#!/bin/bash # # repo.sh adds the archzfs packages to the archzfs repository or archzfs-testing repository # args=("$@") script_name=$(basename $0) script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" repo_name="" # The destination repo for the packages package_list=() # A list of packages to add. Array items are in the form of "name;pkg.tar.xz;repo_path". package_src_list=() # A list of package sources to move package_exist_list=() haz_error=0 if ! source ${script_dir}/lib.sh; then echo "!! ERROR !! -- Could not load lib.sh!" exit 155 fi source_safe "${script_dir}/conf.sh" usage() { echo "${script_name} - Adds the compiled packages to the archzfs repo." echo echo "Usage: ${script_name} [options] (mode) (repo)" echo echo "Options:" echo echo " -h: Show help information." echo " -n: Dryrun; Output commands, but don't do anything." echo " -d: Show debug info." echo echo "Modes:" echo for ml in "${mode_list[@]}"; do mn=$(echo ${ml} | cut -f2 -d:) md=$(echo ${ml} | cut -f3 -d:) echo -e " ${mn} ${md}" done echo echo "Repository target:" echo echo " azfs Use the archzfs repo. Used by default." echo " test Use the archzfs-testing repo." echo echo "Example Usage:" echo echo " ${script_name} lts azfs -n -d :: Show output commands and debug info." exit 155 } generate_mode_list if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then usage fi for (( a = 0; a < $#; a++ )); do if [[ ${args[$a]} == "azfs" ]]; then repo_name="archzfs" elif [[ ${args[$a]} == "test" ]]; then repo_name="archzfs-testing" elif [[ ${args[$a]} == "-n" ]]; then dry_run=1 elif [[ ${args[$a]} == "-d" ]]; then debug_flag=1 elif [[ ${args[$a]} == "-h" ]]; then usage else check_mode "${args[$a]}" debug "have mode '${mode}'" fi done if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then usage fi if [[ ${mode} == "" ]]; then echo error "A mode must be selected!" usage fi if [[ ${repo_name} == "" ]]; then error "No destination repo specified!" exit 155 fi repo_package_list() { msg "Generating a list of packages to add..." debug_print_array "pkg_list" "${pkg_list[@]}" package_list=() local pkgs=() # Get packages from the backup directory path="packages/${kernel_name}/{$(printf '%s,' ${pkg_list[@]} | cut -d ',' -f 1-${#pkg_list[@]})}/" run_cmd_show_and_capture_output_no_dry_run "find ${path} -iname '*${kernel_version_full_pkgver}*.pkg.tar.xz'" for pkg in ${run_cmd_output}; do pkgs+=(${pkg}) done for pkg in ${pkgs[@]}; do arch=$(package_arch_from_path ${pkg}) name=$(package_name_from_path ${pkg}) vers=$(package_version_from_path ${pkg}) # Version match check: arch: x86_64 name: spl-utils-linux-git vers: 0.7.0_rc1_r0_g4fd75d3_4.7.2_1-4 vers_match:*4.7.2_1-4 debug "spl_pkgver: ${spl_pkgver}" debug "zfs_pkgver: ${zfs_pkgver}" if [[ ${pkg} =~ .*spl-.* ]]; then match="${spl_pkgver}-${spl_pkgrel}" elif [[ ${pkg} =~ .*zfs-.* ]]; then match="${zfs_pkgver}-${zfs_pkgrel}" fi debug "Version match check: arch: ${arch} name: ${name} vers: ${vers} vers_match: ${match}" if ! [[ ${vers} =~ ^${match} ]] ; then debug "Version mismatch!" if [[ ${name} =~ .