@ -1927,6 +1927,7 @@ pulls.delete.text = Do you really want to delete this pull request? (This will p
pulls.recently_pushed_new_branches=You pushed on branch <strong>%[1]s</strong> %[2]s
pull.agit_documentation=Review documentation about AGit
comments.edit.already_changed=Unable to save changes to the comment. It appears the content has already been changed by another user. Please refresh the page and try editing again to avoid overwriting their changes
assert.Equal(t,"[test/repo:test] 2 new commits",pl.Embeds[0].Title)
assert.Equal(t,"[2020558](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/commit/2020558fe2e34debb818a514715839cabd25e778) This is a commit summary ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ containing 你好... - user1\n[2020558](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/commit/2020558fe2e34debb818a514715839cabd25e778) This is a commit summary ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ containing 你好... - user1",pl.Embeds[0].Description)