les: improved header fetcher and server statistics

Zsolt Felfoldi 8 years ago
parent e67500aa15
commit af8a742d00
  1. 754
  2. 53
  3. 11
  4. 55
  5. 120
  6. 8
  7. 70
  8. 7
  9. 204
  10. 11

@ -23,173 +23,416 @@ import (
const (
blockDelayTimeout = time.Second * 10 // timeout for a peer to announce a head that has already been confirmed by others
maxNodeCount = 20 // maximum number of fetcherTreeNode entries remembered for each peer
// lightFetcher
type lightFetcher struct {
pm *ProtocolManager
odr *LesOdr
chain BlockChain
headAnnouncedMu sync.Mutex
headAnnouncedBy map[common.Hash][]*peer
currentTd *big.Int
deliverChn chan fetchResponse
reqMu sync.RWMutex
requested map[uint64]fetchRequest
timeoutChn chan uint64
notifyChn chan bool // true if initiated from outside
syncing bool
syncDone chan struct{}
chain *light.LightChain
maxConfirmedTd *big.Int
peers map[*peer]*fetcherPeerInfo
lastUpdateStats *updateStatsEntry
lock sync.Mutex // qwerqwerqwe
deliverChn chan fetchResponse
reqMu sync.RWMutex
requested map[uint64]fetchRequest
timeoutChn chan uint64
requestChn chan bool // true if initiated from outside
syncing bool
syncDone chan *peer
// fetcherPeerInfo holds fetcher-specific information about each active peer
type fetcherPeerInfo struct {
root, lastAnnounced *fetcherTreeNode
nodeCnt int
confirmedTd *big.Int
bestConfirmed *fetcherTreeNode
nodeByHash map[common.Hash]*fetcherTreeNode
firstUpdateStats *updateStatsEntry
// fetcherTreeNode is a node of a tree that holds information about blocks recently
// announced and confirmed by a certain peer. Each new announce message from a peer
// adds nodes to the tree, based on the previous announced head and the reorg depth.
// There are three possible states for a tree node:
// - announced: not downloaded (known) yet, but we know its head, number and td
// - intermediate: not known, hash and td are empty, they are filled out when it becomes known
// - known: both announced by this peer and downloaded (from any peer).
// This structure makes it possible to always know which peer has a certain block,
// which is necessary for selecting a suitable peer for ODR requests and also for
// canonizing new heads. It also helps to always download the minimum necessary
// amount of headers with a single request.
type fetcherTreeNode struct {
hash common.Hash
number uint64
td *big.Int
known, requested bool
parent *fetcherTreeNode
children []*fetcherTreeNode
// fetchRequest represents a header download request
type fetchRequest struct {
hash common.Hash
amount uint64
peer *peer
hash common.Hash
amount uint64
peer *peer
sent mclock.AbsTime
timeout bool
// fetchResponse represents a header download response
type fetchResponse struct {
reqID uint64
headers []*types.Header
peer *peer
// newLightFetcher creates a new light fetcher
func newLightFetcher(pm *ProtocolManager) *lightFetcher {
f := &lightFetcher{
pm: pm,
chain: pm.blockchain,
odr: pm.odr,
headAnnouncedBy: make(map[common.Hash][]*peer),
deliverChn: make(chan fetchResponse, 100),
requested: make(map[uint64]fetchRequest),
timeoutChn: make(chan uint64),
notifyChn: make(chan bool, 100),
syncDone: make(chan struct{}),
currentTd: big.NewInt(0),
pm: pm,
chain: pm.blockchain.(*light.LightChain),
odr: pm.odr,
peers: make(map[*peer]*fetcherPeerInfo),
deliverChn: make(chan fetchResponse, 100),
requested: make(map[uint64]fetchRequest),
timeoutChn: make(chan uint64),
requestChn: make(chan bool, 100),
syncDone: make(chan *peer),
maxConfirmedTd: big.NewInt(0),
go f.syncLoop()
return f
func (f *lightFetcher) notify(p *peer, head *announceData) {
var headHash common.Hash
if head == nil {
// initial notify
headHash = p.Head()
} else {
if core.GetTd(f.pm.chainDb, head.Hash, head.Number) != nil {
head.haveHeaders = head.Number
//fmt.Println("notify", p.id, head.Number, head.ReorgDepth, head.haveHeaders)
if !p.addNotify(head) {
//fmt.Println("addNotify fail")
// syncLoop is the main event loop of the light fetcher
func (f *lightFetcher) syncLoop() {
defer f.pm.wg.Done()
requestStarted := false
for {
select {
case <-f.pm.quitSync:
// when a new announce is received, request loop keeps running until
// no further requests are necessary or possible
case newAnnounce := <-f.requestChn:
s := requestStarted
requestStarted = false
if !f.syncing && !(newAnnounce && s) {
if peer, node, amount := f.nextRequest(); node != nil {
requestStarted = true
reqID, started := f.request(peer, node, amount)
if started {
go func() {
req, ok := f.requested[reqID]
if ok {
req.timeout = true
f.requested[reqID] = req
// keep starting new requests while possible
f.requestChn <- false
case reqID := <-f.timeoutChn:
req, ok := f.requested[reqID]
if ok {
delete(f.requested, reqID)
if ok {
f.pm.serverPool.adjustResponseTime(req.peer.poolEntry, time.Duration(mclock.Now()-req.sent), true)
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("hard timeout by peer %v", req.peer.id)
go f.pm.removePeer(req.peer.id)
case resp := <-f.deliverChn:
req, ok := f.requested[resp.reqID]
if ok && req.peer != resp.peer {
ok = false
if ok {
delete(f.requested, resp.reqID)
if ok {
f.pm.serverPool.adjustResponseTime(req.peer.poolEntry, time.Duration(mclock.Now()-req.sent), req.timeout)
