diff --git a/testing/test.sh b/testing/test.sh
index b7b7ed6..f8d5b34 100755
--- a/testing/test.sh
+++ b/testing/test.sh
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ssh="${ssh_pass} ${ssh_cmd}"
-export packer_work_dir="${script_dir}/files/packer_work"
+export vm_work_dir="${script_dir}/files/vm-work"
export base_image_output_dir="${script_dir}/files"
@@ -27,21 +27,28 @@ export base_image_output_dir="${script_dir}/files"
archiso_build() {
msg "Building the archiso if required"
local build_archiso=0
# Check the linux-lts version last used in the archiso
msg2 "Checking for previous archiso build"
run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "cat ${script_dir}/../archiso/work/iso/arch/pkglist.x86_64.txt 2> /dev/null | grep linux-lts | grep -oP '(?<=core/linux-lts-).*$'"
if [[ ${run_cmd_return} -ne 0 ]]; then
- build_archiso=1
- elif [[ "$(find ${packer_work_dir} -maxdepth 1 -name 'archlinux*.iso' -print -quit &> /dev/null; echo $?)" -eq 1 ]]; then
- msg2 "archzfs archiso does not exist!"
+ msg2 "Building the archiso!"
- # Make sure the archiso packages in the archiso are the current version
- debug "current_archiso_lts_vers: ${current_archiso_lts_vers}"
- if ! check_webpage "https://www.archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/linux-lts/" "(?<=
linux-lts )[\d\.-]+(?=
)" "${current_archiso_lts_vers}"; then
- debug "Setting build_archiso to 1"
+ msg2 "Checking for archiso image"
+ run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "find ${vm_work_dir} -maxdepth 1 -name 'archlinux*.iso' -print | grep -q archlinux"
+ if [[ ${run_cmd_return} -eq 1 ]]; then
+ msg2 "archzfs archiso does not exist!"
+ else
+ # Make sure the archiso packages in the archiso are the current version
+ debug "current_archiso_lts_vers: ${current_archiso_lts_vers}"
+ if ! check_webpage "https://www.archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/linux-lts/" "(?<=linux-lts )[\d\.-]+(?=
)" "${current_archiso_lts_vers}"; then
+ msg2 "Building the archiso!"
+ build_archiso=1
+ fi
@@ -59,18 +66,18 @@ archiso_build() {
# Delete the working directories since we are out-of-date
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "rm -rf ${script_dir}/../archiso/out ${script_dir}/../archiso/work ${packer_work_dir}/*.iso"
+ run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "rm -rf ${script_dir}/../archiso/out ${script_dir}/../archiso/work ${vm_work_dir}/*.iso"
- cd ${packer_work_dir}
+ cd ${vm_work_dir}
source_safe "${test_mode}/conf.sh" && source_safe "${test_mode}/archiso.sh" && test_build_archiso
- cd -
+ cd - &> /dev/null
archiso_init_vars() {
- export archiso_iso_name=$(find ${packer_work_dir}/ -iname "archlinux*.iso" | xargs basename 2> /dev/null )
- export archiso_sha=$(sha1sum ${packer_work_dir}/${archiso_iso_name} 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $1 }')
- export archiso_url="${packer_work_dir}/${archiso_iso_name}"
+ export archiso_iso_name=$(find ${vm_work_dir}/ -iname "archlinux*.iso" | xargs basename 2> /dev/null )
+ export archiso_sha=$(sha1sum ${vm_work_dir}/${archiso_iso_name} 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ export archiso_url="${vm_work_dir}/${archiso_iso_name}"
debug "archiso_iso_name=${archiso_iso_name}"
debug "archiso_sha=${archiso_sha}"
debug "archiso_url=${archiso_url}"
@@ -101,15 +108,6 @@ usage() {
echo " -h: Show help information."
echo " -n: Dryrun; Output commands, but don't do anything."
echo " -d: Show debug info."
- # echo " -R: Re-use existing archzfs test packages."
