// Copyright 2017 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package models
import (
// CheckConsistencyForAll test that the entire database is consistent
func CheckConsistencyForAll ( t * testing . T ) {
CheckConsistencyFor ( t ,
& User { } ,
& Repository { } ,
& Issue { } ,
& PullRequest { } ,
& Milestone { } ,
& Label { } ,
& Team { } ,
& Action { } )
// CheckConsistencyFor test that all matching database entries are consistent
func CheckConsistencyFor ( t * testing . T , beansToCheck ... interface { } ) {
for _ , bean := range beansToCheck {
sliceType := reflect . SliceOf ( reflect . TypeOf ( bean ) )
sliceValue := reflect . MakeSlice ( sliceType , 0 , 10 )
ptrToSliceValue := reflect . New ( sliceType )
ptrToSliceValue . Elem ( ) . Set ( sliceValue )
assert . NoError ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Table ( bean ) . Find ( ptrToSliceValue . Interface ( ) ) )
sliceValue = ptrToSliceValue . Elem ( )
for i := 0 ; i < sliceValue . Len ( ) ; i ++ {
entity := sliceValue . Index ( i ) . Interface ( )
checkForConsistency ( entity , t )
func checkForConsistency ( bean interface { } , t * testing . T ) {
switch b := bean . ( type ) {
case * User :
checkForUserConsistency ( b , t )
case * Repository :
checkForRepoConsistency ( b , t )
case * Issue :
checkForIssueConsistency ( b , t )
case * PullRequest :
checkForPullRequestConsistency ( b , t )
case * Milestone :
checkForMilestoneConsistency ( b , t )
case * Label :
checkForLabelConsistency ( b , t )
case * Team :
checkForTeamConsistency ( b , t )
case * Action :
checkForActionConsistency ( b , t )
default :
t . Errorf ( "unknown bean type: %#v" , bean )
// getCount get the count of database entries matching bean
func getCount ( t * testing . T , e db . Engine , bean interface { } ) int64 {
count , err := e . Count ( bean )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
return count
// assertCount test the count of database entries matching bean
func assertCount ( t * testing . T , bean interface { } , expected int ) {
assert . EqualValues ( t , expected , getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) , bean ) ,
"Failed consistency test, the counted bean (of type %T) was %+v" , bean , bean )
func checkForUserConsistency ( user * User , t * testing . T ) {
assertCount ( t , & Repository { OwnerID : user . ID } , user . NumRepos )
assertCount ( t , & Star { UID : user . ID } , user . NumStars )
assertCount ( t , & OrgUser { OrgID : user . ID } , user . NumMembers )
assertCount ( t , & Team { OrgID : user . ID } , user . NumTeams )
assertCount ( t , & Follow { UserID : user . ID } , user . NumFollowing )
assertCount ( t , & Follow { FollowID : user . ID } , user . NumFollowers )
if user . Type != UserTypeOrganization {
assert . EqualValues ( t , 0 , user . NumMembers )
assert . EqualValues ( t , 0 , user . NumTeams )
func checkForRepoConsistency ( repo * Repository , t * testing . T ) {
assert . Equal ( t , repo . LowerName , strings . ToLower ( repo . Name ) , "repo: %+v" , repo )
assertCount ( t , & Star { RepoID : repo . ID } , repo . NumStars )
assertCount ( t , & Milestone { RepoID : repo . ID } , repo . NumMilestones )
assertCount ( t , & Repository { ForkID : repo . ID } , repo . NumForks )
if repo . IsFork {
db . AssertExistsAndLoadBean ( t , & Repository { ID : repo . ForkID } )
actual := getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "Mode<>?" , RepoWatchModeDont ) , & Watch { RepoID : repo . ID } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , repo . NumWatches , actual ,
"Unexpected number of watches for repo %+v" , repo )
actual = getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "is_pull=?" , false ) , & Issue { RepoID : repo . ID } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , repo . NumIssues , actual ,
"Unexpected number of issues for repo %+v" , repo )
actual = getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "is_pull=? AND is_closed=?" , false , true ) , & Issue { RepoID : repo . ID } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , repo . NumClosedIssues , actual ,
"Unexpected number of closed issues for repo %+v" , repo )
