Package log15 provides an opinionated, simple toolkit for best-practice logging in Go (golang) that is both human and machine readable. It is modeled after the Go standard library's [`io`]( and [`net/http`]( packages and is an alternative to the standard library's [`log`]( package.
## Features
- A simple, easy-to-understand API
- Promotes structured logging by encouraging use of key/value pairs
- Child loggers which inherit and add their own private context
- Lazy evaluation of expensive operations
- Simple Handler interface allowing for construction of flexible, custom logging configurations with a tiny API.
- Color terminal support
- Built-in support for logging to files, streams, syslog, and the network
- Support for forking records to multiple handlers, buffering records for output, failing over from failed handler writes, + more
## Versioning
The API of the master branch of log15 should always be considered unstable. If you want to rely on a stable API,