package eth
import (
const (
// The size of the output buffer for writing messages
outputBufferSize = 50
// Current protocol version
ProtocolVersion = 12
type DiscReason byte
const (
// Values are given explicitly instead of by iota because these values are
// defined by the wire protocol spec; it is easier for humans to ensure
// correctness when values are explicit.
DiscReRequested = 0x00
DiscReTcpSysErr = 0x01
DiscBadProto = 0x02
DiscBadPeer = 0x03
DiscTooManyPeers = 0x04
DiscConnDup = 0x05
DiscGenesisErr = 0x06
DiscProtoErr = 0x07
var discReasonToString = [ ] string {
"Disconnect requested" ,
"Disconnect TCP sys error" ,
"Disconnect bad protocol" ,
"Disconnect useless peer" ,
"Disconnect too many peers" ,
"Disconnect already connected" ,
"Disconnect wrong genesis block" ,
"Disconnect incompatible network" ,
func ( d DiscReason ) String ( ) string {
if len ( discReasonToString ) < int ( d ) {
return "Unknown"
return discReasonToString [ d ]
// Peer capabilities
type Caps byte
const (
CapPeerDiscTy = 1 << iota
CapDefault = CapChainTy | CapTxTy | CapPeerDiscTy
var capsToString = map [ Caps ] string {
CapPeerDiscTy : "Peer discovery" ,
CapTxTy : "Transaction relaying" ,
CapChainTy : "Block chain relaying" ,
func ( c Caps ) IsCap ( cap Caps ) bool {
return c & cap > 0
func ( c Caps ) String ( ) string {
var caps [ ] string
if c . IsCap ( CapPeerDiscTy ) {
caps = append ( caps , capsToString [ CapPeerDiscTy ] )
if c . IsCap ( CapChainTy ) {
caps = append ( caps , capsToString [ CapChainTy ] )
if c . IsCap ( CapTxTy ) {
caps = append ( caps , capsToString [ CapTxTy ] )
return strings . Join ( caps , " | " )
type Peer struct {
// Ethereum interface
ethereum * Ethereum
// Net connection
conn net . Conn
// Output queue which is used to communicate and handle messages
outputQueue chan * ethwire . Msg
// Quit channel
quit chan bool
// Determines whether it's an inbound or outbound peer
inbound bool
// Flag for checking the peer's connectivity state
connected int32
disconnect int32
// Last known message send
lastSend time . Time
// Indicated whether a verack has been send or not
// This flag is used by writeMessage to check if messages are allowed
// to be send or not. If no version is known all messages are ignored.
versionKnown bool
// Last received pong message
lastPong int64
// Indicates whether a MsgGetPeersTy was requested of the peer
// this to prevent receiving false peers.
requestedPeerList bool
host [ ] interface { }
port uint16
caps Caps
pubkey [ ] byte
// Indicated whether the node is catching up or not
catchingUp bool
diverted bool
blocksRequested int
Version string
func NewPeer ( conn net . Conn , ethereum * Ethereum , inbound bool ) * Peer {
data , _ := ethutil . Config . Db . Get ( [ ] byte ( "KeyRing" ) )
pubkey := ethutil . NewValueFromBytes ( data ) . Get ( 2 ) . Bytes ( )
return & Peer {
outputQueue : make ( chan * ethwire . Msg , outputBufferSize ) ,
quit : make ( chan bool ) ,
ethereum : ethereum ,
conn : conn ,
inbound : inbound ,
disconnect : 0 ,
connected : 1 ,
port : 30303 ,
pubkey : pubkey ,
blocksRequested : 10 ,
caps : ethereum . ServerCaps ( ) ,
func NewOutboundPeer ( addr string , ethereum * Ethereum , caps Caps ) * Peer {
p := & Peer {
outputQueue : make ( chan * ethwire . Msg , outputBufferSize ) ,
quit : make ( chan bool ) ,
ethereum : ethereum ,
inbound : false ,
connected : 0 ,
disconnect : 0 ,
caps : caps ,
Version : ethutil . Config . ClientString ,
// Set up the connection in another goroutine so we don't block the main thread
go func ( ) {
conn , err := net . DialTimeout ( "tcp" , addr , 30 * time . Second )
if err != nil {
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugln ( "Connection to peer failed" , err )
p . Stop ( )
p . conn = conn
// Atomically set the connection state
atomic . StoreInt32 ( & p . connected , 1 )
atomic . StoreInt32 ( & p . disconnect , 0 )
p . Start ( )
} ( )
return p
// Outputs any RLP encoded data to the peer
func ( p * Peer ) QueueMessage ( msg * ethwire . Msg ) {
if atomic . LoadInt32 ( & p . connected ) != 1 {
p . outputQueue <- msg
