{{ $ENABLE_AUTH := .Env.ENABLE_AUTH | default "0" -}} {{ $ENABLE_VISITORS := .Env.ENABLE_VISITORS | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $JICOFO_ENABLE_AUTH := .Env.JICOFO_ENABLE_AUTH | default $ENABLE_AUTH | toBool -}} {{ $AUTH_TYPE := .Env.AUTH_TYPE | default "internal" -}} {{ $JICOFO_AUTH_TYPE := .Env.JICOFO_AUTH_TYPE | default $AUTH_TYPE -}} {{ $JICOFO_AUTH_LIFETIME := .Env.JICOFO_AUTH_LIFETIME | default "24 hours" -}} {{ $ENABLE_SCTP := .Env.ENABLE_SCTP | default "1" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_RECORDING := .Env.ENABLE_RECORDING | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS := .Env.ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_OCTO := .Env.ENABLE_OCTO | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_OCTO_SCTP := .Env.ENABLE_OCTO_SCTP | default $ENABLE_SCTP | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_AUTO_LOGIN := .Env.ENABLE_AUTO_LOGIN | default "1" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_REST := .Env.JICOFO_ENABLE_REST | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_JVB_XMPP_SERVER := .Env.ENABLE_JVB_XMPP_SERVER | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $HEALTH_CHECKS_USE_PRESENCE := .Env.JICOFO_HEALTH_CHECKS_USE_PRESENCE | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $JIBRI_BREWERY_MUC := .Env.JIBRI_BREWERY_MUC | default "jibribrewery" -}} {{ $JIGASI_BREWERY_MUC := .Env.JIGASI_BREWERY_MUC | default "jigasibrewery" -}} {{ $JVB_BREWERY_MUC := .Env.JVB_BREWERY_MUC | default "jvbbrewery" -}} {{ $JIBRI_PENDING_TIMEOUT := .Env.JIBRI_PENDING_TIMEOUT | default "90 seconds" -}} {{ $JVB_XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN := .Env.JVB_XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN | default "auth.jvb.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $JVB_XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN := .Env.JVB_XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN | default "muc.jvb.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $JVB_XMPP_PORT := .Env.JVB_XMPP_PORT | default "6222" -}} {{ $JVB_XMPP_SERVER := .Env.JVB_XMPP_SERVER | default "xmpp.jvb.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $VISITORS_MAX_VISITORS_PER_NODE := .Env.VISITORS_MAX_VISITORS_PER_NODE | default "250" }} {{ $VISITORS_MUC_PREFIX := .Env.PROSODY_VISITORS_MUC_PREFIX | default "muc" -}} {{ $VISITORS_REQUIRE_MUC_CONFIG := .Env.JICOFO_VISITORS_REQUIRE_MUC_CONFIG | default "0" | toBool }} {{ $VISITORS_XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN := .Env.VISITORS_XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN | default "auth.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $VISITORS_XMPP_DOMAIN := .Env.VISITORS_XMPP_DOMAIN | default "meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $VISITORS_XMPP_SERVER := .Env.VISITORS_XMPP_SERVER | default "" -}} {{ $VISITORS_XMPP_SERVERS := splitList "," $VISITORS_XMPP_SERVER | compact -}} {{ $VISITORS_XMPP_PORT := .Env.VISITORS_XMPP_PORT | default 52220 }} {{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN | default "auth.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN | default "muc.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN | default "internal-muc.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN | default "meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_HIDDEN_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_HIDDEN_DOMAIN | default "hidden.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_PORT := .Env.XMPP_PORT | default "5222" -}} {{ $XMPP_SERVER := .Env.XMPP_SERVER | default "xmpp.