# Fully qualified path for build root. # This should not use a variable like $HOME. If your machine has lots # of memory, consider locating this to tmpfs to avoid usage to the disk and # to minimize access times but know that unless you copy the contents to # physical media, it will not survive a reboot. See the manpage for tips. CHROOTPATH64="/scratch/.buildroot" # Number of threads makepkg in the clean chroot will use when building. # The typical rule is physical cores + 1. THREADS=9 # Optionally uncomment and define a custom pacman.conf and/or a custom # makepkg.conf for the buildroot using a fully qualified path below. # Leaving these two undefined to use the system files. #CUSTOM_PACMAN_CONF='/usr/share/devtools/pacman.conf.d/extra-testing.conf' #CUSTOM_MAKEPKG_CONF='/usr/share/devtools/makepkg.conf.d/x86_64.conf' # Optionally uncomment and define a custom location and name for the local chroot # package repo. #REPO="/src/repo" REPO_NAME="chroot_local" # Optionally uncomment to pass the --nocheck flag to the build which will skip # the check function in the PKGBUILD is it is present. #NOCHECK=1 # Optionally define the format of compression for compiled packages. Leave this # undefined to use the Arch default. PKGEXT= # If set, the value defined will be used in the buildroot's packages. PACKAGER="ArchZFS Project (https://github.com/archzfs)" # Set this variable to anything if you want to run namcap on the built package. RUNNAMCAP= # Set this to anything if you want makepkg to build using distcc for faster # compilation. You must have distcc nodes properly configured on volunteers # you define below. It does NOT need to be running on the native environment. # # Alternatively, you can invoke ccm with the 'cd' flag to create the chroot # with distcc enabled rather than editing this value. # # For more on distcc, see: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Distcc RUNDISTCC= # This is only needed for users planning to build with distcc. Take care to # include the localhost plus all volunteers you define below. As a rule of thumb, # set to about twice the total number of available server CPUs. See the distcc # man page for more info. DISTCC_THREADS= # Define all machines in the distcc cluster below using the distcc syntax of: # "hostname/threads" and remember to list localhost/n first, followed by your # volunteer nodes listed in decreasing order of CPU power. Additional supported # options are passed through, see the manpage for distcc. # # In my experience, one sees best results using twice the number of physical # cores on the volunteer machines. In the example below foo is a quad and bar # is a dual. #DISTCC_HOSTS="localhost/9 foo/8 bar/4" # To build with ccache in the buildroot, uncomment and define the directory where # ccache will store its data below. If you're using a custom makepkg.conf # (see below), you MUST enable ccache that file in addition to defining the path # below. For more info about ccache, see: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ccache # #CCACHE_DIR="/scratch/.ccache" CUSTOM_PACMAN_CONF="/usr/share/devtools/pacman.conf.d/extra.conf"