#!/bin/bash # # repo.sh adds the archzfs packages to a specified repository. # source ./lib.sh source ./conf.sh set -e trap 'trap_abort' INT QUIT TERM HUP trap 'trap_exit' EXIT DRY_RUN=0 # Show commands only. Don't do anything. AZB_REPO="" # The destination repo for the packages AZB_MODE_GIT=0 AZB_MODE_LTS=0 usage() { echo "repo.sh - Adds the compiled packages to the archzfs repo." echo echo "Usage: repo.sh [options] [mode] [repo] [package [...]]" echo echo "Options:" echo echo " -h: Show help information." echo " -n: Dryrun; Output commands, but don't do anything." echo " -d: Show debug info." echo echo "Modes:" echo echo " git Use the git packages." echo " lts Use the lts packages." echo echo "Example Usage:" echo echo " repo.sh git core :: Add git packages in the current directory to the core repo." echo " repo.sh lts core -n -d :: Show output commands and debug info." echo " repo.sh git core package.tar.xz :: Add package.tar.xz to the core repo." echo " repo.sh gts core *.tar.xz :: Add *.tar.xz to the core repo." } ARGS=("$@") for (( a = 0; a < $#; a++ )); do if [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "git" ]]; then AZB_MODE_GIT=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "lts" ]]; then AZB_MODE_LTS=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "core" ]]; then AZB_REPO="demz-repo-core" elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "community" ]]; then AZB_REPO="demz-repo-community" elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "testing" ]]; then AZB_REPO="demz-repo-testing" elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "archiso" ]]; then AZB_REPO="demz-repo-archiso" elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-h" ]]; then usage; exit 0; elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-n" ]]; then DRY_RUN=1 elif [[ ${ARGS[$a]} == "-d" ]]; then DEBUG=1 fi done if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then usage; exit 0; fi if [[ $AZB_MODE_GIT == 0 && $AZB_MODE_LTS == 0 ]]; then echo -e "\n" error "A mode must be selected!" echo -e "\n" usage; exit 0; fi [[ $AZB_MODE_GIT == 1 ]] && AZB_KERNEL_VERSION=$AZB_GIT_KERNEL_VERSION || AZB_KERNEL_VERSION=$AZB_LTS_KERNEL_VERSION msg "repo.sh started..." if [[ $AZB_REPO == "" ]]; then error "No destination repo specified!" exit 1 fi # The abs path to the repo AZB_REPO_TARGET=$AZB_REPO_BASEPATH/$AZB_REPO # The abs path to the package source directory in the repo AZB_SOURCE_TARGET="$AZB_REPO_TARGET/sources/" debug "DRY_RUN: "$DRY_RUN debug "AZB_REPO: "$AZB_REPO debug "AZB_REPO_TARGET: $AZB_REPO_TARGET" debug "AZB_SOURCE_TARGET: $AZB_SOURCE_TARGET" # A list of packages to install. Pulled from the command line. pkgs=() # Extract any packages from the arguments passed to the script for arg in "$@"; do if [[ $arg =~ pkg.tar.xz$ ]]; then pkgs+=("${pkgs[@]}" $arg) fi done [[ $AZB_MODE_GIT == 1 ]] && path_glob="*-git" || path_glob="*-lts" # Get the local packages if no packages were passed to the script if [[ "${#pkgs[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then # Get packages from the backup directory if the repo is demz-repo-archiso if [[ $AZB_REPO == "demz-repo-archiso" ]]; then fcmd_out=$(find ${AZB_PACKAGE_BACKUP_DIR} -iname "*${AZB_KERNEL_ARCHISO_VERSION}*.pkg.tar.xz") else fcmd_out=$(find ${path_glob} -iname "*${AZB_KERNEL_VERSION}*.pkg.tar.xz") fi for pkg in $fcmd_out; do debug "Found package: $pkg" pkgs+=($pkg) done fi for pkg in ${pkgs[@]}; do debug "PKG: $pkg" done if [[ $AZB_REPO != "" ]]; then msg "Creating a list of packages to add..." # A list of packages to add. The strings are in the form of # "name;pkg.tar.xz;repo_path". There must be no spaces. pkg_list=() # Set the AZB_KERNEL_*_VERSION variables [[ $AZB_MODE_GIT == 1 ]] && full_kernel_git_version || full_kernel_lts_version [[ $AZB_REPO == "demz-repo-archiso" ]] && full_kernel_archiso_version # Add packages to the pkg_list for pkg in ${pkgs[@]}; do arch=$(package_arch_from_path $pkg) name=$(package_name_from_path $pkg) vers=$(package_version_from_path $pkg) debug "Found package: $name, $arch, $vers" version_match=0 # Use a specific version incase of archiso if [[ $AZB_REPO == "demz-repo-archiso" ]]; then debug "Expect version: ${AZB_ZOL_VERSION}.