func ( p * Peer ) writeMessage ( msg * ethwire . Msg ) {
// Ignore the write if we're not connected
if atomic . LoadInt32 ( & p . connected ) != 1 {
if ! p . versionKnown {
switch msg . Type {
case ethwire . MsgHandshakeTy : // Ok
default : // Anything but ack is allowed
err := ethwire . WriteMessage ( p . conn , msg )
if err != nil {
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugln ( "Can't send message:" , err )
// Stop the client if there was an error writing to it
p . Stop ( )
// Outbound message handler. Outbound messages are handled here
func ( p * Peer ) HandleOutbound ( ) {
// The ping timer. Makes sure that every 2 minutes a ping is send to the peer
pingTimer := time . NewTicker ( 2 * time . Minute )
serviceTimer := time . NewTicker ( 5 * time . Minute )
out :
for {
select {
// Main message queue. All outbound messages are processed through here
case msg := <- p . outputQueue :
p . writeMessage ( msg )
p . lastSend = time . Now ( )
// Ping timer sends a ping to the peer each 2 minutes
case <- pingTimer . C :
p . writeMessage ( ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgPingTy , "" ) )
// Service timer takes care of peer broadcasting, transaction
// posting or block posting
case <- serviceTimer . C :
if p . caps & CapPeerDiscTy > 0 {
msg := p . peersMessage ( )
p . ethereum . BroadcastMsg ( msg )
case <- p . quit :
// Break out of the for loop if a quit message is posted
break out
clean :
// This loop is for draining the output queue and anybody waiting for us
for {
select {
case <- p . outputQueue :
default :
break clean
// Inbound handler. Inbound messages are received here and passed to the appropriate methods
func ( p * Peer ) HandleInbound ( ) {
for atomic . LoadInt32 ( & p . disconnect ) == 0 {
// HMM?
time . Sleep ( 500 * time . Millisecond )
// Wait for a message from the peer
msgs , err := ethwire . ReadMessages ( p . conn )
if err != nil {
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugln ( err )
for _ , msg := range msgs {
switch msg . Type {
case ethwire . MsgHandshakeTy :
// Version message
p . handleHandshake ( msg )
if p . caps . IsCap ( CapPeerDiscTy ) {
p . QueueMessage ( ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgGetPeersTy , "" ) )
case ethwire . MsgDiscTy :
p . Stop ( )
ethutil . Config . Log . Infoln ( "Disconnect peer:" , DiscReason ( msg . Data . Get ( 0 ) . Uint ( ) ) )
case ethwire . MsgPingTy :
// Respond back with pong
p . QueueMessage ( ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgPongTy , "" ) )
case ethwire . MsgPongTy :
// If we received a pong back from a peer we set the
// last pong so the peer handler knows this peer is still
// active.
p . lastPong = time . Now ( ) . Unix ( )
case ethwire . MsgBlockTy :
// Get all blocks and process them
var block , lastBlock * ethchain . Block
var err error
// Make sure we are actually receiving anything
if msg . Data . Len ( ) - 1 > 1 && p . diverted {
// We requested blocks and now we need to make sure we have a common ancestor somewhere in these blocks so we can find
// common ground to start syncing from
lastBlock = ethchain . NewBlockFromRlpValue ( msg . Data . Get ( msg . Data . Len ( ) - 1 ) )
ethutil . Config . Log . Infof ( "[PEER] Last block: %x. Checking if we have it locally.\n" , lastBlock . Hash ( ) )
for i := msg . Data . Len ( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
block = ethchain . NewBlockFromRlpValue ( msg . Data . Get ( i ) )
// Do we have this block on our chain? If so we can continue
if ! p . ethereum . StateManager ( ) . BlockChain ( ) . HasBlock ( block . Hash ( ) ) {
// We don't have this block, but we do have a block with the same prevHash, diversion time!
if p . ethereum . StateManager ( ) . BlockChain ( ) . HasBlockWithPrevHash ( block . PrevHash ) {
p . diverted = false
if ! p . ethereum . StateManager ( ) . BlockChain ( ) . FindCanonicalChainFromMsg ( msg , block . PrevHash ) {
p . SyncWithPeerToLastKnown ( )
if ! p . ethereum . StateManager ( ) . BlockChain ( ) . HasBlock ( lastBlock . Hash ( ) ) {
// If we can't find a common ancenstor we need to request more blocks.