if !ok || !(f.syncing || f.processResponse(req, resp)) {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("failed processing response by peer %v", resp.peer.id)
go f.pm.removePeer(resp.peer.id)
case p := <-f.syncDone:
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("done synchronising with peer %v", p.id)
f.syncing = false
headHash = head.Hash
f.headAnnouncedBy[headHash] = append(f.headAnnouncedBy[headHash], p)
f.notifyChn <- true
func (f *lightFetcher) gotHeader(header *types.Header) {
defer f.headAnnouncedMu.Unlock()
// addPeer adds a new peer to the fetcher's peer set
func (f *lightFetcher) addPeer(p *peer) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
f.peers[p] = &fetcherPeerInfo{nodeByHash: make(map[common.Hash]*fetcherTreeNode)}
hash := header.Hash()
peerList := f.headAnnouncedBy[hash]
if peerList == nil {
// removePeer removes a new peer from the fetcher's peer set
func (f *lightFetcher) removePeer(p *peer) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
// check for potential timed out block delay statistics
f.checkUpdateStats(p, nil)
delete(f.peers, p)
// announce processes a new announcement message received from a peer, adding new
// nodes to the peer's block tree and removing old nodes if necessary
func (f *lightFetcher) announce(p *peer, head *announceData) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("received announce from peer %v #%d %016x reorg: %d", p.id, head.Number, head.Hash[:8], head.ReorgDepth)
fp := f.peers[p]
if fp == nil {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("announce: unknown peer")
if fp.lastAnnounced != nil && head.Td.Cmp(fp.lastAnnounced.td) <= 0 {
// announced tds should be strictly monotonic
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("non-monotonic Td from peer %v", p.id)
go f.pm.removePeer(p.id)
number := header.Number.Uint64()
td := core.GetTd(f.pm.chainDb, hash, number)
for _, peer := range peerList {
ok := peer.gotHeader(hash, number, td)
if !ok {
//fmt.Println("gotHeader fail")
n := fp.lastAnnounced
for i := uint64(0); i < head.ReorgDepth; i++ {
if n == nil {
n = n.parent
delete(f.headAnnouncedBy, hash)
if n != nil {
// n is now the reorg common ancestor, add a new branch of nodes
// check if the node count is too high to add new nodes
locked := false
for uint64(fp.nodeCnt)+head.Number-n.number > maxNodeCount && fp.root != nil {
if !locked {
defer f.chain.UnlockChain()
locked = true
// if one of root's children is canonical, keep it, delete other branches and root itself
var newRoot *fetcherTreeNode
for i, nn := range fp.root.children {
if core.GetCanonicalHash(f.pm.chainDb, nn.number) == nn.hash {
fp.root.children = append(fp.root.children[:i], fp.root.children[i+1:]...)
nn.parent = nil
newRoot = nn
if n == fp.root {
n = newRoot
fp.root = newRoot
if newRoot == nil || !f.checkKnownNode(p, newRoot) {
fp.bestConfirmed = nil
fp.confirmedTd = nil
func (f *lightFetcher) nextRequest() (*peer, *announceData) {
var bestPeer *peer
bestTd := f.currentTd
for _, peer := range f.pm.peers.AllPeers() {
if !peer.headInfo.requested && (peer.headInfo.Td.Cmp(bestTd) > 0 ||
(bestPeer != nil && peer.headInfo.Td.Cmp(bestTd) == 0 && peer.headInfo.haveHeaders > bestPeer.headInfo.haveHeaders)) {
bestPeer = peer
bestTd = peer.headInfo.Td
if n == nil {
if bestPeer == nil {
return nil, nil
res := bestPeer.headInfo
res.requested = true
for _, peer := range f.pm.peers.AllPeers() {
if peer != bestPeer {
if peer.headInfo.Hash == bestPeer.headInfo.Hash && peer.headInfo.haveHeaders == bestPeer.headInfo.haveHeaders {
peer.headInfo.requested = true
if n != nil {
for n.number < head.Number {
nn := &fetcherTreeNode{number: n.number + 1, parent: n}
n.children = append(n.children, nn)
n = nn
n.hash = head.Hash
n.td = head.Td
fp.nodeByHash[n.hash] = n
return bestPeer, res
if n == nil {
// could not find reorg common ancestor or had to delete entire tree, a new root and a resync is needed
if fp.root != nil {
n = &fetcherTreeNode{hash: head.Hash, number: head.Number, td: head.Td}
fp.root = n
fp.nodeByHash[n.hash] = n
fp.bestConfirmed = nil
fp.confirmedTd = nil
func (f *lightFetcher) deliverHeaders(peer *peer, reqID uint64, headers []*types.Header) {
f.deliverChn <- fetchResponse{reqID: reqID, headers: headers, peer: peer}
f.checkKnownNode(p, n)
p.headInfo = head
fp.lastAnnounced = n
f.checkUpdateStats(p, nil)
f.requestChn <- true
func (f *lightFetcher) requestedID(reqID uint64) bool {
_, ok := f.requested[reqID]
return ok
// peerHasBlock returns true if we can assume the peer knows the given block
// based on its announcements
func (f *lightFetcher) peerHasBlock(p *peer, hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool {
defer f.lock.Lock()
fp := f.peers[p]
if fp == nil || fp.root == nil {
return false
if number >= fp.root.number {
// it is recent enough that if it is known, is should be in the peer's block tree
return fp.nodeByHash[hash] != nil
defer f.chain.UnlockChain()
// if it's older than the peer's block tree root but it's in the same canonical chain
// than the root, we can still be sure the peer knows it
return core.GetCanonicalHash(f.pm.chainDb, fp.root.number) == fp.root.hash && core.GetCanonicalHash(f.pm.chainDb, number) == hash
func (f *lightFetcher) request(p *peer, block *announceData) {
