#!/bin/bash -e # # This script builds the archzfs packages in a clean clean chroot environment. # # clean-chroot-manager (https://github.com/graysky2/clean-chroot-manager) is required! # # Defaults, don't edit these. AZB_UPDATE_PKGBUILDS="" AZB_UPDPKGSUMS=0 AZB_UPDATE_TEST_PKGBUILDS="" AZB_BUILD=0 AZB_USE_TEST=0 AZB_CHROOT_UPDATE="" AZB_SIGN="" AZB_CLEANUP=0 AZB_MODE_DEF=0 AZB_MODE_GIT=0 AZB_MODE_LTS=0 SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" if ! source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib.sh; then echo "!! ERROR !! -- Could not lload lib.sh!" fi if ! source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/conf.sh; then error "Could not load conf.sh!" fi trap 'trap_abort' INT QUIT TERM HUP trap 'trap_exit' EXIT usage() { echo "build.sh - A build script for archzfs" echo echo "Usage: build.sh [options] [mode] [command [command option] [...]" echo echo "Options:" echo echo " -h: Show help information." echo " -n: Dryrun; Output commands, but don't do anything." echo " -d: Show debug info." echo " -u: Perform an update in the clean chroot." echo " -U: Uses updpkgsums on PKGBUILDS." echo " -C: Remove all files that are not package sources." echo echo "Modes:" echo echo " def Use default packages." echo " git Use the git packages." echo " lts Use the lts packages." echo echo "Commands:" echo echo " make Build all packages." echo " test Build test packages." echo " update Update all git PKGBUILDs using conf.sh variables." echo " update-test Update all git PKGBUILDs using the testing conf.sh variables." echo " sign GPG detach sign all compiled packages (default)." echo echo "Examples:" echo echo " build.sh -C :: Remove all compiled packages" echo " build.sh git make -u :: Update the chroot and build all of the packages" echo " build.sh lts update :: Update PKGBUILDS only" echo " build.sh git update make -u :: Update PKGBUILDs, update the chroot, and make all of the packages" echo " build.sh lts update-test test -u :: Update PKGBUILDs (use testing versions), update the chroot, and make all of the packages" } build_def_sources() { for PKG in ${AZB_DEF_PKG_LIST}; do msg "Building source for $PKG"; run_cmd "cd \"$PWD/packages/$PKG\"" run_cmd "mkaurball -f" run_cmd "cd - > /dev/null" done } build_git_sources() { for PKG in ${AZB_GIT_PKG_LIST}; do msg "Building source for $PKG"; run_cmd "cd \"$PWD/packages/$PKG\"" run_cmd "mkaurball -f" run_cmd "cd - > /dev/null" done } build_lts_sources() { for PKG in ${AZB_LTS_PKG_LIST}; do msg "Building source for $PKG"; run_cmd "cd \"$PWD/packages/$PKG\"" run_cmd "mkaurball -f" run_cmd "cd - > /dev/null" done } sign_packages() { FILES=$(find $PWD -iname "*.pkg.tar.xz") debug "Found FILES: ${FILES}" msg "Signing the packages with GPG" for F in $FILES; do if [[ ! -f "${F}.sig" ]]; then msg2 "Signing $F" run_cmd "gpg --batch --yes --detach-sign --use-agent -u $AZB_GPG_SIGN_KEY \"$F\"" fi done } get_new_pkgver() { # Sets NEW_{SPL,ZFS}_PKGVER with an updated PKGVER pulled from the git repo full_kernel_git_version # Get SPL version cd spl-git check_git_repo [[ -d temp ]] && rm -r temp mkdir temp cd temp git clone ../spl cd spl git checkout -b azb $AZB_GIT_SPL_COMMIT AZB_NEW_SPL_X32_PKGVER=$(echo $(git describe --long | \ sed -r 's/^spl-//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/_/g')_${AZB_GIT_KERNEL_X32_VERSION_CLEAN}) AZB_NEW_SPL_X64_PKGVER=$(echo $(git describe --long | \ sed -r 's/^spl-//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/_/g')_${AZB_GIT_KERNEL_X64_VERSION_CLEAN}) cd ../../ rm -rf temp cd ../ # Get ZFS version cd zfs-git check_git_repo [[ -d temp ]] && rm -r temp mkdir temp cd temp git clone ../zfs cd zfs git checkout -b azb $AZB_GIT_ZFS_COMMIT AZB_NEW_ZFS_X32_PKGVER=$(echo $(git describe --long | \ sed -r 's/^zfs-//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/_/g')_${AZB_GIT_KERNEL_X32_VERSION_CLEAN}) AZB_NEW_ZFS_X64_PKGVER=$(echo $(git describe --long | \ sed -r 's/^zfs-//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/_/g')_${AZB_GIT_KERNEL_X64_VERSION_CLEAN}) cd ../../ rm -rf temp cd ../ } check_git_repo() { # Checks the current path for a git repo [[ `cat PKGBUILD` =~ git\+([[:alpha:]\/:\.]+)\/([[:alpha:]]+)\.git ]] && local urlbase=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; local reponame=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} local url=${urlbase}/${reponame}.git debug "BASH_REMATCH[1]: ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" debug "BASH_REMATCH[2]: ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" debug "GIT URL: $url" debug "GIT REPO: $reponame" if [[ ! -d "$reponame" ]]; then msg2 "Cloning repo..." git clone --mirror "$url" "$reponame" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then error "Failure while cloning $url repo" plain "Aborting..." exit 1 fi else msg2 "Updating repo..." cd $reponame > /dev/null git fetch --all -p if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then error "Failure while fetching $url repo" plain "Aborting..." exit 1 fi cd - > /dev/null fi } update_def_pkgbuilds() { # Calculate what the new pkgver would be for the git packages full_kernel_version ${AZB_DEF_KERNEL_VERSION} ${AZB_DEF_KERNEL_PKGREL_X32} ${AZB_DEF_KERNEL_PKGREL_X64} AZB_PKGVER=${AZB_ZOL_VERSION}_${AZB_KERNEL_VERSION_CLEAN_X64} debug "AZB_PKGVER: $AZB_PKGVER" # Replace the git commit id # $AZB_GIT_ZFS_COMMIT # $AZB_GIT_SPL_COMMIT } update_git_pkgbuilds() { # Calculate what the new pkgver would be for the git packages get_new_pkgver debug "AZB_NEW_SPL_PKGVER: $AZB_NEW_SPL_X64_PKGVER" debug "AZB_NEW_ZFS_PKGVER: $AZB_NEW_ZFS_X64_PKGVER" # Replace the git commit id # $AZB_GIT_ZFS_COMMIT # $AZB_GIT_SPL_COMMIT } update_lts_pkgbuilds() { # Set the AZB_LTS_KERNEL* variables full_kernel_version AZB_NEW_LTS_PKGVER=${AZB_ZOL_VERSION}_${AZB_LTS_KERNEL_X64_VERSION_CLEAN} debug "AZB_NEW_LTS_PKGVER: $AZB_NEW_LTS_PKGVER" } if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then usage; exit 0; fi ARGS=("$@") for (( a = 0; a < $#; a++ )); do if [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "def" ]]; then AZB_MODE_DEF=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "git" ]]; then AZB_MODE_GIT=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "lts" ]]; then AZB_MODE_LTS=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "make" ]]; then AZB_BUILD=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "test" ]]; then AZB_USE_TEST=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "update" ]]; then AZB_UPDATE_PKGBUILDS=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "update-test" ]]; then AZB_UPDATE_TEST_PKGBUILDS=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "sign" ]]; then AZB_SIGN=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-u" ]]; then AZB_CHROOT_UPDATE="-u" elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-U" ]]; then AZB_UPDPKGSUMS=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-C" ]]; then AZB_CLEANUP=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-n" ]]; then DRY_RUN=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-d" ]]; then DEBUG=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-h" ]]; then usage; exit 0; fi done if [[ $AZB_CLEANUP -eq 1 && $# -gt 1 ]]; then echo -e "\n" error "-C should be used by itself!" echo -e "\n" usage; exit 0; fi if [[ ${AZB_MODE_DEF} -eq 0 && ${AZB_MODE_GIT} -eq 0 && ${AZB_MODE_LTS} -eq 0 && $AZB_CLEANUP -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\n" error "A build mode must be selected!" echo -e "\n" usage; exit 0; fi msg "$(date) :: build.sh started..." if [[ $AZB_UPDPKGSUMS -eq 1 && ${AZB_MODE_LTS} -eq 1 ]]; then update_lts_pkgsums fi if [[ ${AZB_UPDATE_PKGBUILDS} -eq 1 && ${AZB_MODE_DEF} -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Updating default pkgbuilds" update_def_pkgbuilds elif [[ ${AZB_UPDATE_PKGBUILDS} -eq 1 && ${AZB_MODE_GIT} -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Updating git pkgbuilds" update_git_pkgbuilds elif [[ ${AZB_UPDATE_PKGBUILDS} -eq 1 && ${AZB_MODE_LTS} -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Updating lts pkgbuilds" update_lts_pkgbuilds fi if [ -n "$AZB_CHROOT_UPDATE" ]; then msg "Updating the i686 clean chroot..." run_cmd "sudo ccm32 u" msg "Updating the x86_64 clean chroot..." run_cmd "sudo ccm64 u" fi if [[ ${AZB_BUILD} -eq 1 && ${AZB_MODE_DEF} -eq 1 ]]; then for PKG in ${AZB_GIT_PKG_LIST}; do msg "Building $PKG..." run_cmd "cd \"$PWD/packages/$PKG\"" run_cmd "sudo ccm32 s" run_cmd "sudo ccm64 s" run_cmd "cd - > /dev/null" done build_def_sources sign_packages run_cmd "find . -iname \"*.log\" -print -exec rm {} \\;" elif [[ ${AZB_BUILD} -eq 1 && ${AZB_MODE_GIT} -eq 1 ]]; then for PKG in ${AZB_GIT_PKG_LIST}; do msg "Building $PKG..." run_cmd "cd \"$PWD/packages/$PKG\"" run_cmd "sudo ccm32 s" run_cmd "sudo ccm64 s" run_cmd "cd - > /dev/null" done build_git_sources sign_packages run_cmd "find . -iname \"*.log\" -print -exec rm {} \\;" elif [[ ${AZB_BUILD} -eq 1 && ${AZB_MODE_LTS} -eq 1 ]]; then for PKG in ${AZB_LTS_PKG_LIST}; do msg "Building $PKG..." run_cmd "cd \"$PWD/packages/$PKG\"" run_cmd "sudo ccm32 s" run_cmd "sudo ccm64 s" run_cmd "cd - > /dev/null" done build_lts_sources sign_packages run_cmd "find . -iname \"*.log\" -print -exec rm {} \\;" fi if [[ $AZB_SIGN -eq 1 ]]; then sign_packages fi if [[ $AZB_CLEANUP -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Cleaning up work files..." run_cmd "find . \( -iname \"*.log\" -o -iname \"*.pkg.tar.xz*\" -o -iname \"*.src.tar.gz\" \) -print -exec rm -rf {} \\;" run_cmd "rm -rf */src" run_cmd "rm -rf */*.tar.gz" fi