// FIXME: At one point this won't scale anymore since we are not asking for an offset
// we just keep increasing the amount of blocks.
p . blocksRequested = p . blocksRequested * 2
ethutil . Config . Log . Infof ( "[PEER] No common ancestor found, requesting %d more blocks.\n" , p . blocksRequested )
p . catchingUp = false
p . FindCommonParentBlock ( )
for i := msg . Data . Len ( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
block = ethchain . NewBlockFromRlpValue ( msg . Data . Get ( i ) )
//state := p.ethereum.StateManager().CurrentState()
err = p . ethereum . StateManager ( ) . Process ( block , false )
if err != nil {
if ethutil . Config . Debug {
ethutil . Config . Log . Infof ( "[PEER] Block %x failed\n" , block . Hash ( ) )
ethutil . Config . Log . Infof ( "[PEER] %v\n" , err )
} else {
lastBlock = block
if msg . Data . Len ( ) == 0 {
// Set catching up to false if
// the peer has nothing left to give
p . catchingUp = false
if err != nil {
// If the parent is unknown try to catch up with this peer
if ethchain . IsParentErr ( err ) {
ethutil . Config . Log . Infoln ( "Attempting to catch up since we don't know the parent" )
p . catchingUp = false
p . CatchupWithPeer ( p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . CurrentBlock . Hash ( ) )
} else if ethchain . IsValidationErr ( err ) {
fmt . Println ( "Err:" , err )
p . catchingUp = false
} else {
// If we're catching up, try to catch up further.
if p . catchingUp && msg . Data . Len ( ) > 1 {
if lastBlock != nil {
blockInfo := lastBlock . BlockInfo ( )
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugf ( "Synced to block height #%d %x %x\n" , blockInfo . Number , lastBlock . Hash ( ) , blockInfo . Hash )
p . catchingUp = false
hash := p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . CurrentBlock . Hash ( )
p . CatchupWithPeer ( hash )
case ethwire . MsgTxTy :
fmt . Println ( "received tx" )
// If the message was a transaction queue the transaction
// in the TxPool where it will undergo validation and
// processing when a new block is found
for i := 0 ; i < msg . Data . Len ( ) ; i ++ {
tx := ethchain . NewTransactionFromValue ( msg . Data . Get ( i ) )
p . ethereum . TxPool ( ) . QueueTransaction ( tx )
case ethwire . MsgGetPeersTy :
// Flag this peer as a 'requested of new peers' this to
// prevent malicious peers being forced.
p . requestedPeerList = true
// Peer asked for list of connected peers
p . pushPeers ( )
case ethwire . MsgPeersTy :
// Received a list of peers (probably because MsgGetPeersTy was send)
// Only act on message if we actually requested for a peers list
if p . requestedPeerList {
data := msg . Data
// Create new list of possible peers for the ethereum to process
peers := make ( [ ] string , data . Len ( ) )
// Parse each possible peer
for i := 0 ; i < data . Len ( ) ; i ++ {
value := data . Get ( i )
peers [ i ] = unpackAddr ( value . Get ( 0 ) , value . Get ( 1 ) . Uint ( ) )
// Connect to the list of peers
p . ethereum . ProcessPeerList ( peers )
// Mark unrequested again
p . requestedPeerList = false
case ethwire . MsgGetChainTy :
var parent * ethchain . Block
// Length minus one since the very last element in the array is a count
l := msg . Data . Len ( ) - 1
// Ignore empty get chains
if l == 0 {
// Amount of parents in the canonical chain
//amountOfBlocks := msg.Data.Get(l).AsUint()
amountOfBlocks := uint64 ( 100 )
// Check each SHA block hash from the message and determine whether
// the SHA is in the database
for i := 0 ; i < l ; i ++ {
if data := msg . Data . Get ( i ) . Bytes ( ) ; p . ethereum . StateManager ( ) . BlockChain ( ) . HasBlock ( data ) {
parent = p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . GetBlock ( data )
// If a parent is found send back a reply
if parent != nil {
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugf ( "[PEER] Found conical block, returning chain from: %x " , parent . Hash ( ) )
chain := p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . GetChainFromHash ( parent . Hash ( ) , amountOfBlocks )
if len ( chain ) > 0 {
