forked from mirror/go-ethereum
@ -0,0 +1,667 @@ |
package rlp |
import ( |
"encoding/binary" |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"io" |
"math/big" |
"reflect" |
) |
var ( |
errNoPointer = errors.New("rlp: interface given to Decode must be a pointer") |
errDecodeIntoNil = errors.New("rlp: pointer given to Decode must not be nil") |
) |
// Decoder is implemented by types that require custom RLP
// decoding rules or need to decode into private fields.
// The DecodeRLP method should read one value from the given
// Stream. It is not forbidden to read less or more, but it might
// be confusing.
type Decoder interface { |
DecodeRLP(*Stream) error |
} |
// Decode parses RLP-encoded data from r and stores the result
// in the value pointed to by val. Val must be a non-nil pointer.
// Decode uses the following type-dependent decoding rules:
// If the type implements the Decoder interface, decode calls
// DecodeRLP.
// To decode into a pointer, Decode will set the pointer to nil if the
// input has size zero or the input is a single byte with value zero.
// If the input has nonzero size, Decode will allocate a new value of
// the type being pointed to.
// To decode into a struct, Decode expects the input to be an RLP
// list. The decoded elements of the list are assigned to each public
// field in the order given by the struct's definition. If the input
// list has too few elements, no error is returned and the remaining
// fields will have the zero value.
// Recursive struct types are supported.
// To decode into a slice, the input must be a list and the resulting
// slice will contain the input elements in order.
// As a special case, if the slice has a byte-size element type, the input
// can also be an RLP string.
// To decode into a Go string, the input must be an RLP string. The
// bytes are taken as-is and will not necessarily be valid UTF-8.
// To decode into an integer type, the input must also be an RLP
// string. The bytes are interpreted as a big endian representation of
// the integer. If the RLP string is larger than the bit size of the
// type, Decode will return an error. Decode also supports *big.Int.
// There is no size limit for big integers.
// To decode into an interface value, Decode stores one of these
// in the value:
// []interface{}, for RLP lists
// []byte, for RLP strings
// Non-empty interface types are not supported, nor are bool, float32,
// float64, maps, channel types and functions.
func Decode(r ByteReader, val interface{}) error { |
return NewStream(r).Decode(val) |
} |
func makeNumDecoder(typ reflect.Type) decoder { |
kind := typ.Kind() |
switch { |
case kind <= reflect.Int64: |
return decodeInt |
case kind <= reflect.Uint64: |
return decodeUint |
default: |
panic("fallthrough") |
} |
} |
func decodeInt(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
num, err := s.uint(val.Type().Bits()) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
val.SetInt(int64(num)) |
return nil |
} |
func decodeUint(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
num, err := s.uint(val.Type().Bits()) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
val.SetUint(num) |
return nil |
} |
func decodeString(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
b, err := s.Bytes() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
val.SetString(string(b)) |
return nil |
} |
func decodeBigIntNoPtr(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
return decodeBigInt(s, val.Addr()) |
} |
func decodeBigInt(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
b, err := s.Bytes() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
i := val.Interface().(*big.Int) |
if i == nil { |
i = new(big.Int) |
val.Set(reflect.ValueOf(i)) |
} |
i.SetBytes(b) |
return nil |
} |
const maxInt = int(^uint(0) >> 1) |
func makeListDecoder(typ reflect.Type) (decoder, error) { |
etype := typ.Elem() |
if etype.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 && !reflect.PtrTo(etype).Implements(decoderInterface) { |
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Array { |
return decodeByteArray, nil |
} else { |
return decodeByteSlice, nil |
} |
} |
etypeinfo, err := cachedTypeInfo1(etype) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
var maxLen = maxInt |
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Array { |
maxLen = typ.Len() |
} |
dec := func(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
return decodeList(s, val, etypeinfo.decoder, maxLen) |
} |
return dec, nil |
} |
// decodeList decodes RLP list elements into slices and arrays.
// The approach here is stolen from package json, although we differ
// in the semantics for arrays. package json discards remaining
// elements that would not fit into the array. We generate an error in
// this case because we'd be losing information.
func decodeList(s *Stream, val reflect.Value, elemdec decoder, maxelem int) error { |
size, err := s.List() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if size == 0 { |
if val.Kind() == reflect.Slice { |
val.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(val.Type(), 0, 0)) |
} else { |
zero(val, 0) |
} |
return s.ListEnd() |
} |
i := 0 |
for { |
if i > maxelem { |
return fmt.Errorf("rlp: input List has more than %d elements", maxelem) |
} |
if val.Kind() == reflect.Slice { |
// grow slice if necessary
if i >= val.Cap() { |
newcap := val.Cap() + val.Cap()/2 |
if newcap < 4 { |
newcap = 4 |
} |
newv := reflect.MakeSlice(val.Type(), val.Len(), newcap) |
reflect.Copy(newv, val) |
val.Set(newv) |
} |
if i >= val.Len() { |
val.SetLen(i + 1) |
} |
} |
// decode into element
if err := elemdec(s, val.Index(i)); err == EOL { |
break |
} else if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
i++ |
} |
if i < val.Len() { |
if val.Kind() == reflect.Array { |
// zero the rest of the array.
