#!/bin/bash args=("$@") script_name=$(basename $0) script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" if ! source ${script_dir}/../lib.sh; then echo "!! ERROR !! -- Could not load lib.sh!" exit 155 fi source_safe "${script_dir}/../conf.sh" ssh_cmd="/usr/sbin/ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=3 -p 2222" ssh_pass="sshpass -p azfstest" ssh="${ssh_pass} ${ssh_cmd}" test_pkg_workdir="archzfs" export vm_work_dir="${script_dir}/files/vm-work" export base_image_output_dir="${script_dir}/files" # Build the archiso with linux-lts if needed archiso_build() { msg "Building the archiso if required" local build_archiso=0 # Check the linux-lts version last used in the archiso msg2 "Checking for previous archiso build" run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "cat ${script_dir}/../archiso/work/iso/arch/pkglist.x86_64.txt 2> /dev/null | grep linux-lts | grep -oP '(?<=core/linux-lts-).*$'" if [[ ${run_cmd_return} -ne 0 ]]; then msg2 "Building the archiso!" build_archiso=1 else current_archiso_lts_vers="${run_cmd_output}" msg2 "Checking for archiso image" run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "find ${vm_work_dir} -maxdepth 1 -name 'archlinux*.iso' -print | grep -q archlinux" if [[ ${run_cmd_return} -eq 1 ]]; then msg2 "archzfs archiso does not exist!" build_archiso=1 else # Make sure the archiso packages in the archiso are the current version debug "current_archiso_lts_vers: ${current_archiso_lts_vers}" if ! check_webpage "https://www.archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/linux-lts/" "(?<=

linux-lts )[\d\.-]+(?=

)" "${current_archiso_lts_vers}"; then msg2 "Building the archiso!" build_archiso=1 fi fi fi if [[ ${build_archiso} -eq 0 ]]; then msg2 "archiso is up-to-date!" return fi # Ensure no mounts exist in archiso output directories, exit if mounts are detected run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "mount | grep airootfs" if [[ ${run_cmd_return} -eq 0 ]]; then error "airootfs bind mounds detected! Please unmount before continuing!" exit 1 fi # Delete the working directories since we are out-of-date run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "rm -rf ${script_dir}/../archiso/out ${script_dir}/../archiso/work ${vm_work_dir}/*.iso" cd ${vm_work_dir} source_safe "${test_mode}/conf.sh" && source_safe "${test_mode}/archiso.sh" && test_build_archiso cd - &> /dev/null } archiso_init_vars() { export archiso_iso_name=$(find ${vm_work_dir}/ -iname "archlinux*.iso" | xargs basename 2> /dev/null ) export archiso_sha=$(sha1sum ${vm_work_dir}/${archiso_iso_name} 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $1 }') export archiso_url="${vm_work_dir}/${archiso_iso_name}" debug "archiso_iso_name=${archiso_iso_name}" debug "archiso_sha=${archiso_sha}" debug "archiso_url=${archiso_url}" } base_image_name() { export base_image_basename="$(basename ${test_mode})-archiso-${archiso_iso_name:10:-4}" debug "base_image_basename=${base_image_basename}" run_cmd_output=$(find ${script_dir} -iname "*$(basename ${test_mode})-*" -printf "%P\\n" | sort -r | head -n 1) if [[ ${run_cmd_output} == "" ]]; then export base_image_name="${base_image_basename}-build-$(date +%Y.%m.%d).qcow2" else export base_image_name="${run_cmd_output}" fi export base_image_path="${script_dir}/${base_image_name}" export work_image_randname="${base_image_name%.qcow2}_${RANDOM}.qcow2" } usage() { echo "${script_name} - A test script for archzfs" echo echo "Usage: ${script_name} [options] [mode] [command [command option] [...]" echo echo "Options:" echo echo " -h: Show help information." echo " -n: Dryrun; Output commands, but don't do anything." echo " -d: Show debug info." echo echo "Commands:" echo for ml in "${test_commands_list[@]}"; do mn=$(basename ${ml}) echo -e " ${mn#archzfs-qemu-}" done exit 155 } generate_test_commands_list debug_print_array "test_commands_list" "${test_commands_list[@]}" for (( a = 0; a < $#; a++ )); do # if [[ ${args[$a]} == "-R" ]]; then # commands+=("reuse") if [[ ${args[$a]} == "-n" ]]; then dry_run=1 elif [[ ${args[$a]} == "-d" ]]; then debug_flag=1 elif [[ ${args[$a]} == "-h" ]]; then usage else check_test_mode "${args[$a]}" debug "have mode '${mode}'" debug "have test mode '${test_mode}'" fi done if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then usage fi if [[ ${test_mode} == "" ]]; then echo error "A test command must be selected!" usage fi # Check for internet (thanks Comcast!) if ! check_internet; then error "Could not reach google dns server! (No internet?)" exit 155 fi if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]]; then error "This script must be run as root." exit 155; fi if [[ "${test_mode}" != "" ]]; then msg "Building arch base image" if [[ ! -d "${vm_work_dir}" ]]; then run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "mkdir -p ${vm_work_dir}" fi # if [[ -d "${vm_work_dir}/output-qemu" ]]; then # msg2 "Deleting '${vm_work_dir}/output-qemu' because it should not exist" # run_cmd_no_dry_run "rm -rf ${vm_work_dir}/output-qemu" # fi # if [[ ! -d "${vm_work_dir}" ]]; then # msg2 "Creating '${vm_work_dir}' because it does not exist" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "mkdir ${vm_work_dir}" # fi # Clear out everything except packer_cache and the archiso # run_cmd_no_dry_run "find ${vm_work_dir} -mindepth 1 ! -iname 'mirrorlist' ! -iname 'archlinux*.iso' ! -iname 'packer_cache' -exec rm -rf {} \;" if [[ ! -f "${vm_work_dir}/mirrorlist" ]]; then msg2 "Generating pacman mirrorlist" run_cmd_no_dry_run "/usr/bin/reflector -c US -l 5 -f 5 --sort rate 2>&1 > ${vm_work_dir}/mirrorlist && cat ${vm_work_dir}/mirrorlist" fi # msg2 "Using packer to build the base image ..." # # Base files run_cmd_no_dry_run "cp -vf '${ssh_public_key_file}' '${script_dir}/../archiso/airootfs/root/sshpubkey'" run_cmd_no_dry_run "cp -vf '${script_dir}/files/25-wired.network' '${script_dir}/../archiso/airootfs/root/25-wired.network'" run_cmd_no_dry_run "sed -i 's/\\(Address=\\)$/\\1${azfstest_static_ip}/' '${script_dir}/../archiso/airootfs/root/25-wired.network'" run_cmd_no_dry_run "sed -i 's/\\(Gateway=\\)$/\\1${azfstest_gateway}/' '${script_dir}/../archiso/airootfs/root/25-wired.network'" run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packages' '${vm_work_dir}/packages'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/packer.json' '${vm_work_dir}/packer.json'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/tests/archzfs-qemu-base/setup.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/setup.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/../lib.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/lib.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/../conf.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/archzfs-conf.sh'" run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${script_dir}/files/poweroff.timer' '${vm_work_dir}/poweroff.timer'" # # Test files # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/archiso.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-archiso.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/boot.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-boot.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/chroot.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-chroot.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/conf.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-conf.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/fs.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-fs.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/hooks.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-hooks.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/pacman.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-pacman.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/config.sh' '${vm_work_dir}/test-config.sh'" # run_cmd_no_output_no_dry_run "check_symlink '${test_mode}/syslinux.cfg' '${vm_work_dir}/syslinux.cfg'" # # Make it easy to get the files into the archiso environment # run_cmd_no_dry_run "tar --exclude='*.iso' --exclude=packer_cache --exclude=b.tar -C ${vm_work_dir} -cvhf ${vm_work_dir}/b.tar ." archiso_build archiso_init_vars base_image_name # Uncomment to enable packer debug # export PACKER_LOG=1 # export PACKER_CACHE_DIR="${vm_work_dir}/packer_cache" # run_cmd "cd ${vm_work_dir} && packer-io build -debug packer.json" # run_cmd "cd ${vm_work_dir} && packer-io build packer.json" # msg "Moving the compiled base image" # run_cmd "mv -f ${base_image_output_dir}/output-qemu/packer-qemu ${base_image_path}" run_cmd_no_dry_run "rm -rf '${script_dir}/../archiso/airootfs/root/sshpubkey'" run_cmd_no_dry_run "rm -rf '${script_dir}/../archiso/airootfs/root/25-wired.network'" msg "Resetting ownership" run_cmd "chown -R ${makepkg_nonpriv_user}: '${vm_work_dir}'" fi # if have_command "test"; then # msg "Testing package target '${mode}'" # if ! have_command "reuse"; then # msg2 "Building test packages" # build_test_packages # fi # msg2 "Copying test packages" # copy_latest_packages # msg2 "Cloning ${base_image_path}" # run_cmd "cp ${base_image_path} ${work_image_randname}" # msg "Booting VM clone..." # cmd="qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm " # cmd+="-m 4096 -smp 2 -redir tcp:2222::22 -drive " # cmd+="file=${work_image_randname},if=virtio" # run_cmd "${cmd}" & # if [[ -z "${debug_flag}" ]]; then # msg "Waiting for SSH..." # while :; do # run_cmd "${ssh} root@localhost echo &> /dev/null" # if [[ ${run_cmd_return} -eq 0 ]]; then # break # fi # done # fi # msg2 "Copying the latest packages to the VM" # copy_latest_packages # run_cmd "rsync -vrthP -e '${ssh}' archzfs/x64/ root@localhost:" # run_cmd "${ssh} root@localhost pacman -U --noconfirm '*.pkg.tar.xz'" # # msg2 "Cloning ZFS test suite" # # run_cmd "${ssh} root@localhost git clone https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs-test.git /usr/src/zfs-test" # # run_cmd "${ssh} root@localhost chown -R zfs-tests: /usr/src/zfs-test/" # # msg2 "Building ZFS test suite" # # run_cmd "${ssh} root@localhost 'cd /usr/src/zfs-test && ./autogen.sh && ./configure'" # # run_cmd "${ssh} root@localhost 'cd /usr/src/zfs-test && ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make test'" # # msg2 "Cause I'm housin" # # run_cmd "${ssh} root@localhost systemctl poweroff &> /dev/null" # # wait # fi