actual = getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "is_pull=?" , true ) , & Issue { RepoID : repo . ID } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , repo . NumPulls , actual ,
"Unexpected number of pulls for repo %+v" , repo )
actual = getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "is_pull=? AND is_closed=?" , true , true ) , & Issue { RepoID : repo . ID } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , repo . NumClosedPulls , actual ,
"Unexpected number of closed pulls for repo %+v" , repo )
actual = getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "is_closed=?" , true ) , & Milestone { RepoID : repo . ID } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , repo . NumClosedMilestones , actual ,
"Unexpected number of closed milestones for repo %+v" , repo )
func checkForIssueConsistency ( issue * Issue , t * testing . T ) {
actual := getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "type=?" , CommentTypeComment ) , & Comment { IssueID : issue . ID } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , issue . NumComments , actual ,
"Unexpected number of comments for issue %+v" , issue )
if issue . IsPull {
pr := db . AssertExistsAndLoadBean ( t , & PullRequest { IssueID : issue . ID } ) . ( * PullRequest )
assert . EqualValues ( t , pr . Index , issue . Index )
func checkForPullRequestConsistency ( pr * PullRequest , t * testing . T ) {
issue := db . AssertExistsAndLoadBean ( t , & Issue { ID : pr . IssueID } ) . ( * Issue )
assert . True ( t , issue . IsPull )
assert . EqualValues ( t , issue . Index , pr . Index )
func checkForMilestoneConsistency ( milestone * Milestone , t * testing . T ) {
assertCount ( t , & Issue { MilestoneID : milestone . ID } , milestone . NumIssues )
actual := getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "is_closed=?" , true ) , & Issue { MilestoneID : milestone . ID } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , milestone . NumClosedIssues , actual ,
"Unexpected number of closed issues for milestone %+v" , milestone )
completeness := 0
if milestone . NumIssues > 0 {
completeness = milestone . NumClosedIssues * 100 / milestone . NumIssues
assert . Equal ( t , completeness , milestone . Completeness )
func checkForLabelConsistency ( label * Label , t * testing . T ) {
issueLabels := make ( [ ] * IssueLabel , 0 , 10 )
assert . NoError ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Find ( & issueLabels , & IssueLabel { LabelID : label . ID } ) )
assert . EqualValues ( t , label . NumIssues , len ( issueLabels ) ,
"Unexpected number of issue for label %+v" , label )
issueIDs := make ( [ ] int64 , len ( issueLabels ) )
for i , issueLabel := range issueLabels {
issueIDs [ i ] = issueLabel . IssueID
expected := int64 ( 0 )
if len ( issueIDs ) > 0 {
expected = getCount ( t , db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . In ( "id" , issueIDs ) . Where ( "is_closed=?" , true ) , & Issue { } )
assert . EqualValues ( t , expected , label . NumClosedIssues ,
"Unexpected number of closed issues for label %+v" , label )
func checkForTeamConsistency ( team * Team , t * testing . T ) {
assertCount ( t , & TeamUser { TeamID : team . ID } , team . NumMembers )
assertCount ( t , & TeamRepo { TeamID : team . ID } , team . NumRepos )
func checkForActionConsistency ( action * Action , t * testing . T ) {
repo := db . AssertExistsAndLoadBean ( t , & Repository { ID : action . RepoID } ) . ( * Repository )
assert . Equal ( t , repo . IsPrivate , action . IsPrivate , "action: %+v" , action )
// CountOrphanedLabels return count of labels witch are broken and not accessible via ui anymore
func CountOrphanedLabels ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
noref , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Table ( "label" ) . Where ( "repo_id=? AND org_id=?" , 0 , 0 ) . Count ( "label.id" )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
norepo , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Table ( "label" ) .
Where ( builder . And (
builder . Gt { "repo_id" : 0 } ,
builder . NotIn ( "repo_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "repository" ) ) ,
) ) .
Count ( )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
noorg , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Table ( "label" ) .