//fmt.Println("request", p.id, block.Number, block.haveHeaders)
amount := block.Number - block.haveHeaders
if amount == 0 {
// request initiates a header download request from a certain peer
func (f *lightFetcher) request(p *peer, n *fetcherTreeNode, amount uint64) (uint64, bool) {
fp := f.peers[p]
if fp == nil {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("request: unknown peer")
return 0, false
if amount > 100 {
if fp.bestConfirmed == nil || fp.root == nil || !f.checkKnownNode(p, fp.root) {
f.syncing = true
go func() {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("synchronising with peer %v", p.id)
//fmt.Println("sync done")
f.syncDone <- struct{}{}
f.syncDone <- p
return 0, false
reqID := f.odr.getNextReqID()
f.requested[reqID] = fetchRequest{hash: block.Hash, amount: amount, peer: p}
n.requested = true
cost := p.GetRequestCost(GetBlockHeadersMsg, int(amount))
p.fcServer.SendRequest(reqID, cost)
go p.RequestHeadersByHash(reqID, cost, block.Hash, int(amount), 0, true)
f.requested[reqID] = fetchRequest{hash: n.hash, amount: amount, peer: p, sent: mclock.Now()}
go p.RequestHeadersByHash(reqID, cost, n.hash, int(amount), 0, true)
go func() {
f.timeoutChn <- reqID
return reqID, true
// requestAmount calculates the amount of headers to be downloaded starting
// from a certain head backwards
func (f *lightFetcher) requestAmount(p *peer, n *fetcherTreeNode) uint64 {
amount := uint64(0)
nn := n
for nn != nil && !f.checkKnownNode(p, nn) {
nn = nn.parent
if nn == nil {
amount = n.number
return amount
// requestedID tells if a certain reqID has been requested by the fetcher
func (f *lightFetcher) requestedID(reqID uint64) bool {
_, ok := f.requested[reqID]
return ok
// nextRequest selects the peer and announced head to be requested next, amount
// to be downloaded starting from the head backwards is also returned
func (f *lightFetcher) nextRequest() (*peer, *fetcherTreeNode, uint64) {
var (
bestHash common.Hash
bestAmount uint64
bestTd := f.maxConfirmedTd
for p, fp := range f.peers {
for hash, n := range fp.nodeByHash {
if !f.checkKnownNode(p, n) && !n.requested && (bestTd == nil || n.td.Cmp(bestTd) >= 0) {
amount := f.requestAmount(p, n)
if bestTd == nil || n.td.Cmp(bestTd) > 0 || amount < bestAmount {
bestHash = hash
bestAmount = amount
bestTd = n.td
if bestTd == f.maxConfirmedTd {
return nil, nil, 0
peer := f.pm.serverPool.selectPeer(func(p *peer) (bool, uint64) {
fp := f.peers[p]
if fp == nil || fp.nodeByHash[bestHash] == nil {
return false, 0
return true, p.fcServer.CanSend(p.GetRequestCost(GetBlockHeadersMsg, int(bestAmount)))
var node *fetcherTreeNode
if peer != nil {
node = f.peers[peer].nodeByHash[bestHash]
return peer, node, bestAmount
// deliverHeaders delivers header download request responses for processing
func (f *lightFetcher) deliverHeaders(peer *peer, reqID uint64, headers []*types.Header) {
f.deliverChn <- fetchResponse{reqID: reqID, headers: headers, peer: peer}
// processResponse processes header download request responses
func (f *lightFetcher) processResponse(req fetchRequest, resp fetchResponse) bool {
if uint64(len(resp.headers)) != req.amount || resp.headers[0].Hash() != req.hash {
return false
@ -201,101 +444,248 @@ func (f *lightFetcher) processResponse(req fetchRequest, resp fetchResponse) boo
if _, err := f.chain.InsertHeaderChain(headers, 1); err != nil {
return false
for _, header := range headers {
td := core.GetTd(f.pm.chainDb, header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64())
tds := make([]*big.Int, len(headers))
for i, header := range headers {
td := f.chain.GetTd(header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64())
if td == nil {
return false
if td.Cmp(f.currentTd) > 0 {
f.currentTd = td
tds[i] = td
f.newHeaders(headers, tds)
return true
func (f *lightFetcher) checkSyncedHeaders() {
for _, peer := range f.pm.peers.AllPeers() {
h := peer.firstHeadInfo
remove := false
for h != nil {
if td := core.GetTd(f.pm.chainDb, h.Hash, h.Number); td != nil {
//fmt.Println(" found", h.Number)
ok := peer.gotHeader(h.Hash, h.Number, td)
if !ok {
remove = true
break loop
if td.Cmp(f.currentTd) > 0 {
f.currentTd = td
h = h.next
// newHeaders updates the block trees of all active peers according to a newly
// downloaded and validated batch or headers
func (f *lightFetcher) newHeaders(headers []*types.Header, tds []*big.Int) {
var maxTd *big.Int
for p, fp := range f.peers {
if !f.checkAnnouncedHeaders(fp, headers, tds) {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("announce inconsistency by peer %v", p.id)
go f.pm.removePeer(p.id)
if remove {
//fmt.Println("checkSync fail")
if fp.confirmedTd != nil && (maxTd == nil || maxTd.Cmp(fp.confirmedTd) > 0) {
maxTd = fp.confirmedTd
if maxTd != nil {
func (f *lightFetcher) syncLoop() {
defer f.pm.wg.Done()
// checkAnnouncedHeaders updates peer's block tree if necessary after validating
// a batch of headers. It searches for the latest header in the batch that has a
// matching tree node (if any), and if it has not been marked as known already,
// sets it and its parents to known (even those which are older than the currently
// validated ones). Return value shows if all hashes, numbers and Tds matched
// correctly to the announced values (otherwise the peer should be dropped).