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugf ( "[PEER] Returning %d blocks: %x " , len ( chain ) , parent . Hash ( ) )
p . QueueMessage ( ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgBlockTy , chain ) )
} else {
p . QueueMessage ( ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgBlockTy , [ ] interface { } { } ) )
} else {
//ethutil.Config.Log.Debugf("[PEER] Could not find a similar block")
// If no blocks are found we send back a reply with msg not in chain
// and the last hash from get chain
lastHash := msg . Data . Get ( l - 1 )
//log.Printf("Sending not in chain with hash %x\n", lastHash.AsRaw())
p . QueueMessage ( ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgNotInChainTy , [ ] interface { } { lastHash . Raw ( ) } ) )
case ethwire . MsgNotInChainTy :
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugf ( "Not in chain: %x\n" , msg . Data . Get ( 0 ) . Bytes ( ) )
if p . diverted == true {
// If were already looking for a common parent and we get here again we need to go deeper
p . blocksRequested = p . blocksRequested * 2
p . diverted = true
p . catchingUp = false
p . FindCommonParentBlock ( )
case ethwire . MsgGetTxsTy :
// Get the current transactions of the pool
txs := p . ethereum . TxPool ( ) . CurrentTransactions ( )
// Get the RlpData values from the txs
txsInterface := make ( [ ] interface { } , len ( txs ) )
for i , tx := range txs {
txsInterface [ i ] = tx . RlpData ( )
// Broadcast it back to the peer
p . QueueMessage ( ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgTxTy , txsInterface ) )
// Unofficial but fun nonetheless
case ethwire . MsgTalkTy :
ethutil . Config . Log . Infoln ( "%v says: %s\n" , p . conn . RemoteAddr ( ) , msg . Data . Str ( ) )
p . Stop ( )
func ( p * Peer ) Start ( ) {
peerHost , peerPort , _ := net . SplitHostPort ( p . conn . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) )
servHost , servPort , _ := net . SplitHostPort ( p . conn . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) )
if p . inbound {
p . host , p . port = packAddr ( peerHost , peerPort )
} else {
p . host , p . port = packAddr ( servHost , servPort )
err := p . pushHandshake ( )
if err != nil {
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugln ( "Peer can't send outbound version ack" , err )
p . Stop ( )
// Run the outbound handler in a new goroutine
go p . HandleOutbound ( )
// Run the inbound handler in a new goroutine
go p . HandleInbound ( )
func ( p * Peer ) Stop ( ) {
if atomic . AddInt32 ( & p . disconnect , 1 ) != 1 {
close ( p . quit )
if atomic . LoadInt32 ( & p . connected ) != 0 {
p . writeMessage ( ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgDiscTy , "" ) )
p . conn . Close ( )
// Pre-emptively remove the peer; don't wait for reaping. We already know it's dead if we are here
p . ethereum . peerMut . Lock ( )
defer p . ethereum . peerMut . Unlock ( )
eachPeer ( p . ethereum . peers , func ( peer * Peer , e * list . Element ) {
if peer == p {
p . ethereum . peers . Remove ( e )
} )
func ( p * Peer ) pushHandshake ( ) error {
data , _ := ethutil . Config . Db . Get ( [ ] byte ( "KeyRing" ) )
pubkey := ethutil . NewValueFromBytes ( data ) . Get ( 2 ) . Bytes ( )
msg := ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgHandshakeTy , [ ] interface { } {
uint32 ( ProtocolVersion ) , uint32 ( 0 ) , p . Version , byte ( p . caps ) , p . port , pubkey ,
} )
p . QueueMessage ( msg )
return nil
func ( p * Peer ) peersMessage ( ) * ethwire . Msg {
outPeers := make ( [ ] interface { } , len ( p . ethereum . InOutPeers ( ) ) )
// Serialise each peer
for i , peer := range p . ethereum . InOutPeers ( ) {
// Don't return localhost as valid peer
if ! net . ParseIP ( peer . conn . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ) . IsLoopback ( ) {
outPeers [ i ] = peer . RlpData ( )
// Return the message to the peer with the known list of connected clients
return ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgPeersTy , outPeers )
// Pushes the list of outbound peers to the client when requested
func ( p * Peer ) pushPeers ( ) {
p . QueueMessage ( p . peersMessage ( ) )