Where ( builder . And (
builder . Gt { "org_id" : 0 } ,
builder . NotIn ( "org_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "user" ) ) ,
) ) .
Count ( )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
return noref + norepo + noorg , nil
// DeleteOrphanedLabels delete labels witch are broken and not accessible via ui anymore
func DeleteOrphanedLabels ( ) error {
// delete labels with no reference
if _ , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Table ( "label" ) . Where ( "repo_id=? AND org_id=?" , 0 , 0 ) . Delete ( new ( Label ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
// delete labels with none existing repos
if _ , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) .
Where ( builder . And (
builder . Gt { "repo_id" : 0 } ,
builder . NotIn ( "repo_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "repository" ) ) ,
) ) .
Delete ( Label { } ) ; err != nil {
return err
// delete labels with none existing orgs
if _ , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) .
Where ( builder . And (
builder . Gt { "org_id" : 0 } ,
builder . NotIn ( "org_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "user" ) ) ,
) ) .
Delete ( Label { } ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CountOrphanedIssueLabels return count of IssueLabels witch have no label behind anymore
func CountOrphanedIssueLabels ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Table ( "issue_label" ) .
NotIn ( "label_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "label" ) ) .
Count ( )
// DeleteOrphanedIssueLabels delete IssueLabels witch have no label behind anymore
func DeleteOrphanedIssueLabels ( ) error {
_ , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) .
NotIn ( "label_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "label" ) ) .
Delete ( IssueLabel { } )
return err
// CountOrphanedIssues count issues without a repo
func CountOrphanedIssues ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Table ( "issue" ) .
Join ( "LEFT" , "repository" , "issue.repo_id=repository.id" ) .
Where ( builder . IsNull { "repository.id" } ) .
Count ( "id" )
// DeleteOrphanedIssues delete issues without a repo
func DeleteOrphanedIssues ( ) error {
ctx , committer , err := db . TxContext ( )
if err != nil {
return err
defer committer . Close ( )
var ids [ ] int64
if err := db . GetEngine ( ctx ) . Table ( "issue" ) . Distinct ( "issue.repo_id" ) .
Join ( "LEFT" , "repository" , "issue.repo_id=repository.id" ) .
Where ( builder . IsNull { "repository.id" } ) . GroupBy ( "issue.repo_id" ) .
Find ( & ids ) ; err != nil {
return err
var attachmentPaths [ ] string
for i := range ids {
paths , err := deleteIssuesByRepoID ( db . GetEngine ( ctx ) , ids [ i ] )
if err != nil {
return err
attachmentPaths = append ( attachmentPaths , paths ... )
if err := committer . Commit ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
committer . Close ( )
// Remove issue attachment files.
for i := range attachmentPaths {
removeAllWithNotice ( db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) , "Delete issue attachment" , attachmentPaths [ i ] )
return nil
// CountOrphanedObjects count subjects with have no existing refobject anymore
func CountOrphanedObjects ( subject , refobject , joinCond string ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Table ( "`" + subject + "`" ) .
Join ( "LEFT" , "`" + refobject + "`" , joinCond ) .
Where ( builder . IsNull { "`" + refobject + "`.id" } ) .
Count ( "id" )
// DeleteOrphanedObjects delete subjects with have no existing refobject anymore
func DeleteOrphanedObjects ( subject , refobject , joinCond string ) error {
subQuery := builder . Select ( "`" + subject + "`.id" ) .
From ( "`" + subject + "`" ) .
Join ( "LEFT" , "`" + refobject + "`" , joinCond ) .