- # echo
- # echo "Modes:"
- # echo
- # for ml in "${mode_list[@]}"; do
- # mn=$(echo ${ml} | cut -f2 -d:)
- # md=$(echo ${ml} | cut -f3 -d:)
- # echo -e " ${mn} ${md}"
- # done
echo "Commands:"
@@ -125,9 +123,6 @@ generate_test_commands_list
debug_print_array "test_commands_list" "${test_commands_list[@]}"
-# generate_mode_list "${script_dir}/../src/kernels"
for (( a = 0; a < $#; a++ )); do
# if [[ ${args[$a]} == "-R" ]]; then
# commands+=("reuse")
@@ -174,68 +169,68 @@ if [[ "${test_mode}" != "" ]]; then
msg "Building arch base image"
- if [[ ! -d "${packer_work_dir}" ]]; then
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "mkdir -p ${packer_work_dir}"
+ if [[ ! -d "${vm_work_dir}" ]]; then
+ run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "mkdir -p ${vm_work_dir}"
- if [[ -d "${packer_work_dir}/output-qemu" ]]; then
- msg2 "Deleting '${packer_work_dir}/output-qemu' because it should not exist"
- run_cmd_no_dry_run "rm -rf ${packer_work_dir}/output-qemu"
- fi
+ # if [[ -d "${vm_work_dir}/output-qemu" ]]; then
+ # msg2 "Deleting '${vm_work_dir}/output-qemu' because it should not exist"
+ # run_cmd_no_dry_run "rm -rf ${vm_work_dir}/output-qemu"
+ # fi
- if [[ ! -d "${packer_work_dir}" ]]; then
- msg2 "Creating '${packer_work_dir}' because it does not exist"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "mkdir ${packer_work_dir}"
- fi
+ # if [[ ! -d "${vm_work_dir}" ]]; then
+ # msg2 "Creating '${vm_work_dir}' because it does not exist"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "mkdir ${vm_work_dir}"
+ # fi
# Clear out everything except packer_cache and the archiso
- run_cmd_no_dry_run "find ${packer_work_dir} -mindepth 1 ! -iname 'mirrorlist' ! -iname 'archlinux*.iso' ! -iname 'packer_cache' -exec rm -rf {} \;"
+ # run_cmd_no_dry_run "find ${vm_work_dir} -mindepth 1 ! -iname 'mirrorlist' ! -iname 'archlinux*.iso' ! -iname 'packer_cache' -exec rm -rf {} \;"
- if [[ ! -f "${packer_work_dir}/mirrorlist" ]]; then
+ if [[ ! -f "${vm_work_dir}/mirrorlist" ]]; then
msg2 "Generating pacman mirrorlist"
- run_cmd_no_dry_run "/usr/bin/reflector -c US -l 5 -f 5 --sort rate 2>&1 > ${packer_work_dir}/mirrorlist"
+ run_cmd_no_dry_run "/usr/bin/reflector -c US -l 5 -f 5 --sort rate 2>&1 > ${vm_work_dir}/mirrorlist && cat ${vm_work_dir}/mirrorlist"
- msg2 "Using packer to build the base image ..."
- # Base files
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packages' '${packer_work_dir}/packages'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packer.json' '${packer_work_dir}/packer.json'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/setup.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/setup.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/../lib.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/lib.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/../conf.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/archzfs-conf.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/files/poweroff.timer' '${packer_work_dir}/poweroff.timer'"
- # Test files
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/archiso.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/test-archiso.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/boot.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/test-boot.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/chroot.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/test-chroot.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/conf.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/test-conf.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/fs.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/test-fs.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/hooks.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/test-hooks.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/pacman.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/test-pacman.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/config.sh' '${packer_work_dir}/test-config.sh'"
- run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/syslinux.cfg' '${packer_work_dir}/syslinux.cfg'"
- # Make it easy to get the files into the archiso environment
- run_cmd_no_dry_run "tar --exclude='*.iso' --exclude=packer_cache --exclude=b.tar -C ${packer_work_dir} -cvhf ${packer_work_dir}/b.tar ."
+ # msg2 "Using packer to build the base image ..."
+ # # Base files
+ run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packages' '${vm_work_dir}/packages'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packer.json' '${vm_work_dir}/packer.json'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/setup.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/setup.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/../lib.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/lib.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/../conf.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/archzfs-conf.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/files/poweroff.timer' '${vm_work_dir}/poweroff.timer'"
+ # # Test files
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/archiso.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-archiso.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/boot.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-boot.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/chroot.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-chroot.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/conf.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-conf.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/fs.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-fs.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/hooks.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-hooks.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/pacman.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-pacman.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/config.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-config.sh'"
+ # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/syslinux.cfg' '${vm_work_dir}/syslinux.cfg'"
+ # # Make it easy to get the files into the archiso environment
+ # run_cmd_no_dry_run "tar --exclude='*.iso' --exclude=packer_cache --exclude=b.tar -C ${vm_work_dir} -cvhf ${vm_work_dir}/b.tar ."