*-git ]]; then error "Attempting to add Git packages that are out of date!" error "package version from filesystem: ${vers}" error "calculated version from git: ${match}" haz_error=1 if [[ ${dry_run} -ne 1 ]]; then exit 1 fi fi continue fi debug "Using: pkgname: ${name} pkgver: ${vers} pkgpath: ${pkg} pkgdest: ${repo_target}/${arch}" package_list+=("${name};${vers};${pkg};${repo_target}/${arch}") package_src_list+=("packages/${kernel_name}/${name}/${name}-${vers}.src.tar.gz") done debug_print_array "package_list" ${package_list[@]} } repo_package_backup() { msg "Getting a list of packages to backup..." local pkgs=() for pkg in ${pkg_list[@]}; do local o="" if [[ ${#pkgs[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then local o="-o" fi pkgs+=("${o} -iname '*${pkg}-[0-9]*.pkg.tar.xz'") done run_cmd_show_and_capture_output_no_dry_run "find ${repo_target} -type f ${pkgs[@]}" for x in ${run_cmd_output}; do ename=$(package_name_from_path ${x}) evers=$(package_version_from_path ${x}) debug "repo_package_backup: evers: ${evers}" debug "repo_package_backup: kernel_vers: ${kernel_version_full_pkgver}" # Ignore current packages if they exist if [[ ${evers} == *"${kernel_version_full_pkgver}-${spl_pkgrel}"* ]] || \ [[ ${evers} == *"${kernel_version_full_pkgver}-${zfs_pkgrel}"* ]]; then debug "repo_package_backup: Ignoring package '${x}'" continue fi # asterisk globs the package signature epkg="${repo_target}/x86_64/${ename}-${evers}*" debug "repo_package_backup epkg: ${epkg}" package_exist_list+=("${epkg}") done if [[ ${#package_exist_list[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then msg2 "No packages found for backup." return fi debug_print_array "package_exist_list" "${package_exist_list[@]}" msg "Backing up existing packages..." run_cmd "mv ${package_exist_list[@]} ${package_backup_dir}/" } repo_add() { if [[ ${#package_list[@]} == 0 ]]; then error "No packages to process!" exit 1 fi debug_print_array "package_list" ${#package_list} local pkg_cp_list=() local pkg_add_list=() local dest="" local arch="x86_64" for ipkg in ${package_list[@]}; do IFS=';' read -a pkgopt <<< "${ipkg}" name="${pkgopt[0]}" vers="${pkgopt[1]}" pkgp="${pkgopt[2]}" dest="${pkgopt[3]}" msg2 "Processing package ${name}-${vers} to ${dest}" [[ ! -d ${dest} ]] && run_cmd "mkdir -p ${dest}" debug "name: ${name} vers: ${vers} pkgp: ${pkgp} dest: ${dest}" pkg_cp_list+=("${pkgp}") pkg_cp_list+=("${pkgp}.sig") bname=$(basename ${pkgp}) pkg_add_list+=("${dest}/${bname}") done debug_print_array "pkg_cp_list" "${pkg_cp_list[@]}" debug_print_array "pkg_add_list" "${pkg_add_list[@]}" msg "Copying the new ${arch} packages to the repo..." run_cmd "cp -fv ${pkg_cp_list[@]} ${package_src_list[@]} ${repo_target}/${arch}/" if [[ ${run_cmd_return} -ne 0 ]]; then error "An error occurred copying the packages to the repo!" exit 1 fi run_cmd "repo-add -k ${gpg_sign_key} -s -v ${repo_target}/${arch}/${repo_name}.db.tar.xz ${pkg_add_list[@]}" if [[ ${run_cmd_return} -ne 0 ]]; then error "An error occurred adding the package to the repo!" exit 1 fi } msg "$(date) :: ${script_name} started..." # The abs path to the repo repo_target=${repo_basepath}/${repo_name} get_kernel_update_funcs debug_print_default_vars debug "repo_name: ${repo_name}" debug "repo_target: ${repo_target}" source_safe "src/kernels/${kernel_name}.sh" export zfs_pkgver="" export spl_pkgver="" for func in ${update_funcs[@]}; do debug "Evaluating '${func}'" if [[ ${func} =~ .*_git_.* ]]; then # Update the local zfs/spl git repositories, this will change the calculated pkgver version of the PKGBUILD. commands+=("update") fi "${func}" repo_package_list repo_package_backup repo_add done if [[ ${haz_error} -ne 0 ]]; then warning "An error has been detected! Inspect output above closely..." fi