func (f *lightFetcher) checkAnnouncedHeaders(fp *fetcherPeerInfo, headers []*types.Header, tds []*big.Int) bool {
var (
n *fetcherTreeNode
header *types.Header
td *big.Int
srtoNotify := false
for {
select {
case <-f.pm.quitSync:
case ext := <-f.notifyChn:
//fmt.Println("<-f.notifyChn", f.syncing, ext, srtoNotify)
s := srtoNotify
srtoNotify = false
if !f.syncing && !(ext && s) {
if p, r := f.nextRequest(); r != nil {
srtoNotify = true
go func() {
f.notifyChn <- false
f.request(p, r)
for i := len(headers) - 1; ; i-- {
if i < 0 {
if n == nil {
// no more headers and nothing to match
return true
// we ran out of recently delivered headers but have not reached a node known by this peer yet, continue matching
td = f.chain.GetTd(header.ParentHash, header.Number.Uint64()-1)
header = f.chain.GetHeader(header.ParentHash, header.Number.Uint64()-1)
} else {
header = headers[i]
td = tds[i]
hash := header.Hash()
number := header.Number.Uint64()
if n == nil {
n = fp.nodeByHash[hash]
if n != nil {
if n.td == nil {
// node was unannounced
if nn := fp.nodeByHash[hash]; nn != nil {
// if there was already a node with the same hash, continue there and drop this one
nn.children = append(nn.children, n.children...)
n.children = nil
n = nn
} else {
n.hash = hash
n.td = td
fp.nodeByHash[hash] = n
case reqID := <-f.timeoutChn:
req, ok := f.requested[reqID]
if ok {
delete(f.requested, reqID)
// check if it matches the header
if n.hash != hash || n.number != number || n.td.Cmp(td) != 0 {
// peer has previously made an invalid announcement
return false
if ok {
//fmt.Println("hard timeout")
if n.known {
// we reached a known node that matched our expectations, return with success
return true
case resp := <-f.deliverChn:
//fmt.Println("<-f.deliverChn", f.syncing)
req, ok := f.requested[resp.reqID]
if ok && req.peer != resp.peer {
ok = false
n.known = true
if fp.confirmedTd == nil || td.Cmp(fp.confirmedTd) > 0 {
fp.confirmedTd = td
fp.bestConfirmed = n
if ok {
delete(f.requested, resp.reqID)
n = n.parent
if n == nil {
return true
if !ok || !(f.syncing || f.processResponse(req, resp)) {
//fmt.Println("processResponse fail")
// checkSyncedHeaders updates peer's block tree after synchronisation by marking
// downloaded headers as known. If none of the announced headers are found after
// syncing, the peer is dropped.
func (f *lightFetcher) checkSyncedHeaders(p *peer) {
fp := f.peers[p]
if fp == nil {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("checkSyncedHeaders: unknown peer")
n := fp.lastAnnounced
var td *big.Int
for n != nil {
if td = f.chain.GetTd(n.hash, n.number); td != nil {
n = n.parent
// now n is the latest downloaded header after syncing
if n == nil {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("synchronisation failed with peer %v", p.id)
go f.pm.removePeer(p.id)
} else {
header := f.chain.GetHeader(n.hash, n.number)
f.newHeaders([]*types.Header{header}, []*big.Int{td})
// checkKnownNode checks if a block tree node is known (downloaded and validated)
// If it was not known previously but found in the database, sets its known flag
func (f *lightFetcher) checkKnownNode(p *peer, n *fetcherTreeNode) bool {
if n.known {
return true
td := f.chain.GetTd(n.hash, n.number)
if td == nil {
return false
fp := f.peers[p]
if fp == nil {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("checkKnownNode: unknown peer")
return false
header := f.chain.GetHeader(n.hash, n.number)
if !f.checkAnnouncedHeaders(fp, []*types.Header{header}, []*big.Int{td}) {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("announce inconsistency by peer %v", p.id)
go f.pm.removePeer(p.id)
if fp.confirmedTd != nil {
return n.known
// deleteNode deletes a node and its child subtrees from a peer's block tree
func (fp *fetcherPeerInfo) deleteNode(n *fetcherTreeNode) {
if n.parent != nil {
for i, nn := range n.parent.children {
if nn == n {
n.parent.children = append(n.parent.children[:i], n.parent.children[i+1:]...)
case <-f.syncDone:
//fmt.Println("<-f.syncDone", f.syncing)
f.syncing = false
for {
if n.td != nil {
delete(fp.nodeByHash, n.hash)
if len(n.children) == 0 {
for i, nn := range n.children {
if i == 0 {
n = nn
} else {
// updateStatsEntry items form a linked list that is expanded with a new item every time a new head with a higher Td
// than the previous one has been downloaded and validated. The list contains a series of maximum confirmed Td values
// and the time these values have been confirmed, both increasing monotonically. A maximum confirmed Td is calculated
// both globally for all peers and also for each individual peer (meaning that the given peer has announced the head
// and it has also been downloaded from any peer, either before or after the given announcement).
// The linked list has a global tail where new confirmed Td entries are added and a separate head for each peer,
// pointing to the next Td entry that is higher than the peer's max confirmed Td (nil if it has already confirmed
// the current global head).
type updateStatsEntry struct {
time mclock.AbsTime
td *big.Int
next *updateStatsEntry
// updateMaxConfirmedTd updates the block delay statistics of active peers. Whenever a new highest Td is confirmed,
// adds it to the end of a linked list together with the time it has been confirmed. Then checks which peers have
// already confirmed a head with the same or higher Td (which counts as zero block delay) and updates their statistics.
