..important:: The database path for the archzfs repository has moved. It is now
located at "http://demizerone.com/$repo/core/$arch"! Please
update the server lines in your pacman.conf as necessary. This
change was necessary to add support for a testing repository.
..important:: The archzfs packages are now hosed in the demz-repo-core
repository and is located at
"http://demizerone.com/$repo/$arch". Please update the server
lines in your pacman.conf as necessary.
This is the official web page of the Arch ZFS kernel module packages for native
ZFS on Linux. Here you can find pacman package sources and pre-built x86_64 and
@ -49,8 +48,8 @@ To start, add the server information to `/etc/pacman.conf`,
..code-block:: bash
Server = http://demizerone.com/$repo/core/$arch
[demz-repo-core] # For zfs packages
Server = http://demizerone.com/$repo/$arch
Both the database and the packages are signed, so you will have to add the
signing key to pacman's trusted key list:
@ -87,9 +86,8 @@ It is possible to use ZFS with the official Arch Linux testing repository.
..code-block:: bash
Server = http://demizerone.com/$nepo/core/$arch
Server = http://demizerone.com/$repo/testing/$arch
[demz-repo-testing] # For zfs packages
Server = http://demizerone.com/$repo/$arch
ZFS support for archiso
@ -102,8 +100,8 @@ the server information to pacman.conf:
..code-block:: bash
Server = http://demizerone.com/$repo/archiso/$arch
Server = http://demizerone.com/$repo/$arch
Signing key for archzfs
@ -161,46 +159,6 @@ This is the procedure the ZFS package maintainer should use to update the ZFS
package versions on the development host. This could be provoked by a new ZFS
release version or a kernel update.
Unmount all zfs pools
..code-block:: console
# systemctl stop zfs
If there is a problem unmounting the drive, such as "target is busy", you can
see what process is using the mount by using fuser.
..code-block:: console
# fuser /mnt/data
# sudo fuser -v /mnt/data
/mnt/data: root kernel mount /mnt/data
This directory is exported by nfs, so we'll have to stop the nfs server before
..code-block:: console
# systemctl stop nfsd
Remove the old ZFS version
..code-block:: console
# pacman -R archzfs
Perform pacman update and restart
..code-block:: console
# pacman -Syu
# systemctl restart
Create a new branch in git (optional)
@ -209,40 +167,23 @@ project and the Linux Kernel version it will target.
..code-block:: console
$ git checkout -b zfs-0.6.0-rc13-linux-3.7.X
$ git checkout -b zfs-0.6.1_3.7.X
This branch has 'X' as the last revision number because when a minor point
release kernel is released, such as 3.7, it can take a while for it to move
into the [core] repository. The 3.7 kernel can remain in testing for multiple
Update the ZFS PKGBUILDs
1. Update ``pkgrel``.
This step is only necessary if the upstream ZFS version has changed. If this
is the case, the ``pkgrel`` should also be changed to ``1``.
#. Change the kernel versions to the targeted kernel version.
DON'T forget to update the version information for depmod in the spl.install
and zfs.install files! If forgotten, this will report errors after
installation and lead to the kernel modules not loading properly.
#. It is not necessary to update the packages sums as the pbldr build tool does
that automatically.
Building the packages
Building the packages requires that the devtools_ package be installed. This
section assumes the host system is of x86_64 architecture.
The pbldr tool builds i686 and x86_64 packages in a clean chroot environment.
This method requires 5-10GB of space and some setup time in order to work
properly. The size is largely determined by the number of chroots you have. On
my system I have four copies and two root copies, totaling 13GB.
update.sh builds i686 and x86_64 packages in a clean chroot environment. This
method requires 5-10GB of space and some setup time in order to work properly.
The size is largely determined by the number of chroots you have. On my system
I have four copies and two root copies, totaling 13GB.
Creating the chroot environment
@ -320,41 +261,25 @@ is the same method used to install new packages in the root copy.