zero(val, i) |
} else { |
val.SetLen(i) |
} |
} |
return s.ListEnd() |
} |
func decodeByteSlice(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
kind, _, err := s.Kind() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if kind == List { |
return decodeList(s, val, decodeUint, maxInt) |
} |
b, err := s.Bytes() |
if err == nil { |
val.SetBytes(b) |
} |
return err |
} |
var errStringDoesntFitArray = errors.New("rlp: string value doesn't fit into target array") |
func decodeByteArray(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
kind, size, err := s.Kind() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
switch kind { |
case Byte: |
if val.Len() == 0 { |
return errStringDoesntFitArray |
} |
bv, _ := s.Uint() |
val.Index(0).SetUint(bv) |
zero(val, 1) |
case String: |
if uint64(val.Len()) < size { |
return errStringDoesntFitArray |
} |
slice := val.Slice(0, int(size)).Interface().([]byte) |
if err := s.readFull(slice); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
zero(val, int(size)) |
case List: |
return decodeList(s, val, decodeUint, val.Len()) |
} |
return nil |
} |
func zero(val reflect.Value, start int) { |
z := reflect.Zero(val.Type().Elem()) |
for i := start; i < val.Len(); i++ { |
val.Index(i).Set(z) |
} |
} |
type field struct { |
index int |
info *typeinfo |
} |
func makeStructDecoder(typ reflect.Type) (decoder, error) { |
var fields []field |
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ { |
if f := typ.Field(i); f.PkgPath == "" { // exported
info, err := cachedTypeInfo1(f.Type) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
fields = append(fields, field{i, info}) |
} |
} |
dec := func(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) (err error) { |
if _, err = s.List(); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
for _, f := range fields { |
err =, val.Field(f.index)) |
if err == EOL { |
// too few elements. leave the rest at their zero value.
break |
} else if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
} |
if err = s.ListEnd(); err == errNotAtEOL { |
err = errors.New("rlp: input List has too many elements") |
} |
return err |
} |
return dec, nil |
} |
func makePtrDecoder(typ reflect.Type) (decoder, error) { |
etype := typ.Elem() |
etypeinfo, err := cachedTypeInfo1(etype) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
dec := func(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) (err error) { |
_, size, err := s.Kind() |
if err != nil || size == 0 && s.byteval == 0 { |
val.Set(reflect.Zero(typ)) // set to nil
return err |
} |
newval := val |
if val.IsNil() { |
newval = reflect.New(etype) |
} |
if err = etypeinfo.decoder(s, newval.Elem()); err == nil { |
val.Set(newval) |
} |
return err |
} |
return dec, nil |
} |
var ifsliceType = reflect.TypeOf([]interface{}{}) |
func decodeInterface(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
kind, _, err := s.Kind() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
if kind == List { |
slice := reflect.New(ifsliceType).Elem() |
if err := decodeList(s, slice, decodeInterface, maxInt); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
val.Set(slice) |
} else { |
b, err := s.Bytes() |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
val.Set(reflect.ValueOf(b)) |
} |
return nil |
} |
// This decoder is used for non-pointer values of types
// that implement the Decoder interface using a pointer receiver.
func decodeDecoderNoPtr(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
return val.Addr().Interface().(Decoder).DecodeRLP(s) |
} |
func decodeDecoder(s *Stream, val reflect.Value) error { |
// Decoder instances are not handled using the pointer rule if the type
// implements Decoder with pointer receiver (i.e. always)
// because it might handle empty values specially.
// We need to allocate one here in this case, like makePtrDecoder does.
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && val.IsNil() { |
val.Set(reflect.New(val.Type().Elem())) |
} |
return val.Interface().(Decoder).DecodeRLP(s) |
} |
// Kind represents the kind of value contained in an RLP stream.
type Kind int |
const ( |
Byte Kind = iota |
String |
List |
) |
func (k Kind) String() string { |
switch k { |
case Byte: |
return "Byte" |
case String: |
return "String" |
case List: |
return "List" |
default: |
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown(%d)", k) |
} |
} |
var ( |
// EOL is returned when the end of the current list
// has been reached during streaming.