// Those who have not confirmed such a head by now will be updated by a subsequent checkUpdateStats call with a
// positive block delay value.
func (f *lightFetcher) updateMaxConfirmedTd(td *big.Int) {
if f.maxConfirmedTd == nil || td.Cmp(f.maxConfirmedTd) > 0 {
f.maxConfirmedTd = td
newEntry := &updateStatsEntry{
time: mclock.Now(),
td: td,
if f.lastUpdateStats != nil {
f.lastUpdateStats.next = newEntry
f.lastUpdateStats = newEntry
for p, _ := range f.peers {
f.checkUpdateStats(p, newEntry)
// checkUpdateStats checks those peers who have not confirmed a certain highest Td (or a larger one) by the time it
// has been confirmed by another peer. If they have confirmed such a head by now, their stats are updated with the
// block delay which is (this peer's confirmation time)-(first confirmation time). After blockDelayTimeout has passed,
// the stats are updated with blockDelayTimeout value. In either case, the confirmed or timed out updateStatsEntry
// items are removed from the head of the linked list.
// If a new entry has been added to the global tail, it is passed as a parameter here even though this function
// assumes that it has already been added, so that if the peer's list is empty (all heads confirmed, head is nil),
// it can set the new head to newEntry.
func (f *lightFetcher) checkUpdateStats(p *peer, newEntry *updateStatsEntry) {
now := mclock.Now()
fp := f.peers[p]
if fp == nil {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("checkUpdateStats: unknown peer")
if newEntry != nil && fp.firstUpdateStats == nil {
fp.firstUpdateStats = newEntry
for fp.firstUpdateStats != nil && fp.firstUpdateStats.time <= now-mclock.AbsTime(blockDelayTimeout) {
f.pm.serverPool.adjustBlockDelay(p.poolEntry, blockDelayTimeout)
fp.firstUpdateStats = fp.firstUpdateStats.next
if fp.confirmedTd != nil {
for fp.firstUpdateStats != nil && fp.firstUpdateStats.td.Cmp(fp.confirmedTd) <= 0 {
f.pm.serverPool.adjustBlockDelay(p.poolEntry, time.Duration(now-fp.firstUpdateStats.time))
fp.firstUpdateStats = fp.firstUpdateStats.next

@ -24,10 +24,8 @@ import (
@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ const (
MaxHeaderProofsFetch = 64 // Amount of merkle proofs to be fetched per retrieval request
MaxTxSend = 64 // Amount of transactions to be send per request
disableClientRemovePeer = true
disableClientRemovePeer = false
// errIncompatibleConfig is returned if the requested protocols and configs are
@ -157,44 +155,27 @@ func NewProtocolManager(chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, lightSync bool, network
Length: ProtocolLengths[i],
Run: func(p *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
var entry *poolEntry
peer := manager.newPeer(int(version), networkId, p, rw)
if manager.serverPool != nil {
addr := p.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
entry = manager.serverPool.connect(p.ID(), addr.IP, uint16(addr.Port))
entry = manager.serverPool.connect(peer, addr.IP, uint16(addr.Port))
if entry == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unwanted connection")
peer := manager.newPeer(int(version), networkId, p, rw)
peer.poolEntry = entry
select {
case manager.newPeerCh <- peer:
defer manager.wg.Done()
start := mclock.Now()
err := manager.handle(peer)
if entry != nil {
connTime := time.Duration(mclock.Now() - start)
stopped := false
select {
case <-manager.quitSync:
stopped = true
//fmt.Println("connTime", peer.id, connTime, stopped, err)
quality := float64(1)
setQuality := true
if connTime < time.Minute*10 {
quality = 0
if stopped {
setQuality = false
manager.serverPool.disconnect(entry, quality, setQuality)
return err
case <-manager.quitSync:
if entry != nil {
manager.serverPool.disconnect(entry, 0, false)
return p2p.DiscQuitting
@ -224,7 +205,6 @@ func NewProtocolManager(chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, lightSync bool, network
manager.downloader = downloader.New(downloader.LightSync, chainDb, manager.eventMux, blockchain.HasHeader, nil, blockchain.GetHeaderByHash,
nil, blockchain.CurrentHeader, nil, nil, nil, blockchain.GetTdByHash,
blockchain.InsertHeaderChain, nil, nil, blockchain.Rollback, removePeer)
manager.fetcher = newLightFetcher(manager)
if odr != nil {
@ -254,10 +234,12 @@ func (pm *ProtocolManager) removePeer(id string) {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("LES: unregister peer %v", id)
if pm.lightSync {
if pm.txrelay != nil {
if pm.fetcher != nil {
if err := pm.peers.Unregister(id); err != nil {
glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("Removal failed:", err)
@ -276,8 +258,10 @@ func (pm *ProtocolManager) Start(srvr *p2p.Server) {
lesTopic := discv5.Topic("LES@" + common.Bytes2Hex(pm.blockchain.Genesis().Hash().Bytes()[0:8]))
if pm.lightSync {
// start sync handler
if srvr != nil {
if srvr != nil { // srvr is nil during testing
pm.serverPool = newServerPool(pm.chainDb, []byte("serverPool/"), srvr, lesTopic, pm.quitSync, &pm.wg)
pm.odr.serverPool = pm.serverPool
pm.fetcher = newLightFetcher(pm)
go pm.syncer()
} else {
@ -369,12 +353,17 @@ func (pm *ProtocolManager) handle(p *peer) error {
requestHeadersByHash, requestHeadersByNumber, nil, nil, nil); err != nil {
return err
if pm.txrelay != nil {
pm.fetcher.notify(p, nil)
head := p.headInfo
if pm.fetcher != nil {
pm.fetcher.announce(p, head)
if p.poolEntry != nil {
@ -460,7 +449,9 @@ func (pm *ProtocolManager) handleMsg(p *peer) error {
return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infoln("AnnounceMsg:", req.Number, req.Hash, req.Td, req.ReorgDepth)
pm.fetcher.notify(p, &req)
if pm.fetcher != nil {
go pm.fetcher.announce(p, &req)
case GetBlockHeadersMsg:
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("<=== GetBlockHeadersMsg from peer %v", p.id)
@ -558,7 +549,7 @@ func (pm *ProtocolManager) handleMsg(p *peer) error {
return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
p.fcServer.GotReply(resp.ReqID, resp.BV)
if pm.fetcher.requestedID(resp.ReqID) {
if pm.fetcher != nil && pm.fetcher.requestedID(resp.ReqID) {
pm.fetcher.deliverHeaders(p, resp.ReqID, resp.Headers)
} else {
err := pm.downloader.DeliverHeaders(p.id, resp.Headers)

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import (
@ -334,3 +335,13 @@ func (p *testPeer) handshake(t *testing.T, td *big.Int, head common.Hash, headNu
func (p *testPeer) close() {
type testServerPool peer
func (p *testServerPool) selectPeer(func(*peer) (bool, uint64)) *peer {
return (*peer)(p)
func (p *testServerPool) adjustResponseTime(*poolEntry, time.Duration, bool) {

@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ var (
// peerDropFn is a callback type for dropping a peer detected as malicious.
