#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash if [[ -z $JICOFO_COMPONENT_SECRET || -z $JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD ]]; then echo 'FATAL ERROR: Jicofo component secret and auth password must be set' exit 1 fi OLD_JICOFO_COMPONENT_SECRET=s3cr37 if [[ "$JICOFO_COMPONENT_SECRET" == "$OLD_JICOFO_COMPONENT_SECRET" ]]; then echo 'FATAL ERROR: Jicofo component secret must be changed, check the README' exit 1 fi OLD_JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD=passw0rd if [[ "$JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD" == "$OLD_JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD" ]]; then echo 'FATAL ERROR: Jicofo auth password must be changed, check the README' exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f /config/sip-communicator.properties ]]; then tpl /defaults/sip-communicator.properties > /config/sip-communicator.properties fi if [[ ! -f /config/logging.properties ]]; then cp /defaults/logging.properties /config fi chown -R jicofo:jitsi /config