EOL = errors.New("rlp: end of list") |
// Other errors
ErrExpectedString = errors.New("rlp: expected String or Byte") |
ErrExpectedList = errors.New("rlp: expected List") |
ErrElemTooLarge = errors.New("rlp: element is larger than containing list") |
// internal errors
errNotInList = errors.New("rlp: call of ListEnd outside of any list") |
errNotAtEOL = errors.New("rlp: call of ListEnd not positioned at EOL") |
) |
// ByteReader must be implemented by any input reader for a Stream. It
// is implemented by e.g. bufio.Reader and bytes.Reader.
type ByteReader interface { |
io.Reader |
io.ByteReader |
} |
// Stream can be used for piecemeal decoding of an input stream. This
// is useful if the input is very large or if the decoding rules for a
// type depend on the input structure. Stream does not keep an
// internal buffer. After decoding a value, the input reader will be
// positioned just before the type information for the next value.
// When decoding a list and the input position reaches the declared
// length of the list, all operations will return error EOL.
// The end of the list must be acknowledged using ListEnd to continue
// reading the enclosing list.
// Stream is not safe for concurrent use.
type Stream struct { |
r ByteReader |
uintbuf []byte |
kind Kind // kind of value ahead
size uint64 // size of value ahead
byteval byte // value of single byte in type tag
stack []listpos |
} |
type listpos struct{ pos, size uint64 } |
func NewStream(r ByteReader) *Stream { |
return &Stream{r: r, uintbuf: make([]byte, 8), kind: -1} |
} |
// Bytes reads an RLP string and returns its contents as a byte slice.
// If the input does not contain an RLP string, the returned
// error will be ErrExpectedString.
func (s *Stream) Bytes() ([]byte, error) { |
kind, size, err := s.Kind() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
switch kind { |
case Byte: |
s.kind = -1 // rearm Kind
return []byte{s.byteval}, nil |
case String: |
b := make([]byte, size) |
if err = s.readFull(b); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return b, nil |
default: |
return nil, ErrExpectedString |
} |
} |
// Uint reads an RLP string of up to 8 bytes and returns its contents
// as an unsigned integer. If the input does not contain an RLP string, the
// returned error will be ErrExpectedString.
func (s *Stream) Uint() (uint64, error) { |
return s.uint(64) |
} |
func (s *Stream) uint(maxbits int) (uint64, error) { |
kind, size, err := s.Kind() |
if err != nil { |
return 0, err |
} |
switch kind { |
case Byte: |
s.kind = -1 // rearm Kind
return uint64(s.byteval), nil |
case String: |
if size > uint64(maxbits/8) { |
return 0, fmt.Errorf("rlp: string is larger than %d bits", maxbits) |
} |
return s.readUint(byte(size)) |
default: |
return 0, ErrExpectedString |
} |
} |
// List starts decoding an RLP list. If the input does not contain a
// list, the returned error will be ErrExpectedList. When the list's
// end has been reached, any Stream operation will return EOL.
func (s *Stream) List() (size uint64, err error) { |
kind, size, err := s.Kind() |
if err != nil { |
return 0, err |
} |
if kind != List { |
return 0, ErrExpectedList |
} |
s.stack = append(s.stack, listpos{0, size}) |
s.kind = -1 |
s.size = 0 |
return size, nil |
} |
// ListEnd returns to the enclosing list.
// The input reader must be positioned at the end of a list.
func (s *Stream) ListEnd() error { |
if len(s.stack) == 0 { |
return errNotInList |
} |
tos := s.stack[len(s.stack)-1] |
if tos.pos != tos.size { |
return errNotAtEOL |
} |
s.stack = s.stack[:len(s.stack)-1] // pop
if len(s.stack) > 0 { |
s.stack[len(s.stack)-1].pos += tos.size |
} |
s.kind = -1 |
s.size = 0 |
return nil |
} |
// Decode decodes a value and stores the result in the value pointed
// to by val. Please see the documentation for the Decode function
// to learn about the decoding rules.
func (s *Stream) Decode(val interface{}) error { |
if val == nil { |
return errDecodeIntoNil |
} |
rval := reflect.ValueOf(val) |
rtyp := rval.Type() |
if rtyp.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { |
return errNoPointer |
} |
if rval.IsNil() { |
return errDecodeIntoNil |
} |
info, err := cachedTypeInfo(rtyp.Elem()) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
return info.decoder(s, rval.Elem()) |
} |
// Kind returns the kind and size of the next value in the
// input stream.
// The returned size is the number of bytes that make up the value.
// For kind == Byte, the size is zero because the value is
// contained in the type tag.