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $MAX_SSRCS_PER_USER := .Env.MAX_SSRCS_PER_USER | default "20" -}} {{ $MAX_SSRC_GROUPS_PER_USER := .Env.MAX_SSRC_GROUPS_PER_USER | default $MAX_SSRCS_PER_USER -}} {{ $TRUSTED_DOMAIN_LIST := .Env.JICOFO_TRUSTED_DOMAINS | default (or $ENABLE_RECORDING $ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS | ternary $XMPP_HIDDEN_DOMAIN "") -}} {{ $TRUSTED_DOMAINS := splitList "," $TRUSTED_DOMAIN_LIST | compact -}} {{ $ENV := .Env }} jicofo { {{ if $JICOFO_ENABLE_AUTH }} authentication { enabled = true // The type of authentication. Supported values are XMPP or JWT. {{ if eq $JICOFO_AUTH_TYPE "jwt" }} type = JWT {{ else }} type = XMPP {{ end }} login-url = "{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" enable-auto-login = {{ $ENABLE_AUTO_LOGIN }} authentication-lifetime = {{ $JICOFO_AUTH_LIFETIME }} } {{ end }} // Configuration related to jitsi-videobridge bridge { {{ if .Env.MAX_BRIDGE_PARTICIPANTS }} max-bridge-participants = "{{ .Env.MAX_BRIDGE_PARTICIPANTS }}" {{ end }} {{ if .Env.BRIDGE_AVG_PARTICIPANT_STRESS }} // The assumed average stress per participant. default is 0.01 average-participant-stress = "{{ .Env.BRIDGE_AVG_PARTICIPANT_STRESS }}" {{ end }} {{ if .Env.BRIDGE_STRESS_THRESHOLD }} // The stress level above which a bridge is considered overstressed. 0.8 is the default value stress-threshold = "{{ .Env.BRIDGE_STRESS_THRESHOLD }}" {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_VISITORS }} selection-strategy = VisitorSelectionStrategy visitor-selection-strategy = RegionBasedBridgeSelectionStrategy participant-selection-strategy = RegionBasedBridgeSelectionStrategy topology-strategy = VisitorTopologyStrategy {{ else }} {{ if .Env.OCTO_BRIDGE_SELECTION_STRATEGY }} selection-strategy = "{{ .Env.OCTO_BRIDGE_SELECTION_STRATEGY }}" {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_ENABLE_BRIDGE_HEALTH_CHECKS }} health-checks { enabled = {{ .Env.JICOFO_ENABLE_BRIDGE_HEALTH_CHECKS | toBool }} use-presence = {{ $HEALTH_CHECKS_USE_PRESENCE }} } {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_JVB_XMPP_SERVER }} brewery-jid = "{{ $JVB_BREWERY_MUC }}@{{ $JVB_XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN }}" {{ else }} brewery-jid = "{{ $JVB_BREWERY_MUC }}@{{ $XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN }}" {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_BRIDGE_REGION_GROUPS }} region-groups = [{{ .Env.JICOFO_BRIDGE_REGION_GROUPS }}] {{ end }} } // Configure the codecs and RTP extensions to be used in the offer sent to clients. codec { video { {{ if .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_VP8 }} vp8 { enabled = {{ .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_VP8 | toBool }} } {{ end }} {{ if .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_VP9 }} vp9 { enabled = {{ .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_VP9 | toBool }} } {{ end }} {{ if .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_AV1 }} av1 { enabled = {{ .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_AV1 | toBool }} } {{ end }} {{ if .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_H264 }} h264 { enabled = {{ .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_H264 | toBool }} } {{ end }} } audio { {{ if .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_OPUS_RED }} opus { red { enabled = {{ .Env.ENABLE_CODEC_OPUS_RED | toBool }} } } {{ end }} } rtp-extensions { video-layers-allocation { enabled = {{ .Env.ENABLE_VLA | default "0" | toBool }} } } } conference { {{ if .Env.ENABLE_AUTO_OWNER }} enable-auto-owner = {{ .Env.ENABLE_AUTO_OWNER | toBool }} {{ end }} {{ if .Env.ENABLE_MODERATOR_CHECKS }} enable-moderator-checks = {{ .Env.ENABLE_MODERATOR_CHECKS | toBool }} {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_CONF_INITIAL_PARTICIPANT_WAIT_TIMEOUT }} initial-timeout = "{{ .Env.JICOFO_CONF_INITIAL_PARTICIPANT_WAIT_TIMEOUT }}" {{ end }} max-ssrcs-per-user = "{{ $MAX_SSRCS_PER_USER }}" max-ssrc-groups-per-user = "{{ $MAX_SSRC_GROUPS_PER_USER }}" {{ if .Env.JICOFO_CONF_SINGLE_PARTICIPANT_TIMEOUT }} single-participant-timeout = "{{ .Env.JICOFO_CONF_SINGLE_PARTICIPANT_TIMEOUT }}" {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_CONF_SOURCE_SIGNALING_DELAYS }} source-signaling-delays = {{ .Env.JICOFO_CONF_SOURCE_SIGNALING_DELAYS }} {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_CONF_MAX_AUDIO_SENDERS }} max-audio-senders = {{ .Env.JICOFO_CONF_MAX_AUDIO_SENDERS }} {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_CONF_MAX_VIDEO_SENDERS }} max-video-senders = {{ .Env.JICOFO_CONF_MAX_VIDEO_SENDERS }} {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_CONF_STRIP_SIMULCAST }} strip-simulcast = {{ .Env.JICOFO_CONF_STRIP_SIMULCAST | toBool }} {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_CONF_SSRC_REWRITING }} use-ssrc-rewriting = {{ .Env.JICOFO_CONF_SSRC_REWRITING | toBool }} {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_MULTI_STREAM_BACKWARD_COMPAT }} enable-multi-stream-backward-compat = {{ .Env.JICOFO_MULTI_STREAM_BACKWARD_COMPAT | toBool }} {{ end }} } {{ if .Env.JICOFO_ENABLE_HEALTH_CHECKS }} // Configuration for the internal health checks performed by jicofo. health { // Whether to perform health checks. enabled = {{ .Env.JICOFO_ENABLE_HEALTH_CHECKS | toBool }} } {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_RECORDING }} jibri { brewery-jid = "{{ $JIBRI_BREWERY_MUC }}@{{ $XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN }}" {{ if .Env.JIBRI_REQUEST_RETRIES }} num-retries = "{{ .Env.JIBRI_REQUEST_RETRIES }}" {{ end }} pending-timeout = "{{ $JIBRI_PENDING_TIMEOUT }}" } {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JIBRI_SIP_BREWERY_MUC }} jibri-sip { brewery-jid = "{{ .Env.JIBRI_SIP_BREWERY_MUC }}" } {{ end }} {{ if or .Env.JIGASI_SIP_URI $ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS }} jigasi { brewery-jid = "{{ $JIGASI_BREWERY_MUC }}@{{ $XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN }}" } {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JICOFO_OCTO_REGION }} local-region = "{{ .Env.JICOFO_OCTO_REGION }}" {{ end }} octo { // Whether or not to use Octo. Note that when enabled, its use will be determined by // $jicofo.bridge.selection-strategy. There's a corresponding flag in the JVB and these // two MUST be in sync (otherwise bridges will crash because they won't know how to // deal with octo channels). enabled = {{ $ENABLE_OCTO }} sctp-datachannels = {{ $ENABLE_OCTO_SCTP }} } {{ if $ENABLE_REST }} rest { host = "" } {{ end }} sctp { enabled = {{ $ENABLE_SCTP }} } {{ if $ENABLE_VISITORS }} visitors { enabled = true {{ if .Env.VISITORS_MAX_PARTICIPANTS }} max-participants = {{ .Env.VISITORS_MAX_PARTICIPANTS }} {{ end }} {{ if $VISITORS_MAX_VISITORS_PER_NODE }} max-visitors-per-node = {{ $VISITORS_MAX_VISITORS_PER_NODE }} {{ end }} require-muc-config-flag = {{ $VISITORS_REQUIRE_MUC_CONFIG }} } {{ end }} xmpp { {{ if $ENABLE_VISITORS }} {{ if $.Env.VISITORS_XMPP_SERVER }} visitors { {{ range $index, $element := $VISITORS_XMPP_SERVERS -}} {{ $SERVER := splitn ":" 2 $element }} v{{ $index }} { enabled = true conference-service = {{ $VISITORS_MUC_PREFIX }}.v{{ $index }}.{{ $VISITORS_XMPP_DOMAIN }} hostname = {{ $SERVER._0 }} {{ $DEFAULT_PORT := add $VISITORS_XMPP_PORT $index }} port = {{ $SERVER._1 | default $DEFAULT_PORT }} domain = "{{ $VISITORS_XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" xmpp-domain = v{{ $index }}.{{ $VISITORS_XMPP_DOMAIN }} password = "{{ $ENV.JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD }}" disable-certificate-verification = true } {{ end }} } {{ end }} {{ end }} client { enabled = true hostname = "{{ $XMPP_SERVER }}" port = "{{ $XMPP_PORT }}" domain = "{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" xmpp-domain = "{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" username = "focus" password = "{{ .Env.JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD }}" conference-muc-jid = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" client-proxy = "focus.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" disable-certificate-verification = true } {{ if $ENABLE_JVB_XMPP_SERVER }} service { enabled = true hostname = "{{ $JVB_XMPP_SERVER }}" port = "{{ $JVB_XMPP_PORT }}" domain = "{{ $JVB_XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" username = "focus" password = "{{ .Env.JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD }}" disable-certificate-verification = true } {{ end }} trusted-domains = [ {{ range $index, $element := $TRUSTED_DOMAINS }}{{ if gt $index 0 }},{{ end }}"{{ $element }}"{{ end}} ] } } include "custom-jicofo.conf"