{{range $i, $file := .Diff.Files}}
{{/*notice: the index of Diff.Files should not be used for element ID, because the index will be restarted from 0 when doing load-more for PRs with a lot of files*/}}
{{$blobBase := call $.GetBlobByPathForCommit $.BeforeCommit $file.OldName}}
{{$blobHead := call $.GetBlobByPathForCommit $.HeadCommit $file.Name}}
{{$sniffedTypeBase := call $.GetSniffedTypeForBlob $blobBase}}
{{$sniffedTypeHead := call $.GetSniffedTypeForBlob $blobHead}}
{{$isImage:= or (call $.IsSniffedTypeAnImage $sniffedTypeBase) (call $.IsSniffedTypeAnImage $sniffedTypeHead)}}
{{$isCsv := (call $.IsCsvFile $file)}}
{{$showFileViewToggle := or $isImage (and (not $file.IsIncomplete) $isCsv)}}
{{$isExpandable := or (gt $file.Addition 0) (gt $file.Deletion 0) $file.IsBin}}
{{$isReviewFile := and $.IsSigned $.PageIsPullFiles (not $.Repository.IsArchived) $.IsShowingAllCommits}}
{{if $showFileViewToggle}}
{{/* for image or CSV, it can have a horizontal scroll bar, there won't be review comment context menu (position absolute) which would be clipped by "overflow" */}}