// The first call to Kind will read size information from the input
// reader and leave it positioned at the start of the actual bytes of
// the value. Subsequent calls to Kind (until the value is decoded)
// will not advance the input reader and return cached information.
func (s *Stream) Kind() (kind Kind, size uint64, err error) { |
var tos *listpos |
if len(s.stack) > 0 { |
tos = &s.stack[len(s.stack)-1] |
} |
if s.kind < 0 { |
if tos != nil && tos.pos == tos.size { |
return 0, 0, EOL |
} |
kind, size, err = s.readKind() |
if err != nil { |
return 0, 0, err |
} |
s.kind, s.size = kind, size |
} |
if tos != nil && tos.pos+s.size > tos.size { |
return 0, 0, ErrElemTooLarge |
} |
return s.kind, s.size, nil |
} |
func (s *Stream) readKind() (kind Kind, size uint64, err error) { |
b, err := s.readByte() |
if err != nil { |
return 0, 0, err |
} |
s.byteval = 0 |
switch { |
case b < 0x80: |
// For a single byte whose value is in the [0x00, 0x7F] range, that byte
// is its own RLP encoding.
s.byteval = b |
return Byte, 0, nil |
case b < 0xB8: |
// Otherwise, if a string is 0-55 bytes long,
// the RLP encoding consists of a single byte with value 0x80 plus the
// length of the string followed by the string. The range of the first
// byte is thus [0x80, 0xB7].
return String, uint64(b - 0x80), nil |
case b < 0xC0: |
// If a string is more than 55 bytes long, the
// RLP encoding consists of a single byte with value 0xB7 plus the length
// of the length of the string in binary form, followed by the length of
// the string, followed by the string. For example, a length-1024 string
// would be encoded as 0xB90400 followed by the string. The range of
// the first byte is thus [0xB8, 0xBF].
size, err = s.readUint(b - 0xB7) |
return String, size, err |
case b < 0xF8: |
// If the total payload of a list
// (i.e. the combined length of all its items) is 0-55 bytes long, the
// RLP encoding consists of a single byte with value 0xC0 plus the length
// of the list followed by the concatenation of the RLP encodings of the
// items. The range of the first byte is thus [0xC0, 0xF7].
return List, uint64(b - 0xC0), nil |
default: |
// If the total payload of a list is more than 55 bytes long,
// the RLP encoding consists of a single byte with value 0xF7
// plus the length of the length of the payload in binary
// form, followed by the length of the payload, followed by
// the concatenation of the RLP encodings of the items. The
// range of the first byte is thus [0xF8, 0xFF].
size, err = s.readUint(b - 0xF7) |
return List, size, err |
} |
} |
func (s *Stream) readUint(size byte) (uint64, error) { |
if size == 1 { |
b, err := s.readByte() |
if err == io.EOF { |
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF |
} |
return uint64(b), err |
} |
start := int(8 - size) |
for i := 0; i < start; i++ { |
s.uintbuf[i] = 0 |
} |
err := s.readFull(s.uintbuf[start:]) |
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(s.uintbuf), err |
} |
func (s *Stream) readFull(buf []byte) (err error) { |
s.willRead(uint64(len(buf))) |
var nn, n int |
for n < len(buf) && err == nil { |
nn, err = s.r.Read(buf[n:]) |
n += nn |
} |
if err == io.EOF { |
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF |
} |
return err |
} |
func (s *Stream) readByte() (byte, error) { |
s.willRead(1) |
b, err := s.r.ReadByte() |
if len(s.stack) > 0 && err == io.EOF { |
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF |
} |
return b, err |
} |
func (s *Stream) willRead(n uint64) { |
s.kind = -1 // rearm Kind
if len(s.stack) > 0 { |
s.stack[len(s.stack)-1].pos += n |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ |
package rlp |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"encoding/hex" |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"io" |
"math/big" |
"reflect" |
"testing" |
"" |
) |
func TestStreamKind(t *testing.T) { |
tests := []struct { |
input string |
wantKind Kind |
wantLen uint64 |
}{ |
{"00", Byte, 0}, |
{"01", Byte, 0}, |
{"7F", Byte, 0}, |
{"80", String, 0}, |
{"B7", String, 55}, |
{"B800", String, 0}, |
{"B90400", String, 1024}, |
{"BA000400", String, 1024}, |
{"BB00000400", String, 1024}, |
{"BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", String, ^uint64(0)}, |
{"C0", List, 0}, |
{"C8", List, 8}, |
{"F7", List, 55}, |
{"F800", List, 0}, |