type peerDropFn func(id string)
type odrPeerSelector interface {
selectPeer(func(*peer) (bool, uint64)) *peer
adjustResponseTime(*poolEntry, time.Duration, bool)
type LesOdr struct {
db ethdb.Database
@ -44,7 +49,7 @@ type LesOdr struct {
removePeer peerDropFn
mlock, clock sync.Mutex
sentReqs map[uint64]*sentReq
peers *odrPeerSet
serverPool odrPeerSelector
lastReqID uint64
@ -52,7 +57,6 @@ func NewLesOdr(db ethdb.Database) *LesOdr {
return &LesOdr{
db: db,
stop: make(chan struct{}),
peers: newOdrPeerSet(),
sentReqs: make(map[uint64]*sentReq),
@ -77,16 +81,6 @@ type sentReq struct {
answered chan struct{} // closed and set to nil when any peer answers it
// RegisterPeer registers a new LES peer to the ODR capable peer set
func (self *LesOdr) RegisterPeer(p *peer) error {
return self.peers.register(p)
// UnregisterPeer removes a peer from the ODR capable peer set
func (self *LesOdr) UnregisterPeer(p *peer) {
const (
MsgBlockBodies = iota
@ -142,29 +136,26 @@ func (self *LesOdr) requestPeer(req *sentReq, peer *peer, delivered, timeout cha
select {
case <-delivered:
servTime := uint64(mclock.Now() - stime)
self.peers.updateTimeout(peer, false)
self.peers.updateServTime(peer, servTime)
if self.serverPool != nil {
self.serverPool.adjustResponseTime(peer.poolEntry, time.Duration(mclock.Now()-stime), false)
case <-time.After(softRequestTimeout):
if self.peers.updateTimeout(peer, true) {
case <-self.stop:
select {
case <-delivered:
servTime := uint64(mclock.Now() - stime)
self.peers.updateServTime(peer, servTime)
case <-time.After(hardRequestTimeout):
go self.removePeer(peer.id)
case <-self.stop:
if self.serverPool != nil {
self.serverPool.adjustResponseTime(peer.poolEntry, time.Duration(mclock.Now()-stime), true)
// networkRequest sends a request to known peers until an answer is received
@ -193,7 +184,13 @@ func (self *LesOdr) networkRequest(ctx context.Context, lreq LesOdrRequest) erro
exclude := make(map[*peer]struct{})
for {
if peer := self.peers.bestPeer(lreq, exclude); peer == nil {
var p *peer
if self.serverPool != nil {
p = self.serverPool.selectPeer(func(p *peer) (bool, uint64) {
return true, p.fcServer.CanSend(lreq.GetCost(p))
if p == nil {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
@ -202,17 +199,17 @@ func (self *LesOdr) networkRequest(ctx context.Context, lreq LesOdrRequest) erro
case <-time.After(retryPeers):
} else {
exclude[peer] = struct{}{}
exclude[p] = struct{}{}
delivered := make(chan struct{})
timeout := make(chan struct{})
req.sentTo[peer] = delivered
req.sentTo[p] = delivered
cost := lreq.GetCost(peer)
peer.fcServer.SendRequest(reqID, cost)
go self.requestPeer(req, peer, delivered, timeout, reqWg)
lreq.Request(reqID, peer)
cost := lreq.GetCost(p)
p.fcServer.SendRequest(reqID, cost)
go self.requestPeer(req, p, delivered, timeout, reqWg)
lreq.Request(reqID, p)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package les
import (
const dropTimeoutRatio = 20
type odrPeerInfo struct {
reqTimeSum, reqTimeCnt, reqCnt, timeoutCnt uint64
// odrPeerSet represents the collection of active peer participating in the block
// download procedure.
type odrPeerSet struct {
peers map[*peer]*odrPeerInfo
lock sync.RWMutex
// newPeerSet creates a new peer set top track the active download sources.
func newOdrPeerSet() *odrPeerSet {
return &odrPeerSet{
peers: make(map[*peer]*odrPeerInfo),
// Register injects a new peer into the working set, or returns an error if the
// peer is already known.
func (ps *odrPeerSet) register(p *peer) error {
defer ps.lock.Unlock()
if _, ok := ps.peers[p]; ok {
return errAlreadyRegistered
ps.peers[p] = &odrPeerInfo{}
return nil
// Unregister removes a remote peer from the active set, disabling any further
// actions to/from that particular entity.
