utils . MiningEnabledFlag . Name ) {
if err := ethereum . StartMining ( ctx . GlobalInt ( utils . MinerThreadsFlag . Name ) , ctx . GlobalString ( utils . MiningGPUFlag . Name ) ) ; err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Failed to start mining: %v" , err )
func accountList ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
accman := utils . MakeAccountManager ( ctx )
accts , err := accman . Accounts ( )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Could not list accounts: %v" , err )
for i , acct := range accts {
fmt . Printf ( "Account #%d: %x\n" , i , acct )
// getPassPhrase retrieves the passwor associated with an account, either fetched
// from a list of preloaded passphrases, or requested interactively from the user.
func getPassPhrase ( prompt string , confirmation bool , i int , passwords [ ] string ) string {
// If a list of passwords was supplied, retrieve from them
if len ( passwords ) > 0 {
if i < len ( passwords ) {
return passwords [ i ]
return passwords [ len ( passwords ) - 1 ]
// Otherwise prompt the user for the password
fmt . Println ( prompt )
password , err := utils . Stdin . PasswordPrompt ( "Passphrase: " )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Failed to read passphrase: %v" , err )
if confirmation {
confirm , err := utils . Stdin . PasswordPrompt ( "Repeat passphrase: " )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Failed to read passphrase confirmation: %v" , err )
if password != confirm {
utils . Fatalf ( "Passphrases do not match" )
return password
// accountCreate creates a new account into the keystore defined by the CLI flags.
func accountCreate ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
accman := utils . MakeAccountManager ( ctx )
password := getPassPhrase ( "Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password." , true , 0 , utils . MakePasswordList ( ctx ) )
account , err := accman . NewAccount ( password )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Failed to create account: %v" , err )
fmt . Printf ( "Address: %x\n" , account )
// accountUpdate transitions an account from a previous format to the current
// one, also providing the possibility to change the pass-phrase.
func accountUpdate ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
if len ( ctx . Args ( ) ) == 0 {
utils . Fatalf ( "No accounts specified to update" )
accman := utils . MakeAccountManager ( ctx )
account , oldPassword := unlockAccount ( ctx , accman , ctx . Args ( ) . First ( ) , 0 , nil )
newPassword := getPassPhrase ( "Please give a new password. Do not forget this password." , true , 0 , nil )
if err := accman . Update ( account , oldPassword , newPassword ) ; err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Could not update the account: %v" , err )
func importWallet ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
keyfile := ctx . Args ( ) . First ( )
if len ( keyfile ) == 0 {
utils . Fatalf ( "keyfile must be given as argument" )
keyJson , err := ioutil . ReadFile ( keyfile )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Could not read wallet file: %v" , err )
accman := utils . MakeAccountManager ( ctx )
passphrase := getPassPhrase ( "" , false , 0 , utils . MakePasswordList ( ctx ) )
acct , err := accman . ImportPreSaleKey ( keyJson , passphrase )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Could not create the account: %v" , err )
fmt . Printf ( "Address: %x\n" , acct )
func accountImport ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
keyfile := ctx . Args ( ) . First ( )
if len ( keyfile ) == 0 {
utils . Fatalf ( "keyfile must be given as argument" )
accman := utils . MakeAccountManager ( ctx )
passphrase := getPassPhrase ( "Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password." , true , 0 , utils . MakePasswordList ( ctx ) )
acct , err := accman . Import ( keyfile , passphrase )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Could not create the account: %v" , err )
fmt . Printf ( "Address: %x\n" , acct )
func makedag ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
args := ctx . Args ( )
wrongArgs := func ( ) {
utils . Fatalf ( ` Usage: geth makedag <block number> <outputdir> ` )
switch {
case len ( args ) == 2 :
blockNum , err := strconv . ParseUint ( args [ 0 ] , 0 , 64 )
dir := args [ 1 ]
if err != nil {
wrongArgs ( )
} else {
dir = filepath . Clean ( dir )
// seems to require a trailing slash
if ! strings . HasSuffix ( dir , "/" ) {
dir = dir + "/"
_ , err = ioutil . ReadDir ( dir )
if err != nil {
utils . Fatalf ( "Can't find dir" )
fmt . Println ( "making DAG, this could take awhile..." )
ethash . MakeDAG ( blockNum , dir )
default :
wrongArgs ( )
func gpuinfo ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
eth . PrintOpenCLDevices ( )
func gpubench ( ctx * cli . Context ) {
args := ctx . Args ( )
wrongArgs := func ( ) {
utils . Fatalf ( ` Usage: geth gpubench <gpu number> ` )
switch {
case len ( args ) == 1 :
n , err := strconv . ParseUint ( args [ 0 ] , 0 , 64 )
if err != nil {
wrongArgs ( )
eth . GPUBench ( n )
case len ( args ) == 0 :
eth . GPUBench ( 0 )
default :
wrongArgs ( )
func version ( c * cli . Context ) {
fmt . Println ( ClientIdentifier )
fmt . Println ( "Version:" , Version )
if gitCommit != "" {
fmt . Println ( "Git Commit:" , gitCommit )
fmt . Println ( "Protocol Versions:" , eth . ProtocolVersions )
fmt . Println ( "Network Id:" , c . GlobalInt ( utils . NetworkIdFlag . Name ) )
fmt . Println ( "Go Version:" , runtime . Version ( ) )
fmt . Println ( "OS:" , runtime . GOOS )
fmt . Printf ( "GOPATH=%s\n" , os . Getenv ( "GOPATH" ) )
fmt . Printf ( "GOROOT=%s\n" , runtime . GOROOT ( ) )