{"F804", List, 4}, |
{"F90400", List, 1024}, |
{"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", List, ^uint64(0)}, |
} |
for i, test := range tests { |
s := NewStream(bytes.NewReader(unhex(test.input))) |
kind, len, err := s.Kind() |
if err != nil { |
t.Errorf("test %d: Type returned error: %v", i, err) |
continue |
} |
if kind != test.wantKind { |
t.Errorf("test %d: kind mismatch: got %d, want %d", i, kind, test.wantKind) |
} |
if len != test.wantLen { |
t.Errorf("test %d: len mismatch: got %d, want %d", i, len, test.wantLen) |
} |
} |
} |
func TestStreamErrors(t *testing.T) { |
type calls []string |
tests := []struct { |
string |
calls |
error |
}{ |
{"", calls{"Kind"}, io.EOF}, |
{"", calls{"List"}, io.EOF}, |
{"", calls{"Uint"}, io.EOF}, |
{"C0", calls{"Bytes"}, ErrExpectedString}, |
{"C0", calls{"Uint"}, ErrExpectedString}, |
{"81", calls{"Bytes"}, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, |
{"81", calls{"Uint"}, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, |
{"BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", calls{"Bytes"}, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, |
{"89000000000000000001", calls{"Uint"}, errors.New("rlp: string is larger than 64 bits")}, |
{"00", calls{"List"}, ErrExpectedList}, |
{"80", calls{"List"}, ErrExpectedList}, |
{"C0", calls{"List", "Uint"}, EOL}, |
{"C801", calls{"List", "Uint", "Uint"}, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, |
{"C8C9", calls{"List", "Kind"}, ErrElemTooLarge}, |
{"C3C2010201", calls{"List", "List", "Uint", "Uint", "ListEnd", "Uint"}, EOL}, |
{"00", calls{"ListEnd"}, errNotInList}, |
{"C40102", calls{"List", "Uint", "ListEnd"}, errNotAtEOL}, |
} |
testfor: |
for i, test := range tests { |
s := NewStream(bytes.NewReader(unhex(test.string))) |
rs := reflect.ValueOf(s) |
for j, call := range test.calls { |
fval := rs.MethodByName(call) |
ret := fval.Call(nil) |
err := "<nil>" |
if lastret := ret[len(ret)-1].Interface(); lastret != nil { |
err = lastret.(error).Error() |
} |
if j == len(test.calls)-1 { |
if err != test.error.Error() { |
t.Errorf("test %d: last call (%s) error mismatch\ngot: %s\nwant: %v", |
i, call, err, test.error) |
} |
} else if err != "<nil>" { |
t.Errorf("test %d: call %d (%s) unexpected error: %q", i, j, call, err) |
continue testfor |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func TestStreamList(t *testing.T) { |
s := NewStream(bytes.NewReader(unhex("C80102030405060708"))) |
len, err := s.List() |
if err != nil { |
t.Fatalf("List error: %v", err) |
} |
if len != 8 { |
t.Fatalf("List returned invalid length, got %d, want 8", len) |
} |
for i := uint64(1); i <= 8; i++ { |
v, err := s.Uint() |
if err != nil { |
t.Fatalf("Uint error: %v", err) |
} |
if i != v { |
t.Errorf("Uint returned wrong value, got %d, want %d", v, i) |
} |
} |
if _, err := s.Uint(); err != EOL { |
t.Errorf("Uint error mismatch, got %v, want %v", err, EOL) |
} |
if err = s.ListEnd(); err != nil { |
t.Fatalf("ListEnd error: %v", err) |
} |
} |
func TestDecodeErrors(t *testing.T) { |
r := bytes.NewReader(nil) |
if err := Decode(r, nil); err != errDecodeIntoNil { |
t.Errorf("Decode(r, nil) error mismatch, got %q, want %q", err, errDecodeIntoNil) |
} |
var nilptr *struct{} |
if err := Decode(r, nilptr); err != errDecodeIntoNil { |
t.Errorf("Decode(r, nilptr) error mismatch, got %q, want %q", err, errDecodeIntoNil) |
} |
if err := Decode(r, struct{}{}); err != errNoPointer { |
t.Errorf("Decode(r, struct{}{}) error mismatch, got %q, want %q", err, errNoPointer) |
} |
expectErr := "rlp: type chan bool is not RLP-serializable" |
if err := Decode(r, new(chan bool)); err == nil || err.Error() != expectErr { |
t.Errorf("Decode(r, new(chan bool)) error mismatch, got %q, want %q", err, expectErr) |
} |
if err := Decode(r, new(int)); err != io.EOF { |
t.Errorf("Decode(r, new(int)) error mismatch, got %q, want %q", err, io.EOF) |
} |
} |
type decodeTest struct { |
input string |
ptr interface{} |
value interface{} |
error error |
} |
type simplestruct struct { |
A int |
B string |
} |
type recstruct struct { |
I int |
Child *recstruct |
} |
var ( |
veryBigInt = big.NewInt(0).Add( |
big.NewInt(0).Lsh(big.NewInt(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), 16), |
big.NewInt(0xFFFF), |
) |
) |
var ( |
sharedByteArray [5]byte |