func (ps *odrPeerSet) unregister(p *peer) error {
defer ps.lock.Unlock()
if _, ok := ps.peers[p]; !ok {
return errNotRegistered
delete(ps.peers, p)
return nil
func (ps *odrPeerSet) peerPriority(p *peer, info *odrPeerInfo, req LesOdrRequest) uint64 {
tm := p.fcServer.CanSend(req.GetCost(p))
if info.reqTimeCnt > 0 {
tm += info.reqTimeSum / info.reqTimeCnt
return tm
func (ps *odrPeerSet) bestPeer(req LesOdrRequest, exclude map[*peer]struct{}) *peer {
var best *peer
var bpv uint64
defer ps.lock.Unlock()
for p, info := range ps.peers {
if _, ok := exclude[p]; !ok {
pv := ps.peerPriority(p, info, req)
if best == nil || pv < bpv {
best = p
bpv = pv
return best
func (ps *odrPeerSet) updateTimeout(p *peer, timeout bool) (drop bool) {
defer ps.lock.Unlock()
if info, ok := ps.peers[p]; ok {
if timeout {
// check ratio before increase to allow an extra timeout
if info.timeoutCnt*dropTimeoutRatio >= info.reqCnt {
return true
return false
func (ps *odrPeerSet) updateServTime(p *peer, servTime uint64) {
defer ps.lock.Unlock()
if info, ok := ps.peers[p]; ok {
info.reqTimeSum += servTime

@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ func testOdr(t *testing.T, protocol int, expFail uint64, fn odrTestFn) {
pm, db, odr := newTestProtocolManagerMust(t, false, 4, testChainGen)
lpm, ldb, odr := newTestProtocolManagerMust(t, true, 0, nil)
_, err1, lpeer, err2 := newTestPeerPair("peer", protocol, pm, lpm)
pool := (*testServerPool)(lpeer)
odr.serverPool = pool
select {
case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 100):
case err := <-err1:
@ -188,13 +190,13 @@ func testOdr(t *testing.T, protocol int, expFail uint64, fn odrTestFn) {
// temporarily remove peer to test odr fails
odr.serverPool = nil
// expect retrievals to fail (except genesis block) without a les peer
odr.serverPool = pool
// expect all retrievals to pass
odr.serverPool = nil
// still expect all retrievals to pass, now data should be cached locally

@ -51,9 +51,8 @@ type peer struct {
id string
firstHeadInfo, headInfo *announceData
headInfoLen int
lock sync.RWMutex
headInfo *announceData
lock sync.RWMutex
announceChn chan announceData
@ -111,67 +110,6 @@ func (p *peer) headBlockInfo() blockInfo {
return blockInfo{Hash: p.headInfo.Hash, Number: p.headInfo.Number, Td: p.headInfo.Td}
func (p *peer) addNotify(announce *announceData) bool {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if announce.Td.Cmp(p.headInfo.Td) < 1 {
return false
if p.headInfoLen >= maxHeadInfoLen {
//return false
p.firstHeadInfo = p.firstHeadInfo.next
if announce.haveHeaders == 0 {
hh := p.headInfo.Number - announce.ReorgDepth
if p.headInfo.haveHeaders < hh {
hh = p.headInfo.haveHeaders
announce.haveHeaders = hh
p.headInfo.next = announce
p.headInfo = announce
return true
func (p *peer) gotHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64, td *big.Int) bool {
h := p.firstHeadInfo
ptr := 0
for h != nil {
if h.Hash == hash {
if h.Number != number || h.Td.Cmp(td) != 0 {
return false
h.headKnown = true
h.haveHeaders = h.Number
p.firstHeadInfo = h
p.headInfoLen -= ptr
last := h
h = h.next
// propagate haveHeaders through the chain
for h != nil {
hh := last.Number - h.ReorgDepth
if last.haveHeaders < hh {
hh = last.haveHeaders
if hh > h.haveHeaders {
h.haveHeaders = hh
} else {
return true
last = h
h = h.next
return true
h = h.next
return true
// Td retrieves the current total difficulty of a peer.
func (p *peer) Td() *big.Int {
@ -455,9 +393,7 @@ func (p *peer) Handshake(td *big.Int, head common.Hash, headNum uint64, genesis
p.fcCosts = MRC.decode()
p.firstHeadInfo = &announceData{Td: rTd, Hash: rHash, Number: rNum}
p.headInfo = p.firstHeadInfo
p.headInfoLen = 1
p.headInfo = &announceData{Td: rTd, Hash: rHash, Number: rNum}
return nil

@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ func testAccess(t *testing.T, protocol int, fn accessTestFn) {
pm, db, _ := newTestProtocolManagerMust(t, false, 4, testChainGen)
lpm, ldb, odr := newTestProtocolManagerMust(t, true, 0, nil)
_, err1, lpeer, err2 := newTestPeerPair("peer", protocol, pm, lpm)
pool := (*testServerPool)(lpeer)
odr.serverPool = pool
select {
case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 100):
case err := <-err1:
@ -100,11 +102,10 @@ func testAccess(t *testing.T, protocol int, fn accessTestFn) {
// temporarily remove peer to test odr fails
odr.serverPool = nil
// expect retrievals to fail (except genesis block) without a les peer
odr.serverPool = pool
// expect all retrievals to pass

@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ const (
targetKnownSelect = 3
// after dialTimeout, consider the server unavailable and adjust statistics
dialTimeout = time.Second * 30
// targetConnTime is the minimum expected connection duration before a server
// drops a client without any specific reason
targetConnTime = time.Minute * 10
// new entry selection weight calculation based on most recent discovery time:
// unity until discoverExpireStart, then exponential decay with discoverExpireConst
discoverExpireStart = time.Minute * 20
@ -75,6 +78,17 @@ const (
// node address selection weight is dropped by a factor of exp(-addrFailDropLn) after
// each unsuccessful connection (restored after a successful one)
addrFailDropLn = math.Ln2
// responseScoreTC and delayScoreTC are exponential decay time constants for
// calculating selection chances from response times and block delay times
responseScoreTC = time.Millisecond * 100
delayScoreTC = time.Second * 5
timeoutPow = 10
// peerSelectMinWeight is added to calculated weights at request peer selection
// to give poorly performing peers a little chance of coming back
peerSelectMinWeight = 0.005
// initStatsWeight is used to initialize previously unknown peers with good
// statistics to give a chance to prove themselves
initStatsWeight = 1
// serverPool implements a pool for storing and selecting newly discovered and already
@ -95,6 +109,7 @@ type serverPool struct {
entries map[discover.NodeID]*poolEntry
lock sync.Mutex
timeout, enableRetry chan *poolEntry
adjustStats chan poolStatAdjust
knownQueue, newQueue poolEntryQueue
knownSelect, newSelect *weightedRandomSelect
@ -112,6 +127,7 @@ func newServerPool(db ethdb.Database, dbPrefix []byte, server *p2p.Server, topic
wg: wg,
entries: make(map[discover.NodeID]*poolEntry),
timeout: make(chan *poolEntry, 1),
adjustStats: make(chan poolStatAdjust, 100),
enableRetry: make(chan *poolEntry, 1),
knownSelect: newWeightedRandomSelect(),
newSelect: newWeightedRandomSelect(),
@ -139,18 +155,19 @@ func newServerPool(db ethdb.Database, dbPrefix []byte, server *p2p.Server, topic
// Otherwise, the connection should be rejected.
