#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # Dependencies: jq, curl, bash, rsync # Config settings OUTDIR='./repo' TMPDIR='./repo-tmp' # End of config settings rm -rf "${TMPDIR}" mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}" "${TMPDIR}" # TODO: Update to use the upstream repository RELEASE_INFO="$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/archzfs/archzfs/releases/experimental)" readarray -t FILE_INFO < <(echo "${RELEASE_INFO}" | jq '.assets | map(.browser_download_url + "|" + .updated_at) | join("\n")' -r) for info in "${FILE_INFO[@]}"; do url="${info%|*}" tmp_filename="${TMPDIR}/$(basename "${url}")" filename="${OUTDIR}/$(basename "${url}")" updated_at_str="${info#*|}" updated_at="$(date '+%s' --date "${updated_at_str}")" # Calculate old file modified time current_at='0' if [ -f "${filename}" ]; then current_at="$(date '+%s' -r "${filename}")" fi # Either download or copy pre-existing file if [ "${updated_at}" -ne "${current_at}" ]; then echo "Downloading ${filename}" curl -L -o "${tmp_filename}" "${url}" touch -h -d "${updated_at_str}" "${tmp_filename}" else echo "Skipping ${filename}" cp -p "${filename}" "${tmp_filename}" fi done rsync --delete -av "${TMPDIR}/" "${OUTDIR}/"