<p>This Ether faucet is running on the {{.Network}} network. To prevent malicious actors from exhausting all available funds or accumulating enough Ether to mount long running spam attacks, requests are tied to certain common 3rd party accounts. Anyone having a GitHub, Twitter, Google+ or Facebook account may request funds within the permitted limits.</p>
<p>This Ether faucet is running on the {{.Network}} network. To prevent malicious actors from exhausting all available funds or accumulating enough Ether to mount long running spam attacks, requests are tied to common 3rd party social network accounts. Anyone having a Twitter, Google+ or Facebook account may request funds within the permitted limits.</p>
<ddstyle="margin-left: 88px; margin-bottom: 10px;"></i> To request funds via GitHub, create a <ahref="https://gist.github.com/"target="_about:blank">gist</a> with your Ethereum address embedded into the content (the file name doesn't matter).<br/>Copy-paste the gists URL into the above input box and fire away!</dd>
<ddstyle="margin-left: 88px; margin-bottom: 10px;"></i> To request funds via Twitter, make a <ahref="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Requesting%20faucet%20funds%20into%200x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000%20on%20the%20%23{{.Network}}%20%23Ethereum%20test%20network."target="_about:blank">tweet</a> with your Ethereum address pasted into the contents (surrounding text doesn't matter).<br/>Copy-paste the <ahref="https://support.twitter.com/articles/80586"target="_about:blank">tweets URL</a> into the above input box and fire away!</dd>