| **read:issue** | Grants read access for issues operations, such as getting issue comments, issue attachments, and milestones. |
| **write:issue** | Grants read/write/delete access for issues operations, such as posting or editing an issue comment or attachment, and updating milestones. |
| **misc** | miscellaneous and settings top-level API routes. |
| **read:misc** | Grants read access to miscellaneous operations, such as getting label and gitignore templates. |
| **write:misc** | Grants read/write/delete access to miscellaneous operations, such as markup utility operations. |
| **notification** | `notification/*` API routes: user notification operations. |
| **read:notification** | Grants read access to user notifications, such as which notifications users are subscribed to and read new notifications. |
| **write:notification** | Grants read/write/delete access to user notifications, such as marking notifications as read. |
| **organization** | `orgs/*` and `teams/*` API routes: Organization and team management operations. |
| **read:organization** | Grants read access to org and team status, such as listing all orgs a user has visibility to, teams, and team members. |
| **write:organization** | Grants read/write/delete access to org and team status, such as creating and updating teams and updating org settings. |
| **package** | `/packages/*` API routes: Packages operations |
| **read:package** | Grants read access to package operations, such as reading and downloading available packages. |
| **write:package** | Grants read/write/delete access to package operations. Currently the same as `read:package`. |
| **repository** | `/repos/*` API routes except `/repos/issues/*`: Repository file, pull-request, and release operations. |
| **read:repository** | Grants read access to repository operations, such as getting repository files, releases, collaborators. |
| **write:repository** | Grants read/write/delete access to repository operations, such as getting updating repository files, creating pull requests, updating collaborators. |
| **user** | `/user/*` and `/users/*` API routes: User-related operations. |
| **read:user** | Grants read access to user operations, such as getting user repo subscriptions and user settings. |
| **write:user** | Grants read/write/delete access to user operations, such as updating user repo subscriptions, followed users, and user settings. |
| **read:issue** | Grants read access for issues operations, such as getting issue comments, issue attachments, and milestones. |
| **write:issue** | Grants read/write/delete access for issues operations, such as posting or editing an issue comment or attachment, and updating milestones. |
| **misc** | Reserved for future usage. |
| **read:misc** | Reserved for future usage. |
| **write:misc** | Reserved for future usage. |
| **notification** | `notification/*` API routes: user notification operations. |
| **read:notification** | Grants read access to user notifications, such as which notifications users are subscribed to and read new notifications. |
| **write:notification** | Grants read/write/delete access to user notifications, such as marking notifications as read. |
| **organization** | `orgs/*` and `teams/*` API routes: Organization and team management operations. |
| **read:organization** | Grants read access to org and team status, such as listing all orgs a user has visibility to, teams, and team members. |
| **write:organization** | Grants read/write/delete access to org and team status, such as creating and updating teams and updating org settings. |
| **package** | `/packages/*` API routes: Packages operations |
| **read:package** | Grants read access to package operations, such as reading and downloading available packages. |
| **write:package** | Grants read/write/delete access to package operations. Currently the same as `read:package`. |
| **repository** | `/repos/*` API routes except `/repos/issues/*`: Repository file, pull-request, and release operations. |
| **read:repository** | Grants read access to repository operations, such as getting repository files, releases, collaborators. |
| **write:repository** | Grants read/write/delete access to repository operations, such as getting updating repository files, creating pull requests, updating collaborators. |
| **user** | `/user/*` and `/users/*` API routes: User-related operations. |
| **read:user** | Grants read access to user operations, such as getting user repo subscriptions and user settings. |
| **write:user** | Grants read/write/delete access to user operations, such as updating user repo subscriptions, followed users, and user settings. |