@ -456,44 +456,51 @@ func (h *handler) BroadcastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool) {
// BroadcastTransactions will propagate a batch of transactions to all peers which are not known to
// BroadcastTransactions will propagate a batch of transactions
// - To a square root of all peers
// - And, separately, as announcements to all peers which are not known to
// already have the given transaction.
func ( h * handler ) BroadcastTransactions ( txs types . Transactions , propagate bool ) {
func ( h * handler ) BroadcastTransactions ( txs types . Transactions ) {
var (
txset = make ( map [ * ethPeer ] [ ] common . Hash )
annos = make ( map [ * ethPeer ] [ ] common . Hash )
annoCount int // Count of announcements made
annoPeers int
directCount int // Count of the txs sent directly to peers
directPeers int // Count of the peers that were sent transactions directly
txset = make ( map [ * ethPeer ] [ ] common . Hash ) // Set peer->hash to transfer directly
annos = make ( map [ * ethPeer ] [ ] common . Hash ) // Set peer->hash to announce
// Broadcast transactions to a batch of peers not knowing about it
if propagate {
for _ , tx := range txs {
peers := h . peers . peersWithoutTransaction ( tx . Hash ( ) )
// Send the block to a subset of our peers
transfer := peers [ : int ( math . Sqrt ( float64 ( len ( peers ) ) ) ) ]
for _ , peer := range transfer {
txset [ peer ] = append ( txset [ peer ] , tx . Hash ( ) )
log . Trace ( "Broadcast transaction" , "hash" , tx . Hash ( ) , "recipients" , len ( transfer ) )
for peer , hashes := range txset {
peer . AsyncSendTransactions ( hashes )
// Otherwise only broadcast the announcement to peers
for _ , tx := range txs {
peers := h . peers . peersWithoutTransaction ( tx . Hash ( ) )
for _ , peer := range peers {
// Send the tx unconditionally to a subset of our peers
numDirect := int ( math . Sqrt ( float64 ( len ( peers ) ) ) )
for _ , peer := range peers [ : numDirect ] {
txset [ peer ] = append ( txset [ peer ] , tx . Hash ( ) )
// For the remaining peers, send announcement only
for _ , peer := range peers [ numDirect : ] {
annos [ peer ] = append ( annos [ peer ] , tx . Hash ( ) )
for peer , hashes := range txset {
directPeers ++
directCount += len ( hashes )
peer . AsyncSendTransactions ( hashes )
for peer , hashes := range annos {
annoPeers ++
annoCount += len ( hashes )
if peer . Version ( ) >= eth . ETH65 {
peer . AsyncSendPooledTransactionHashes ( hashes )
} else {
peer . AsyncSendTransactions ( hashes )
log . Debug ( "Transaction broadcast" , "txs" , len ( txs ) ,
"announce packs" , annoPeers , "announced hashes" , annoCount ,
"tx packs" , directPeers , "broadcast txs" , directCount )
// minedBroadcastLoop sends mined blocks to connected peers.
@ -511,13 +518,10 @@ func (h *handler) minedBroadcastLoop() {
// txBroadcastLoop announces new transactions to connected peers.
func ( h * handler ) txBroadcastLoop ( ) {
defer h . wg . Done ( )
for {
select {
case event := <- h . txsCh :
h . BroadcastTransactions ( event . Txs , true ) // First propagate transactions to peers
h . BroadcastTransactions ( event . Txs , false ) // Only then announce to the rest
h . BroadcastTransactions ( event . Txs )
case <- h . txsSub . Err ( ) :