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Fork of the exw3 library. With our own additions
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
hswick f19651ef4d Added event filtering, with formatted data 7 years ago
config Small changes 7 years ago
lib Added event filtering, with formatted data 7 years ago
test Added event filtering, with formatted data 7 years ago
.gitignore Support address type 7 years ago
.travis.yml update travis yml 7 years ago
README.md Bumped version 7 years ago
exw3_logo.jpg Added image to README 7 years ago
mix.exs Small changes 7 years ago
mix.lock update mix.lock 7 years ago
travis_test.sh Added travis build 7 years ago



    def deps do
      [{:exw3, "~> 0.1.3"}]


ExW3 is a wrapper around ethereumex to provide a high level, user friendly json rpc api. It currently only supports Http. The primary feature it provides is a handy abstraction for working with smart contracts.


Ensure you have an ethereum node to connect to at the specified url in your config. An easy local testnet to use is ganache-cli:


Make sure your config includes:

config :ethereumex,
  url: "http://localhost:8545"

Currently, ExW3 supports a handful of json rpc commands. Mostly just the useful ones. If it doesn't support a specific commands you can always use the Ethereumex commands.

Check out the documentation

iex(1)> accounts = ExW3.accounts()
iex(2)> ExW3.balance(Enum.at(accounts, 0))
iex(3)> ExW3.block_number()
iex(4)> simple_storage_abi = ExW3.load_abi("test/examples/build/SimpleStorage.abi")
  "get" => %{
    "constant" => true,
    "inputs" => [],
    "name" => "get",
    "outputs" => [%{"name" => "", "type" => "uint256"}],
    "payable" => false,
    "stateMutability" => "view",
    "type" => "function"
  "set" => %{
    "constant" => false,
    "inputs" => [%{"name" => "_data", "type" => "uint256"}],
    "name" => "set",
    "outputs" => [],
    "payable" => false,
    "stateMutability" => "nonpayable",
    "type" => "function"
iex(5)> ExW3.Contract.start_link(SimpleStorage, abi: simple_storage_abi)
{:ok, #PID<0.239.0>}
iex(6)> {:ok, address} = ExW3.Contract.deploy(SimpleStorage, bin: ExW3.load_bin("test/examples/build/SimpleStorage.bin"), options: %{gas: 300000, from: Enum.at(accounts, 0)})
{:ok, "0xd99306b81bd61cb0ecdd3f2c946af513b3395088"}
iex(7)> ExW3.Contract.at(SimpleStorage, address)
iex(8)> ExW3.Contract.call(SimpleStorage, :get)
{:ok, 0}
iex(9)> ExW3.Contract.send(SimpleStorage, :set, [1], %{from: Enum.at(accounts, 0)})
{:ok, "0xb7e9cbdd2cec8ca017e675059a3af063d754496c960f156e1a41fe51ea82f3b8"}
iex(10)> ExW3.Contract.call(SimpleStorage, :get)                                
{:ok, 1}

Compiling Soldity

To compile the test solidity contracts after making a change run this command:

solc --abi --bin --overwrite -o test/examples/build test/examples/contracts/*.sol