`JVB_STUN_SERVERS` | STUN servers used to discover the server's public IP | stun.l.google.com:19302, stun1.l.google.com:19302, stun2.l.google.com:19302
`JVB_PORT` | Port for media used by Jitsi Videobridge | 10000
`JVB_PORT` | UDP port for media used by Jitsi Videobridge | 10000
`JVB_TCP_HARVESTER_DISABLED` | Disable the additional harvester which allows video over TCP (rather than just UDP) | true
`JVB_TCP_PORT` | TCP port for media used by Jitsi Videobridge when the TCP Harvester is enabled | 4443
`JVB_BREWERY_MUC` | MUC name for the JVB pool | jvbbrewery
`JVB_ENABLE_APIS` | Comma separated list of JVB APIs to enable | none
`JIGASI_XMPP_USER` | XMPP user for Jigasi MUC client connections | jigasi