# Uncomment to enable packer debug
- export PACKER_LOG=1
- export PACKER_CACHE_DIR="${packer_work_dir}/packer_cache"
+ # export PACKER_LOG=1
+ # export PACKER_CACHE_DIR="${vm_work_dir}/packer_cache"
- # run_cmd "cd ${packer_work_dir} && packer-io build -debug packer.json"
- run_cmd "cd ${packer_work_dir} && packer-io build packer.json"
+ # run_cmd "cd ${vm_work_dir} && packer-io build -debug packer.json"
+ # run_cmd "cd ${vm_work_dir} && packer-io build packer.json"
# msg "Moving the compiled base image"
# run_cmd "mv -f ${base_image_output_dir}/output-qemu/packer-qemu ${base_image_path}"
msg "Resetting ownership"
- run_cmd "chown -R ${makepkg_nonpriv_user}: '${packer_work_dir}'"
+ run_cmd "chown -R ${makepkg_nonpriv_user}: '${vm_work_dir}'"
diff --git a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packer.json b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packer.json
index d73d54c..d7fad9f 100755
--- a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packer.json
+++ b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packer.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"variables": {
- "http_dir": "{{env `packer_work_dir`}}",
+ "http_dir": "{{env `vm_work_dir`}}",
"iso_url": "{{env `archiso_url`}}",
"iso_checksum": "{{env `archiso_sha`}}",
"iso_checksum_type": "sha1",
diff --git a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-lts-git-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-lts-git-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
index e19ac43..f86ae00 100644
--- a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-lts-git-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
+++ b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-lts-git-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
test_build_archiso() {
msg "Building archiso"
cd ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/ &> /dev/null
- if [[ -d ${packer_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ -d ${vm_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
run_cmd "rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/out/archlinux*"
run_cmd "./build.sh -v"
- msg2 "Copying archiso to packer_work_dir"
- run_cmd "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${packer_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
+ msg2 "Copying archiso to vm_work_dir"
+ run_cmd "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${vm_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
cd - &> /dev/null
diff --git a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-lts-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-lts-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
index 505e597..e081189 100644
--- a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-lts-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
+++ b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-lts-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
test_build_archiso() {
msg "Building archiso"
cd ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/ &> /dev/null
- if [[ -d ${packer_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ -d ${vm_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
run_cmd_no_dry_run "rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/out/archlinux*"
run_cmd_no_dry_run "./build.sh -v"
- msg2 "Copying archiso to packer_work_dir"
- run_cmd_no_dry_run "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${packer_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
+ msg2 "Copying archiso to vm_work_dir"
+ run_cmd_no_dry_run "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${vm_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
cd - &> /dev/null
diff --git a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-git-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-git-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
index e19ac43..f86ae00 100644
--- a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-git-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
+++ b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-git-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
test_build_archiso() {
msg "Building archiso"
cd ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/ &> /dev/null
- if [[ -d ${packer_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ -d ${vm_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
run_cmd "rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/out/archlinux*"
run_cmd "./build.sh -v"
- msg2 "Copying archiso to packer_work_dir"
- run_cmd "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${packer_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
+ msg2 "Copying archiso to vm_work_dir"
+ run_cmd "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${vm_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
cd - &> /dev/null
diff --git a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
index e19ac43..f86ae00 100644
--- a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
+++ b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-test-00-bootfs/archiso.sh
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
test_build_archiso() {
msg "Building archiso"
cd ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/ &> /dev/null
- if [[ -d ${packer_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ -d ${vm_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
run_cmd "rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/out/archlinux*"
run_cmd "./build.sh -v"
- msg2 "Copying archiso to packer_work_dir"
- run_cmd "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${packer_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
+ msg2 "Copying archiso to vm_work_dir"
+ run_cmd "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${vm_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
cd - &> /dev/null
diff --git a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-test-00-default/archiso.sh b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-test-00-default/archiso.sh
index 6a06cd9..d3f8078 100644
--- a/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-test-00-default/archiso.sh
+++ b/testing/tests/archzfs-qemu-std-test-00-default/archiso.sh
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
test_build_archiso() {
msg "Building archiso"
cd ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/ &> /dev/null
- if [[ -d ${packer_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ -d ${vm_work_dir}/out ]] && [[ $(ls -1 | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then
run_cmd "rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/out/archlinux*"
run_cmd "./build.sh -v"
- msg2 "Copying archiso to packer_work_dir"
- run_cmd "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${packer_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
+ msg2 "Copying archiso to vm_work_dir"
+ run_cmd "cp ${test_root_dir}/../../../archiso/out/archlinux* ${vm_work_dir} && rm -rf ${test_root_dir}/archiso/work"
cd - &> /dev/null