sharedPtr = new(*int) |
) |
var decodeTests = []decodeTest{ |
// integers
{input: "05", ptr: new(uint32), value: uint32(5)}, |
{input: "80", ptr: new(uint32), value: uint32(0)}, |
{input: "8105", ptr: new(uint32), value: uint32(5)}, |
{input: "820505", ptr: new(uint32), value: uint32(0x0505)}, |
{input: "83050505", ptr: new(uint32), value: uint32(0x050505)}, |
{input: "8405050505", ptr: new(uint32), value: uint32(0x05050505)}, |
{input: "850505050505", ptr: new(uint32), error: errors.New("rlp: string is larger than 32 bits")}, |
{input: "C0", ptr: new(uint32), error: ErrExpectedString}, |
// slices
{input: "C0", ptr: new([]int), value: []int{}}, |
{input: "C80102030405060708", ptr: new([]int), value: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}}, |
// arrays
{input: "C0", ptr: new([5]int), value: [5]int{}}, |
{input: "C50102030405", ptr: new([5]int), value: [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}, |
{input: "C6010203040506", ptr: new([5]int), error: errors.New("rlp: input List has more than 5 elements")}, |
// byte slices
{input: "01", ptr: new([]byte), value: []byte{1}}, |
{input: "80", ptr: new([]byte), value: []byte{}}, |
{input: "8D6162636465666768696A6B6C6D", ptr: new([]byte), value: []byte("abcdefghijklm")}, |
{input: "C0", ptr: new([]byte), value: []byte{}}, |
{input: "C3010203", ptr: new([]byte), value: []byte{1, 2, 3}}, |
{input: "C3820102", ptr: new([]byte), error: errors.New("rlp: string is larger than 8 bits")}, |
// byte arrays
{input: "01", ptr: new([5]byte), value: [5]byte{1}}, |
{input: "80", ptr: new([5]byte), value: [5]byte{}}, |
{input: "850102030405", ptr: new([5]byte), value: [5]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}, |
{input: "C0", ptr: new([5]byte), value: [5]byte{}}, |
{input: "C3010203", ptr: new([5]byte), value: [5]byte{1, 2, 3, 0, 0}}, |
{input: "C3820102", ptr: new([5]byte), error: errors.New("rlp: string is larger than 8 bits")}, |
{input: "86010203040506", ptr: new([5]byte), error: errStringDoesntFitArray}, |
{input: "850101", ptr: new([5]byte), error: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, |
// byte array reuse (should be zeroed)
{input: "850102030405", ptr: &sharedByteArray, value: [5]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}, |
{input: "8101", ptr: &sharedByteArray, value: [5]byte{1}}, // kind: String
{input: "850102030405", ptr: &sharedByteArray, value: [5]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}, |
{input: "01", ptr: &sharedByteArray, value: [5]byte{1}}, // kind: Byte
{input: "C3010203", ptr: &sharedByteArray, value: [5]byte{1, 2, 3, 0, 0}}, |
{input: "C101", ptr: &sharedByteArray, value: [5]byte{1}}, // kind: List
// zero sized byte arrays
{input: "80", ptr: new([0]byte), value: [0]byte{}}, |
{input: "C0", ptr: new([0]byte), value: [0]byte{}}, |
{input: "01", ptr: new([0]byte), error: errStringDoesntFitArray}, |
{input: "8101", ptr: new([0]byte), error: errStringDoesntFitArray}, |
// strings
{input: "00", ptr: new(string), value: "\000"}, |
{input: "8D6162636465666768696A6B6C6D", ptr: new(string), value: "abcdefghijklm"}, |
{input: "C0", ptr: new(string), error: ErrExpectedString}, |
// big ints
{input: "01", ptr: new(*big.Int), value: big.NewInt(1)}, |
{input: "89FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", ptr: new(*big.Int), value: veryBigInt}, |
{input: "10", ptr: new(big.Int), value: *big.NewInt(16)}, // non-pointer also works
{input: "C0", ptr: new(*big.Int), error: ErrExpectedString}, |
// structs
{input: "C0", ptr: new(simplestruct), value: simplestruct{0, ""}}, |
{input: "C105", ptr: new(simplestruct), value: simplestruct{5, ""}}, |
{input: "C50583343434", ptr: new(simplestruct), value: simplestruct{5, "444"}}, |
{input: "C3010101", ptr: new(simplestruct), error: errors.New("rlp: input List has too many elements")}, |
{ |
input: "C501C302C103", |
ptr: new(recstruct), |
value: recstruct{1, &recstruct{2, &recstruct{3, nil}}}, |
}, |
// pointers
{input: "00", ptr: new(*int), value: (*int)(nil)}, |
{input: "80", ptr: new(*int), value: (*int)(nil)}, |
{input: "C0", ptr: new(*int), value: (*int)(nil)}, |
{input: "07", ptr: new(*int), value: intp(7)}, |
{input: "8108", ptr: new(*int), value: intp(8)}, |
{input: "C109", ptr: new(*[]int), value: &[]int{9}}, |
{input: "C58403030303", ptr: new(*[][]byte), value: &[][]byte{{3, 3, 3, 3}}}, |