*${AZB_KERNEL_ARCHISO_VERSION_CLEAN}-${AZB_ARCHISO_PKGREL}" [[ $vers =~ ${AZB_ZOL_VERSION}.*${AZB_KERNEL_ARCHISO_VERSION_CLEAN}-${AZB_ARCHISO_PKGREL} ]] && version_match=1 elif [[ $AZB_REPO == "demz-repo-core" && $AZB_MODE_GIT == 1 ]]; then [[ $vers =~ ${AZB_ZOL_VERSION}.*${AZB_GIT_KERNEL_X64_VERSION_CLEAN}-${AZB_GIT_PKGREL} ]] && version_match=1 elif [[ $AZB_REPO == "demz-repo-core" && $AZB_MODE_LTS == 1 ]]; then [[ $vers =~ ${AZB_ZOL_VERSION}.*${AZB_LTS_KERNEL_X64_VERSION_CLEAN}-${AZB_LTS_PKGREL} ]] && version_match=1 fi if [[ $version_match -eq 0 ]]; then debug "Version mismatch!" continue fi if [[ $arch == "any" ]]; then repos=`realpath $AZB_REPO_TARGET/{x86_64,i686}` for repo in $repos; do debug "Using: $name;$vers;$pkg;$repo" pkg_list+=("$name;$vers;$pkg;$repo") done continue fi debug "Using: $name;$vers;$pkg;$AZB_REPO_TARGET/$arch" pkg_list+=("$name;$vers;$pkg;$AZB_REPO_TARGET/$arch") done if [[ ${#pkg_list[@]} == 0 ]]; then error "No packages to process!" exit 1 fi pkg_mv_list=() pkg_cp_list=() pkg_add_list=() src_mv_list=() src_cp_list=() for ipkg in ${pkg_list[@]}; do IFS=';' read -a pkgopt <<< "$ipkg" name="${pkgopt[0]}" vers="${pkgopt[1]}" pbin="${pkgopt[2]}" repo="${pkgopt[3]}" msg2 "Processing $pbin to $repo" [[ ! -d $repo ]] && run_cmd "mkdir -p $repo" # Move the old packages to backup for x in $(find $repo -type f -iname "${name}*.pkg.tar.xz"); do ename=$(package_name_from_path $x) evers=$(package_version_from_path $x) if [[ $ename == $name && $evers != $vers ]]; then debug "Found Old Package: $ename, Version: $evers" # The '*' globs the signatures debug "Added $repo/$ename-${evers}* to move list" pkg_mv_list+=("$repo/$ename-${evers}*") fi done pkg_cp_list+=("$pbin*;$repo") bname=$(basename $pbin) pkg_add_list+=("$repo/$bname;$repo") # Copy the sources to the source target [[ ! -d $AZB_SOURCE_TARGET ]] && run_cmd "mkdir -p $AZB_SOURCE_TARGET" # If there is zfs and zfs-utils in the directory, the glob will get # both zfs and zfs-utils when globbing zfs*, therefore we have to check # each file to see if it is the one we want. for file in $(find -L $AZB_SOURCE_TARGET -iname "${name}*.src.tar.gz" 2>/dev/null); do src_name=$(tar -O -xzvf "$file" $name/PKGBUILD 2> /dev/null | grep "pkgname" | cut -d \" -f 2) if [[ $src_name == $name ]]; then debug "Added $src_name ($file) to src_mv_list" src_mv_list+=("$file") fi done src_cp_list+=("./$name/$name-${vers}.src.tar.gz") done msg "Performing file operations..." if [[ ${#pkg_mv_list[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then msg2 "Move old packages to backup directory" run_cmd "mv ${pkg_mv_list[*]} $AZB_REPO_BASEPATH/backup/" fi for arch in "i686" "x86_64"; do msg "Copying the new $arch packages and adding to repo..." cp_list="" # The packages to copy in one string ra_list="" # The packages to add to the repo in one string repo="" # The destination repo # Create the command file lists from the arrays for pkg in "${pkg_cp_list[@]}"; do if [[ "$pkg" == *$arch* ]]; then debug "Copying: $pkg" cp_list="$cp_list "$(echo "$pkg" | cut -d \; -f 1) repo=$(echo "$pkg" | cut -d \; -f 2) ra=$(echo "$pkg" | cut -d \; -f 1 | xargs basename) ra_list="$ra_list $repo/${ra%?}" fi done if [[ $cp_list == "" ]]; then warning "No packages to copy!" continue fi run_cmd "cp $cp_list $repo/" run_cmd "repo-add -k $AZB_GPG_SIGN_KEY -s -v -f $repo/${AZB_REPO}.db.tar.xz $ra_list" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "An error occurred adding the package to the repo!" exit 1 fi done # Move the package sources to the backup directory if [[ ${#src_mv_list[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then zlist=$(echo "${src_mv_list[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') run_cmd "mv $zlist $AZB_PACKAGE_BACKUP_DIR/" fi nlist=$(echo "${src_cp_list[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') run_cmd "cp $nlist $AZB_SOURCE_TARGET" fi