#!/bin/bash # # A script for scraping data from the web. When ran in cron with a correct email address configured, an alert email will be # sent notifying the user that either the "linux" kernel package version has changed, a new ZFSonLinux version has been # released, or a new archiso has been released. # args=("$@") script_name=$(basename $0) script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" if ! source ${script_dir}/lib.sh; then echo "!! ERROR !! -- Could not load lib.sh!" exit 155 fi source_safe "${script_dir}/conf.sh" usage() { echo "${script_name} - A cheap webpage scraper." echo echo "Usage: ${script_name} [options]" echo echo "Options:" echo echo " -h: Show help information." echo " -n: Dry run." echo " -d: Show debug info." echo echo "Examples:" echo echo " ${script_name} -d :: Show debug output." echo " ${script_name} -n :: Don't run commands, but show output." exit 155 } # Check for internet (thanks Comcast!) if ! check_internet; then error "Could not reach google dns server! (No internet?)" exit 155 fi for (( a = 0; a < $#; a++ )); do if [[ ${args[$a]} == "-n" ]]; then dry_run=1 elif [[ ${args[$a]} == "-d" ]]; then debug_flag=1 elif [[ ${args[$a]} == "-h" ]]; then usage fi done msg "$(date) :: ${script_name} started..." haz_error=0 # Bail if no internet # Please thank Comcast for this requirement... if ! check_internet; then exit 1 fi get_kernel_update_funcs debug_print_default_vars export script_dir mode kernel_name check_linux_zen_kernel check_linux_hardened_kernel check_linux_kernel check_linux_lts_kernel check_zol_version check_archiso # # This is the end # Beautiful friend # This is the end # My only friend, the end # if [[ ${haz_error} -eq 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi