@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ This returns a result which is also a JSON object, with values expressed as hexa
While this approach is valid, it is also a very low level and rather error-prone way to interact with Geth. Most developers prefer to use convenience libraries that abstract away some of the more tedious and awkward tasks such as converting values from hexadecimal strings into numbers, or converting between denominations of ether (Wei, Gwei, etc). One such library is [Web3.js](https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v1.7.3/). This is a collection of Javascript libraries for interacting with an Ethereum node at a higher level than sending raw JSON objects to the node. The purpose of Geth's Javascript console is to provide a built-in environment to use a subset of the Web3.js libraries to interact with a Geth node.
{% include note.html content="The web3.js version that comes bundled with Geth is not up to date with the official Web3.js documentation. There are several Web3.js libraries that are not available in the Geth Javascript Console. There are also administrative APIs included in the Geth console that are not documented in the Web3.jc documentation. The full list of libraries available in the Geth console is available on the [JSON-RPC API page](/docs/rpc/server)" %}
{% include note.html content="The web3.js version that comes bundled with Geth is not up to date with the official Web3.js documentation. There are several Web3.js libraries that are not available in the Geth Javascript Console. There are also administrative APIs included in the Geth console that are not documented in the Web3.js documentation. The full list of libraries available in the Geth console is available on the [JSON-RPC API page](/docs/rpc/server)." %}