// pointer should be reset to nil
{input: "05", ptr: sharedPtr, value: intp(5)}, |
{input: "80", ptr: sharedPtr, value: (*int)(nil)}, |
// interface{}
{input: "00", ptr: new(interface{}), value: []byte{0}}, |
{input: "01", ptr: new(interface{}), value: []byte{1}}, |
{input: "80", ptr: new(interface{}), value: []byte{}}, |
{input: "850505050505", ptr: new(interface{}), value: []byte{5, 5, 5, 5, 5}}, |
{input: "C0", ptr: new(interface{}), value: []interface{}{}}, |
{input: "C50183040404", ptr: new(interface{}), value: []interface{}{[]byte{1}, []byte{4, 4, 4}}}, |
} |
func intp(i int) *int { return &i } |
func TestDecode(t *testing.T) { |
for i, test := range decodeTests { |
input, err := hex.DecodeString(test.input) |
if err != nil { |
t.Errorf("test %d: invalid hex input %q", i, test.input) |
continue |
} |
err = Decode(bytes.NewReader(input), test.ptr) |
if err != nil && test.error == nil { |
t.Errorf("test %d: unexpected Decode error: %v\ndecoding into %T\ninput %q", |
i, err, test.ptr, test.input) |
continue |
} |
if test.error != nil && fmt.Sprint(err) != fmt.Sprint(test.error) { |
t.Errorf("test %d: Decode error mismatch\ngot %v\nwant %v\ndecoding into %T\ninput %q", |
i, err, test.error, test.ptr, test.input) |
continue |
} |
deref := reflect.ValueOf(test.ptr).Elem().Interface() |
if err == nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(deref, test.value) { |
t.Errorf("test %d: value mismatch\ngot %#v\nwant %#v\ndecoding into %T\ninput %q", |
i, deref, test.value, test.ptr, test.input) |
} |
} |
} |
type testDecoder struct{ called bool } |
func (t *testDecoder) DecodeRLP(s *Stream) error { |
if _, err := s.Uint(); err != nil { |
return err |
} |
t.called = true |
return nil |
} |
func TestDecodeDecoder(t *testing.T) { |
var s struct { |
T1 testDecoder |
T2 *testDecoder |
T3 **testDecoder |
} |
if err := Decode(bytes.NewReader(unhex("C3010203")), &s); err != nil { |
t.Fatalf("Decode error: %v", err) |
} |
if !s.T1.called { |
t.Errorf("DecodeRLP was not called for (non-pointer) testDecoder") |
} |
if s.T2 == nil { |
t.Errorf("*testDecoder has not been allocated") |
} else if !s.T2.called { |
t.Errorf("DecodeRLP was not called for *testDecoder") |
} |
if s.T3 == nil || *s.T3 == nil { |
t.Errorf("**testDecoder has not been allocated") |
} else if !(*s.T3).called { |
t.Errorf("DecodeRLP was not called for **testDecoder") |
} |
} |
type byteDecoder byte |
func (bd *byteDecoder) DecodeRLP(s *Stream) error { |
_, err := s.Uint() |
*bd = 255 |
return err |
} |
func (bd byteDecoder) called() bool { |
return bd == 255 |
} |
// This test verifies that the byte slice/byte array logic
// does not kick in for element types implementing Decoder.
func TestDecoderInByteSlice(t *testing.T) { |
var slice []byteDecoder |
if err := Decode(bytes.NewReader(unhex("C101")), &slice); err != nil { |
t.Errorf("unexpected Decode error %v", err) |
} else if !slice[0].called() { |
t.Errorf("DecodeRLP not called for slice element") |
} |
var array [1]byteDecoder |
if err := Decode(bytes.NewReader(unhex("C101")), &array); err != nil { |
t.Errorf("unexpected Decode error %v", err) |
} else if !array[0].called() { |
t.Errorf("DecodeRLP not called for array element") |
} |
} |
func ExampleDecode() { |
input, _ := hex.DecodeString("C90A1486666F6F626172") |
type example struct { |
A, B int |
private int // private fields are ignored
String string |
} |
var s example |
err := Decode(bytes.NewReader(input), &s) |
if err != nil { |
fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) |
} else { |
fmt.Printf("Decoded value: %#v\n", s) |
} |
// Output:
// Decoded value: rlp.example{A:10, B:20, private:0, String:"foobar"}
} |
func ExampleStream() { |
input, _ := hex.DecodeString("C90A1486666F6F626172") |
s := NewStream(bytes.NewReader(input)) |
// Check what kind of value lies ahead
kind, size, _ := s.Kind() |
fmt.Printf("Kind: %v size:%d\n", kind, size) |
// Enter the list
if _, err := s.List(); err != nil { |
fmt.Printf("List error: %v\n", err) |
return |
} |
// Decode elements
fmt.Println(s.Uint()) |
fmt.Println(s.Uint()) |
fmt.Println(s.Bytes()) |
// Acknowledge end of list
if err := s.ListEnd(); err != nil { |
fmt.Printf("ListEnd error: %v\n", err) |
} |
// Output:
// Kind: List size:9
// 10 <nil>
// 20 <nil>
