@ -1,55 +1,5 @@ |
defmodule ExW3 do |
defmodule Contract do |
use Agent |
def at(abi, address) do |
{ :ok, pid } = Agent.start_link(fn -> %{abi: abi, address: address} end) |
pid |
end |
def get(contract, key) do |
Agent.get(contract, &Map.get(&1, key)) |
end |
@doc """ |
Puts the `value` for the given `key` in the `contract`. |
""" |
def put(contract, key, value) do |
Agent.update(contract, &Map.put(&1, key, value)) |
end |
def deploy(bin_filename, options) do |
{:ok, bin} = File.read(Path.join(System.cwd(), bin_filename)) |
tx = %{ |
from: options[:from], |
data: bin, |
gas: options[:gas] |
} |
{:ok, tx_receipt_id} = Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_send_transaction(tx) |
{:ok, tx_receipt} = Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_get_transaction_receipt(tx_receipt_id) |
tx_receipt["contractAddress"] |
end |
def method(contract_agent, name, args \\ [], options \\ %{}) do |
if get(contract_agent, :abi)[name]["constant"] do |
data = ExW3.encode_inputs(get(contract_agent, :abi), name, args) |
{:ok, output } = Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_call(%{ |
to: get(contract_agent, :address), |
data: data |
}) |
[ :ok ] ++ ExW3.decode_output(get(contract_agent, :abi), name, output) |> List.to_tuple |
else |
Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_send_transaction(Map.merge(%{ |
to: get(contract_agent, :address), |
data: ExW3.encode_inputs(get(contract_agent, :abi), name, args) |
}, options)) |
end |
end |
end |
def reformat_abi abi do |
Map.new Enum.map(abi, fn x -> {x["name"], x} end) |
end |
@ -116,7 +66,8 @@ defmodule ExW3 do |
def tx_receipt tx_hash do |
case Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) do |
{:ok, receipt} -> |
Map.merge receipt, keys_to_decimal(receipt, ["blockNumber", "cumulativeGasUsed", "gasUsed"]) |
receipt |
#Map.merge receipt, keys_to_decimal(receipt, ["blockNumber", "cumulativeGasUsed", "gasUsed"]) |
err -> err |
end |
end |
@ -138,6 +89,119 @@ defmodule ExW3 do |
ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.kec(signature) |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) |
end |
defmodule Contract do |
use Agent |
def at(abi, address) do |
{ :ok, pid } = Agent.start_link(fn -> %{abi: abi, address: address} end) |
pid |
end |
def get(contract, key) do |
Agent.get(contract, &Map.get(&1, key)) |
end |
@doc """ |
Puts the `value` for the given `key` in the `contract`. |
""" |
def put(contract, key, value) do |
Agent.update(contract, &Map.put(&1, key, value)) |
end |
def deploy(bin_filename, options) do |
{:ok, bin} = File.read(Path.join(System.cwd(), bin_filename)) |
tx = %{ |
from: options[:from], |
data: bin, |
gas: options[:gas] |
} |
{:ok, tx_receipt_id} = Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_send_transaction(tx) |
{:ok, tx_receipt} = Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_get_transaction_receipt(tx_receipt_id) |
tx_receipt["contractAddress"] |
end |
def method(contract_agent, name, args \\ [], options \\ %{}) do |
if get(contract_agent, :abi)[name]["constant"] do |
data = ExW3.encode_inputs(get(contract_agent, :abi), name, args) |
{:ok, output } = Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_call(%{ |
to: get(contract_agent, :address), |
data: data |
}) |
[ :ok ] ++ ExW3.decode_output(get(contract_agent, :abi), name, output) |> List.to_tuple |
else |
Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_send_transaction(Map.merge(%{ |
to: get(contract_agent, :address), |
data: ExW3.encode_inputs(get(contract_agent, :abi), name, args) |
}, options)) |
end |
end |
end |
defmodule EventPublisher do |
use GenServer |
def start_link do |
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{ block_number: ExW3.block_number}) |
end |
def init(state) do |
PubSub.start_link() |
schedule_block() |
{:ok, state} |
end |
def subscribe(subscriber, event_signature) do |
PubSub.subscribe(subscriber, event_signature) |
end |
def handle_info(:block, state) do |
block_number = ExW3.block_number |
block = ExW3.block block_number |
tx_receipts = Enum.map block["transactions"], fn tx -> ExW3.tx_receipt(tx["hash"]) end |
for logs <- Enum.map(tx_receipts, fn receipt -> receipt["logs"] end) do |
for log <- logs do |
for topic <- log["topics"] do |
PubSub.publish String.slice(topic, 2..-1), log["data"] |
end |
end |
end |
schedule_block() |
{:noreply, Map.merge(state, %{block_number: block_number})} |
end |
defp schedule_block() do |
Process.send_after(self(), :block, 1000) |
end |
end |
defmodule EventSubscriber do |
def start(state) do |
spawn(fn -> loop(state) end) |
end |
def loop(state) do |
receive do |
message -> |
apply(state[:callback], [message]) |
loop(state) |
end |
end |
end |
def subscribe signature, callback do |
pid = ExW3.EventSubscriber.start %{callback: callback} |
ExW3.EventPublisher.subscribe pid, ExW3.encode_event(signature) |
end |
end |