func ( p * Peer ) handleHandshake ( msg * ethwire . Msg ) {
c := msg . Data
if c . Get ( 0 ) . Uint ( ) != ProtocolVersion {
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugln ( "Invalid peer version. Require protocol:" , ProtocolVersion )
p . Stop ( )
p . versionKnown = true
// If this is an inbound connection send an ack back
if p . inbound {
p . pubkey = c . Get ( 5 ) . Bytes ( )
p . port = uint16 ( c . Get ( 4 ) . Uint ( ) )
// Self connect detection
keyPair := ethutil . GetKeyRing ( ) . Get ( 0 )
if bytes . Compare ( keyPair . PublicKey , p . pubkey ) == 0 {
p . Stop ( )
// Set the peer's caps
p . caps = Caps ( c . Get ( 3 ) . Byte ( ) )
// Get a reference to the peers version
p . Version = c . Get ( 2 ) . Str ( )
// Catch up with the connected peer
if ! p . ethereum . IsUpToDate ( ) {
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugln ( "Already syncing up with a peer; sleeping" )
time . Sleep ( 10 * time . Second )
p . SyncWithPeerToLastKnown ( )
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugln ( "[PEER]" , p )
func ( p * Peer ) String ( ) string {
var strBoundType string
if p . inbound {
strBoundType = "inbound"
} else {
strBoundType = "outbound"
var strConnectType string
if atomic . LoadInt32 ( & p . disconnect ) == 0 {
strConnectType = "connected"
} else {
strConnectType = "disconnected"
return fmt . Sprintf ( "[%s] (%s) %v %s [%s]" , strConnectType , strBoundType , p . conn . RemoteAddr ( ) , p . Version , p . caps )
func ( p * Peer ) SyncWithPeerToLastKnown ( ) {
p . catchingUp = false
p . CatchupWithPeer ( p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . CurrentBlock . Hash ( ) )
func ( p * Peer ) FindCommonParentBlock ( ) {
if p . catchingUp {
p . catchingUp = true
if p . blocksRequested == 0 {
p . blocksRequested = 20
blocks := p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . GetChain ( p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . CurrentBlock . Hash ( ) , p . blocksRequested )
var hashes [ ] interface { }
for _ , block := range blocks {
hashes = append ( hashes , block . Hash ( ) )
msgInfo := append ( hashes , uint64 ( len ( hashes ) ) )
ethutil . Config . Log . Infof ( "Asking for block from %x (%d total) from %s\n" , p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . CurrentBlock . Hash ( ) , len ( hashes ) , p . conn . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) )
msg := ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgGetChainTy , msgInfo )
p . QueueMessage ( msg )
func ( p * Peer ) CatchupWithPeer ( blockHash [ ] byte ) {
if ! p . catchingUp {
// Make sure nobody else is catching up when you want to do this
p . catchingUp = true
msg := ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgGetChainTy , [ ] interface { } { blockHash , uint64 ( 50 ) } )
p . QueueMessage ( msg )
ethutil . Config . Log . Debugf ( "Requesting blockchain %x... from peer %s\n" , p . ethereum . BlockChain ( ) . CurrentBlock . Hash ( ) [ : 4 ] , p . conn . RemoteAddr ( ) )
msg = ethwire . NewMessage ( ethwire . MsgGetTxsTy , [ ] interface { } { } )
p . QueueMessage ( msg )
func ( p * Peer ) RlpData ( ) [ ] interface { } {
return [ ] interface { } { p . host , p . port , p . pubkey }
func packAddr ( address , port string ) ( [ ] interface { } , uint16 ) {
addr := strings . Split ( address , "." )
a , _ := strconv . Atoi ( addr [ 0 ] )
b , _ := strconv . Atoi ( addr [ 1 ] )
c , _ := strconv . Atoi ( addr [ 2 ] )
d , _ := strconv . Atoi ( addr [ 3 ] )
host := [ ] interface { } { int32 ( a ) , int32 ( b ) , int32 ( c ) , int32 ( d ) }
prt , _ := strconv . Atoi ( port )
return host , uint16 ( prt )
func unpackAddr ( value * ethutil . Value , p uint64 ) string {
a := strconv . Itoa ( int ( value . Get ( 0 ) . Uint ( ) ) )
b := strconv . Itoa ( int ( value . Get ( 1 ) . Uint ( ) ) )
c := strconv . Itoa ( int ( value . Get ( 2 ) . Uint ( ) ) )
d := strconv . Itoa ( int ( value . Get ( 3 ) . Uint ( ) ) )
host := strings . Join ( [ ] string { a , b , c , d } , "." )
port := strconv . Itoa ( int ( p ) )
return net . JoinHostPort ( host , port )