// DeleteOAuth2Application deletes the application with the given id and the grants and auth codes related to it. It checks if the userid was the creator of the app.
_,err=db.GetEngine(db.DefaultContext).Where("external_id=? AND login_source_id=?",external.ExternalID,external.LoginSourceID).AllCols().Update(external)
_,err=db.GetEngine(ctx).Where("external_id=? AND login_source_id=?",external.ExternalID,external.LoginSourceID).AllCols().Update(external)
ctx.Error(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,"Invalid merge style",fmt.Errorf("%s is not allowed an allowed merge style for this repository",repo_model.MergeStyle(form.Do)))
log.Warn("During merge of: %d in %-v, there is a pointer to LFS Oid: %s which although present in the LFS store is not associated with the head repo %-v",pr.Index,pr.BaseRepo,pointer.Oid,pr.HeadRepo)
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func createLFSMetaObjectsFromCatFileBatch(catFileBatchReader *io.PipeReader, wg
// Therefore it should be associated with the base repo