Where ( builder . IsNull { "`" + refobject + "`.id" } )
sql , args , err := builder . Delete ( builder . In ( "id" , subQuery ) ) . From ( "`" + subject + "`" ) . ToSQL ( )
if err != nil {
return err
_ , err = db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Exec ( append ( [ ] interface { } { sql } , args ... ) ... )
return err
// CountNullArchivedRepository counts the number of repositories with is_archived is null
func CountNullArchivedRepository ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( builder . IsNull { "is_archived" } ) . Count ( new ( Repository ) )
// FixNullArchivedRepository sets is_archived to false where it is null
func FixNullArchivedRepository ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( builder . IsNull { "is_archived" } ) . Cols ( "is_archived" ) . NoAutoTime ( ) . Update ( & Repository {
IsArchived : false ,
} )
// CountWrongUserType count OrgUser who have wrong type
func CountWrongUserType ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "type" : 0 } . And ( builder . Neq { "num_teams" : 0 } ) ) . Count ( new ( User ) )
// FixWrongUserType fix OrgUser who have wrong type
func FixWrongUserType ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "type" : 0 } . And ( builder . Neq { "num_teams" : 0 } ) ) . Cols ( "type" ) . NoAutoTime ( ) . Update ( & User { Type : 1 } )
// CountCommentTypeLabelWithEmptyLabel count label comments with empty label
func CountCommentTypeLabelWithEmptyLabel ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "type" : CommentTypeLabel , "label_id" : 0 } ) . Count ( new ( Comment ) )
// FixCommentTypeLabelWithEmptyLabel count label comments with empty label
func FixCommentTypeLabelWithEmptyLabel ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "type" : CommentTypeLabel , "label_id" : 0 } ) . Delete ( new ( Comment ) )
// CountCommentTypeLabelWithOutsideLabels count label comments with outside label
func CountCommentTypeLabelWithOutsideLabels ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( "comment.type = ? AND ((label.org_id = 0 AND issue.repo_id != label.repo_id) OR (label.repo_id = 0 AND label.org_id != repository.owner_id))" , CommentTypeLabel ) .
Table ( "comment" ) .
Join ( "inner" , "label" , "label.id = comment.label_id" ) .
Join ( "inner" , "issue" , "issue.id = comment.issue_id " ) .
Join ( "inner" , "repository" , "issue.repo_id = repository.id" ) .
Count ( new ( Comment ) )
// FixCommentTypeLabelWithOutsideLabels count label comments with outside label
func FixCommentTypeLabelWithOutsideLabels ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
res , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Exec ( ` DELETE FROM comment WHERE comment . id IN (
SELECT il_too . id FROM (
SELECT com . id
FROM comment AS com
INNER JOIN label ON com . label_id = label . id
INNER JOIN issue on issue . id = com . issue_id
INNER JOIN repository ON issue . repo_id = repository . id
com . type = ? AND ( ( label . org_id = 0 AND issue . repo_id != label . repo_id ) OR ( label . repo_id = 0 AND label . org_id != repository . owner_id ) )
) AS il_too ) ` , CommentTypeLabel )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
return res . RowsAffected ( )
// CountIssueLabelWithOutsideLabels count label comments with outside label
func CountIssueLabelWithOutsideLabels ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
return db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Where ( builder . Expr ( "(label.org_id = 0 AND issue.repo_id != label.repo_id) OR (label.repo_id = 0 AND label.org_id != repository.owner_id)" ) ) .
Table ( "issue_label" ) .
Join ( "inner" , "label" , "issue_label.label_id = label.id " ) .
Join ( "inner" , "issue" , "issue.id = issue_label.issue_id " ) .
Join ( "inner" , "repository" , "issue.repo_id = repository.id" ) .
Count ( new ( IssueLabel ) )
// FixIssueLabelWithOutsideLabels fix label comments with outside label
func FixIssueLabelWithOutsideLabels ( ) ( int64 , error ) {
res , err := db . GetEngine ( db . DefaultContext ) . Exec ( ` DELETE FROM issue_label WHERE issue_label . id IN (
SELECT il_too . id FROM (
SELECT il_too_too . id
FROM issue_label AS il_too_too
INNER JOIN label ON il_too_too . label_id = label . id
INNER JOIN issue on issue . id = il_too_too . issue_id
INNER JOIN repository on repository . id = issue . repo_id
( label . org_id = 0 AND issue . repo_id != label . repo_id ) OR ( label . repo_id = 0 AND label . org_id != repository . owner_id )
) AS il_too ) ` )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
return res . RowsAffected ( )