Build the packages
To build all the packages in devsrc, simply use,
The specially made update script will automatically replace the version string
with the new one and also add the built packages to the repo. To change the
paths of the script, edit it and update the variables.
..code-block:: console
# pbldr build -c
# ./update.sh -k 3.8.8 -p 2 -t core
To only build spl and spl-utils, use
This command will build i686 and x86_64 packages in a clean chroot copy.
..code-block:: console
# pbldr -p spl build -p spl-utils -c
This command will build i686 and x86_64 packages in a clean chroot copy. In
this case /opt/chroot/i686/zfs32 for 32bit.
The built packages are output to ./stage/spl-<version>/\*. Inspect them in the
usual manner, namcap, pacman -Qi/-Ql, and so on. Once it is determined they are
ready to be added to the repository, use the following command:
Once the packages are added to the repo, sync the databases using pacman and
update or install archzfs.
..code-block:: console
$ pbldr repo
Or, in the case of building packages for the archiso, you can use,
..code-block:: console
$ pbldr repo -t archiso
The packages are added to the repository and now the entire project directory
can be rsync'd to a web host for hosting.
# pacman -Sy archzfs
Start the ZFS service
This step is not necessary if you are using ZFS as root.
@ -365,106 +290,30 @@ This step is not necessary if you are using ZFS as root.
# systemctl start zfs
Commit changes to git
Add PKGBUILD.py and archzfs/ to the index and commit the changes with
..code-block:: console
$ git commit -m "Update to ZFS version 0.6.0-rc13-1 and linux-3.7.2"
$ git commit -m "Update core to 0.6.1_3.8.8-2"
..note:: "-1" at the end of the ZFS version is the pkgrel.
..note:: "-2" at the end of the ZFS version is the pkgrel.
Update the webpage
Open the command terminal and cd to the webpage repository powered by Pelican.
Use make to generate the updated website:
..code-block:: console
$ make publish
then push the changes with rsync,
The webpage is a simple restructured text file. To regenerate it, I use a
script that also pushes the repository to the website.
..code-block:: console
$ ./push_archzfs.sh -n
$ ./push_demz_repos -n
'-n' is used to verify the files being pushed are correct. Once that is done,
re-use the command without the dry-run argument.
.._Patching ZFS:
Creating a patch for ZFS
On some occasions, a new kernel version is pushed to the [core] repository
that the latest ZFS on Linux release does not build against. The biggest
problem with this is that the master branch of the ZFS on Linux repository
already contains the required build fixes, but the next release could be weeks
away, causing the packages in AUR to be flagged out of date for that period of
The goal of this section is to document the procedure for creating a patch to
bring the release version up-to-date with the latest kernel so that the AUR
packages do not remain out of date. Otherwise, the user would have to
un-install the current AUR packages and install special 'zfs-git' packages
until the next ZFS on Linux release is made and then switch back to the
standard ZFS AUR packages.
..note:: The ZFS and SPL projects track each other. If either package requires
a patch, then both projects should be patched. Each project is split
into two packages for Arch Linux so the patch must be applied to both
packages for each project.
..code-block:: console
$ git clone https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs.git
Once the repository is cloned, create a branch.
..code-block:: console
$ git checkout -b archzfs_patch
Revert the head to the last release.
..code-block:: console
$ git reset --hard <commit>
Merge the master branch into the archzfs_patch branch.
..code-block:: console
$ git merge --squash master
Finally, generate the new patch.
..code-block:: console
$ git diff --cached > ../linux-3.7.patch
Anouncment template
ZFS core update
Pre-compiled packages are available for those that are using ZFS as root, want to do maintenance from an Archiso, or just don't want to deal with doing their own update management. They are available at http://demizerone.com/archzfs
ZFS testing update
Information about using the archzfs testing repository can be found at http://demizerone.com/archzfs, or you can use the following server line in your pacman.conf:
If you want want the PKGBUILDs, download them from here: http://demizerone.com/archzfs/testing/sources/
The script can be found here: https://github.com/demizer/binfiles/blob/master/push_demz_repos.sh