@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ It is also possible to execute JavaScript code non-interactively by passing the
For example, to display the accounts in the keystore:
geth attach --exec eth.accounts
geth --exec eth.accounts attach
geth attach --exec eth.blockNumber
geth --exec eth.blockNumber attach
The same syntax can be used to execute a local script file with more complex statements on a remote node over http, for example:
geth attach http://geth.example.org:8545 --exec 'loadScript("/tmp/checkbalances.js")'
geth --exec 'loadScript("/tmp/checkbalances.js")' attach http://geth.example.org:8545
geth attach http://geth.example.org:8545 --jspath "/tmp" --exec 'loadScript("checkbalances.js")'
geth --jspath "/tmp" --exec 'loadScript("checkbalances.js")' attach http://geth.example.org:8545
The `--jspath` flag is used to set a library directory for the Javascript scripts. Any parameters passed to `loadScript()` that do not explicitly define an absolute path will be interpreted relative to the `jspath` directory.