{{ $DEPLOYMENTINFO_USERREGION := .Env.DEPLOYMENTINFO_USERREGION | default "" -}} {{ $BRIDGE_CHANNEL := .Env.BRIDGE_CHANNEL | default "websocket" -}} {{ $ENABLE_AUDIO_PROCESSING := .Env.ENABLE_AUDIO_PROCESSING | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_CALENDAR := .Env.ENABLE_CALENDAR | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_FILE_RECORDING_SERVICE := .Env.ENABLE_FILE_RECORDING_SERVICE | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_FILE_RECORDING_SERVICE_SHARING := .Env.ENABLE_FILE_RECORDING_SERVICE_SHARING | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_IPV6 := .Env.ENABLE_IPV6 | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_LIPSYNC := .Env.ENABLE_LIPSYNC | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_NO_AUDIO_DETECTION := .Env.ENABLE_NO_AUDIO_DETECTION | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_P2P := .Env.ENABLE_P2P | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_PREJOIN_PAGE := .Env.ENABLE_PREJOIN_PAGE | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_RECORDING := .Env.ENABLE_RECORDING | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_REMB := .Env.ENABLE_REMB | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_REQUIRE_DISPLAY_NAME := .Env.ENABLE_REQUIRE_DISPLAY_NAME | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_SIMULCAST := .Env.ENABLE_SIMULCAST | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_STATS_ID := .Env.ENABLE_STATS_ID | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_STEREO := .Env.ENABLE_STEREO | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_TALK_WHILE_MUTED := .Env.ENABLE_TALK_WHILE_MUTED | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_TCC := .Env.ENABLE_TCC | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS := .Env.ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $RESOLUTION := .Env.RESOLUTION | default "720" -}} {{ $RESOLUTION_MIN := .Env.RESOLUTION_MIN | default "180" -}} {{ $RESOLUTION_WIDTH := .Env.RESOLUTION_WIDTH | default "1280" -}} {{ $RESOLUTION_WIDTH_MIN := .Env.RESOLUTION_WIDTH_MIN | default "320" -}} {{ $START_AUDIO_ONLY := .Env.START_AUDIO_ONLY | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $START_AUDIO_MUTED := .Env.START_AUDIO_MUTED | default 10 -}} {{ $START_VIDEO_MUTED := .Env.START_VIDEO_MUTED | default 10 -}} {{ $TESTING_OCTO_PROBABILITY := .Env.TESTING_OCTO_PROBABILITY | default "0" -}} {{ $TESTING_CAP_SCREENSHARE_BITRATE := .Env.TESTING_CAP_SCREENSHARE_BITRATE | default "1" -}} {{ $XMPP_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN -}} {{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN -}} // Video configuration. // if (!config.hasOwnProperty('constraints')) config.constraints = {}; if (!config.constraints.hasOwnProperty('video')) config.constraints.video = {}; config.resolution = {{ $RESOLUTION }}; config.constraints.video.height = { ideal: {{ $RESOLUTION }}, max: {{ $RESOLUTION }}, min: {{ $RESOLUTION_MIN }} }; config.constraints.video.width = { ideal: {{ $RESOLUTION_WIDTH }}, max: {{ $RESOLUTION_WIDTH }}, min: {{ $RESOLUTION_WIDTH_MIN }}}; config.disableSimulcast = {{ not $ENABLE_SIMULCAST }}; config.startVideoMuted = {{ $START_VIDEO_MUTED }}; {{ if .Env.START_BITRATE -}} config.startBitrate = '{{ .Env.START_BITRATE }}'; {{ end -}} // Audio configuration. // config.enableNoAudioDetection = {{ $ENABLE_NO_AUDIO_DETECTION }}; config.enableTalkWhileMuted = {{ $ENABLE_TALK_WHILE_MUTED }}; config.disableAP = {{ not $ENABLE_AUDIO_PROCESSING }}; config.stereo = {{ $ENABLE_STEREO }}; config.startAudioOnly = {{ $START_AUDIO_ONLY }}; config.startAudioMuted = {{ $START_AUDIO_MUTED }}; // Peer-to-Peer options. // if (!config.hasOwnProperty('p2p')) config.p2p = {}; config.p2p.enabled = {{ $ENABLE_P2P }}; // Etherpad // {{ if .Env.ETHERPAD_PUBLIC_URL -}} config.etherpad_base = '{{ .Env.ETHERPAD_PUBLIC_URL }}'; {{ else if .Env.ETHERPAD_URL_BASE -}} config.etherpad_base = '{{.Env.PUBLIC_URL}}/etherpad/p/'; {{ end -}} // Recording. // {{ if $ENABLE_RECORDING -}} config.hiddenDomain = '{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}'; // Whether to enable file recording or not config.fileRecordingsEnabled = true; // Whether to enable live streaming or not. config.liveStreamingEnabled = true; {{ if .Env.DROPBOX_APPKEY -}} // Enable the dropbox integration. if (!config.hasOwnProperty('dropbox')) config.dropbox = {}; config.dropbox.appKey = '{{ .Env.DROPBOX_APPKEY }}'; {{ if .Env.DROPBOX_REDIRECT_URI -}} // A URL to redirect the user to, after authenticating // by default uses: // 'https://jitsi-meet.example.com/static/oauth.html' config.dropbox.redirectURI = '{{ .Env.DROPBOX_REDIRECT_URI }}'; {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ if $ENABLE_FILE_RECORDING_SERVICE -}} // When integrations like dropbox are enabled only that will be shown, // by enabling fileRecordingsServiceEnabled, we show both the integrations // and the generic recording service (its configuration and storage type // depends on jibri configuration) config.fileRecordingsServiceEnabled = true; {{ end -}} {{ if $ENABLE_FILE_RECORDING_SERVICE_SHARING -}} // Whether to show the possibility to share file recording with other people // (e.g. meeting participants), based on the actual implementation // on the backend. config.fileRecordingsServiceSharingEnabled = true; {{ end -}} {{ end -}} // Analytics. // if (!config.hasOwnProperty('analytics')) config.analytics = {}; {{ if .Env.AMPLITUDE_ID -}} // The Amplitude APP Key: config.analytics.amplitudeAPPKey = '{{ .Env.AMPLITUDE_ID }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID -}} // The Google Analytics Tracking ID: config.analytics.googleAnalyticsTrackingId = '{{ .Env.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.MATOMO_ENDPOINT -}} // Matomo endpoint: config.analytics.matomoEndpoint = '{{ .Env.MATOMO_ENDPOINT }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.MATOMO_SITE_ID -}} // Matomo site ID: config.analytics.matomoSiteID = '{{ .Env.MATOMO_SITE_ID }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.ANALYTICS_SCRIPT_URLS -}} // Array of script URLs to load as lib-jitsi-meet "analytics handlers". config.analytics.scriptURLs = [ '{{ join "','" (splitList "," .Env.ANALYTICS_SCRIPT_URLS) }}' ]; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.ANALYTICS_WHITELISTED_EVENTS -}} config.analytics.whiteListedEvents = [ '{{ join "','" (splitList "," .Env.ANALYTICS_WHITELISTED_EVENTS) }}' ]; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.CALLSTATS_CUSTOM_SCRIPT_URL -}} config.callStatsCustomScriptUrl = '{{ .Env.CALLSTATS_CUSTOM_SCRIPT_URL }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.CALLSTATS_ID -}} // To enable sending statistics to callstats.io you must provide the // Application ID and Secret. config.callStatsID = '{{ .Env.CALLSTATS_ID }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.CALLSTATS_ID -}} config.callStatsSecret = '{{ .Env.CALLSTATS_SECRET }}'; {{ end -}} // Enables callstatsUsername to be reported as statsId and used // by callstats as repoted remote id. config.enableStatsID = {{ $ENABLE_STATS_ID }}; // Dial in/out services. // {{ if .Env.CONFCODE_URL -}} config.dialInConfCodeUrl = '{{ .Env.CONFCODE_URL }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.DIALIN_NUMBERS_URL -}} config.dialInNumbersUrl = '{{ .Env.DIALIN_NUMBERS_URL }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.DIALOUT_AUTH_URL -}} config.dialOutAuthUrl = '{{ .Env.DIALOUT_AUTH_URL }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.DIALOUT_CODES_URL -}} config.dialOutCodesUrl = '{{ .Env.DIALOUT_CODES_URL }}'; {{ end -}} // Calendar service integration. // config.enableCalendarIntegration = {{ $ENABLE_CALENDAR }}; {{ if .Env.GOOGLE_API_APP_CLIENT_ID -}} config.googleApiApplicationClientID = '{{ .Env.GOOGLE_API_APP_CLIENT_ID }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.MICROSOFT_API_APP_CLIENT_ID -}} config.microsoftApiApplicationClientID = '{{ .Env.MICROSOFT_API_APP_CLIENT_ID }}'; {{ end -}} // Invitation service. // {{ if .Env.INVITE_SERVICE_URL -}} config.inviteServiceUrl = '{{ .Env.INVITE_SERVICE_URL }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.PEOPLE_SEARCH_URL -}} config.peopleSearchUrl = '{{ .Env.PEOPLE_SEARCH_URL }}'; config.peopleSearchQueryTypes = ['user','conferenceRooms']; {{ end -}} // Miscellaneous. // // Prejoin page. config.prejoinPageEnabled = {{ $ENABLE_PREJOIN_PAGE }}; // Require users to always specify a display name. config.requireDisplayName = {{ $ENABLE_REQUIRE_DISPLAY_NAME }}; // Chrome extension banner. {{ if .Env.CHROME_EXTENSION_BANNER_JSON -}} config.chromeExtensionBanner = {{ .Env.CHROME_EXTENSION_BANNER_JSON }}; {{ end -}} // Advanced. // // Lipsync hack in jicofo, may not be safe. config.enableLipSync = {{ $ENABLE_LIPSYNC }}; config.enableRemb = {{ $ENABLE_REMB }}; config.enableTcc = {{ $ENABLE_TCC }}; config.openBridgeChannel = '{{ $BRIDGE_CHANNEL }}'; // Enable IPv6 support. config.useIPv6 = {{ $ENABLE_IPV6 }}; // Transcriptions (subtitles and buttons can be configured in interface_config) config.transcribingEnabled = {{ $ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS }}; {{ if .Env.BRANDING_DATA_URL -}} // External API url used to receive branding specific information. config.brandingDataUrl = '{{ .Env.BRANDING_DATA_URL }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.TOKEN_AUTH_URL -}} // Authenticate using external service or just focus external auth window if there is one already. config.tokenAuthUrl = '{{ .Env.TOKEN_AUTH_URL }}'; {{ end -}} // Deployment information. // if (!config.hasOwnProperty('deploymentInfo')) config.deploymentInfo = {}; {{ if .Env.DEPLOYMENTINFO_ENVIRONMENT -}} config.deploymentInfo.environment = '{{ .Env.DEPLOYMENTINFO_ENVIRONMENT }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.DEPLOYMENTINFO_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE -}} config.deploymentInfo.envType = '{{ .Env.DEPLOYMENTINFO_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE }}'; {{ end -}} {{ if $DEPLOYMENTINFO_USERREGION -}} config.deploymentInfo.userRegion = '{{ $DEPLOYMENTINFO_USERREGION }}'; {{ end -}} // Testing // if (!config.hasOwnProperty('testing')) config.testing = {}; if (!config.testing.hasOwnProperty('octo')) config.testing.octo = {}; config.testing.capScreenshareBitrate = {{ $TESTING_CAP_SCREENSHARE_BITRATE }}; config.testing.octo.probability = {{ $TESTING_OCTO_PROBABILITY }};