// [102 111 111 98 97 114] <nil>
} |
func BenchmarkDecode(b *testing.B) { |
enc := encTest(90000) |
b.SetBytes(int64(len(enc))) |
b.ReportAllocs() |
b.ResetTimer() |
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { |
var s []int |
r := bytes.NewReader(enc) |
if err := Decode(r, &s); err != nil { |
b.Fatalf("Decode error: %v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
func BenchmarkDecodeIntSliceReuse(b *testing.B) { |
enc := encTest(100000) |
b.SetBytes(int64(len(enc))) |
b.ReportAllocs() |
b.ResetTimer() |
var s []int |
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { |
r := bytes.NewReader(enc) |
if err := Decode(r, &s); err != nil { |
b.Fatalf("Decode error: %v", err) |
} |
} |
} |
func encTest(n int) []byte { |
s := make([]interface{}, n) |
for i := 0; i < n; i++ { |
s[i] = i |
} |
return ethutil.Encode(s) |
} |
func unhex(str string) []byte { |
b, err := hex.DecodeString(str) |
if err != nil { |
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid hex string: %q", str)) |
} |
return b |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
/* |
Package rlp implements the RLP serialization format. |
The purpose of RLP (Recursive Linear Prefix) qis to encode arbitrarily |
nested arrays of binary data, and RLP is the main encoding method used |
to serialize objects in Ethereum. The only purpose of RLP is to encode |
structure; encoding specific atomic data types (eg. strings, ints, |
floats) is left up to higher-order protocols; in Ethereum integers |
must be represented in big endian binary form with no leading zeroes |
(thus making the integer value zero be equivalent to the empty byte |
array). |
RLP values are distinguished by a type tag. The type tag precedes the |
value in the input stream and defines the size and kind of the bytes |
that follow. |
*/ |
package rlp |
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ |
package rlp |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"math/big" |
"reflect" |
"sync" |
) |
type decoder func(*Stream, reflect.Value) error |
type typeinfo struct { |
decoder |
} |
var ( |
typeCacheMutex sync.RWMutex |
typeCache = make(map[reflect.Type]*typeinfo) |
) |
func cachedTypeInfo(typ reflect.Type) (*typeinfo, error) { |
typeCacheMutex.RLock() |
info := typeCache[typ] |
typeCacheMutex.RUnlock() |
if info != nil { |
return info, nil |
} |
// not in the cache, need to generate info for this type.
typeCacheMutex.Lock() |
defer typeCacheMutex.Unlock() |
return cachedTypeInfo1(typ) |
} |
func cachedTypeInfo1(typ reflect.Type) (*typeinfo, error) { |
info := typeCache[typ] |
if info != nil { |
// another goroutine got the write lock first
return info, nil |
} |
// put a dummmy value into the cache before generating.
// if the generator tries to lookup itself, it will get
// the dummy value and won't call itself recursively.
typeCache[typ] = new(typeinfo) |
info, err := genTypeInfo(typ) |
if err != nil { |
// remove the dummy value if the generator fails
delete(typeCache, typ) |
return nil, err |
} |
*typeCache[typ] = *info |
return typeCache[typ], err |
} |
var ( |
decoderInterface = reflect.TypeOf(new(Decoder)).Elem() |
bigInt = reflect.TypeOf(big.Int{}) |
) |
func genTypeInfo(typ reflect.Type) (info *typeinfo, err error) { |
info = new(typeinfo) |
kind := typ.Kind() |
switch { |
case typ.Implements(decoderInterface): |
info.decoder = decodeDecoder |
case kind != reflect.Ptr && reflect.PtrTo(typ).Implements(decoderInterface): |
info.decoder = decodeDecoderNoPtr |
case typ.AssignableTo(reflect.PtrTo(bigInt)): |
info.decoder = decodeBigInt |
case typ.AssignableTo(bigInt): |
info.decoder = decodeBigIntNoPtr |
case isInteger(kind): |
info.decoder = makeNumDecoder(typ) |
case kind == reflect.String: |
info.decoder = decodeString |
case kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.Array: |
info.decoder, err = makeListDecoder(typ) |
case kind == reflect.Struct: |
info.decoder, err = makeStructDecoder(typ) |
case kind == reflect.Ptr: |
info.decoder, err = makePtrDecoder(typ) |
case kind == reflect.Interface && typ.NumMethod() == 0: |
info.decoder = decodeInterface |
default: |
err = fmt.Errorf("rlp: type %v is not RLP-serializable", typ) |
} |
return info, err |
} |
func isInteger(k reflect.Kind) bool { |
return k >= reflect.Int && k <= reflect.Uintptr |
} |
Reference in new issue