// Note that whenever a connection has been accepted and a pool entry has been returned,
// disconnect should also always be called.
func (pool *serverPool) connect(id discover.NodeID, ip net.IP, port uint16) *poolEntry {
func (pool *serverPool) connect(p *peer, ip net.IP, port uint16) *poolEntry {
defer pool.lock.Unlock()
entry := pool.entries[id]
entry := pool.entries[p.ID()]
if entry == nil {
return nil
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("connecting to %v, state: %v", id.String(), entry.state)
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("connecting to %v, state: %v", p.id, entry.state)
if entry.state != psDialed {
return nil
entry.peer = p
entry.state = psConnected
addr := &poolEntryAddress{
ip: ip,
@ -172,42 +189,111 @@ func (pool *serverPool) registered(entry *poolEntry) {
defer pool.lock.Unlock()
entry.state = psRegistered
entry.regTime = mclock.Now()
if !entry.known {
entry.known = true
entry.shortRetry = shortRetryCnt
// disconnect should be called when ending a connection. Service quality statistics
// can be updated optionally (not updated if no registration happened, in this case
// only connection statistics are updated, just like in case of timeout)
func (pool *serverPool) disconnect(entry *poolEntry, quality float64, setQuality bool) {
func (pool *serverPool) disconnect(entry *poolEntry) {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("disconnected %v", entry.id.String())
defer pool.lock.Unlock()
if entry.state != psRegistered {
setQuality = false
if entry.state == psRegistered {
connTime := mclock.Now() - entry.regTime
connAdjust := float64(connTime) / float64(targetConnTime)
if connAdjust > 1 {
connAdjust = 1
stopped := false
select {
case <-pool.quit:
stopped = true
if stopped {
entry.connectStats.add(1, connAdjust)
} else {
entry.connectStats.add(connAdjust, 1)
entry.state = psNotConnected
if entry.knownSelected {
} else {
if setQuality {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("update quality %v %v", quality, entry.id.String())
} else {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("do not update quality")
const (
pseBlockDelay = iota
// poolStatAdjust records are sent to adjust peer block delay/response time statistics
type poolStatAdjust struct {
adjustType int
entry *poolEntry
time time.Duration
// adjustBlockDelay adjusts the block announce delay statistics of a node
func (pool *serverPool) adjustBlockDelay(entry *poolEntry, time time.Duration) {
pool.adjustStats <- poolStatAdjust{pseBlockDelay, entry, time}
// adjustResponseTime adjusts the request response time statistics of a node
func (pool *serverPool) adjustResponseTime(entry *poolEntry, time time.Duration, timeout bool) {
if timeout {
pool.adjustStats <- poolStatAdjust{pseResponseTimeout, entry, time}
} else {
pool.adjustStats <- poolStatAdjust{pseResponseTime, entry, time}
type selectPeerItem struct {
peer *peer
weight int64
func (sp selectPeerItem) Weight() int64 {
return sp.weight
// selectPeer selects a suitable peer for a request
func (pool *serverPool) selectPeer(canSend func(*peer) (bool, uint64)) *peer {
defer pool.lock.Unlock()
sel := newWeightedRandomSelect()
for _, entry := range pool.entries {
if entry.state == psRegistered {
p := entry.peer
ok, cost := canSend(p)
if ok {
w := int64(1000000000 * (peerSelectMinWeight + math.Exp(-(entry.responseStats.recentAvg()+float64(cost))/float64(responseScoreTC))*math.Pow((1-entry.timeoutStats.recentAvg()), timeoutPow)))
sel.update(selectPeerItem{peer: p, weight: w})
choice := sel.choose()
if choice == nil {
return nil
return choice.(selectPeerItem).peer
// eventLoop handles pool events and mutex locking for all internal functions
func (pool *serverPool) eventLoop() {
lookupCnt := 0
@ -230,6 +316,19 @@ func (pool *serverPool) eventLoop() {
case adj := <-pool.adjustStats:
switch adj.adjustType {
case pseBlockDelay:
adj.entry.delayStats.add(float64(adj.time), 1)
case pseResponseTime:
adj.entry.responseStats.add(float64(adj.time), 1)
adj.entry.timeoutStats.add(0, 1)
case pseResponseTimeout:
adj.entry.timeoutStats.add(1, 1)
case node := <-pool.discNodes:
now := mclock.Now()
@ -244,6 +343,11 @@ func (pool *serverPool) eventLoop() {
shortRetry: shortRetryCnt,
pool.entries[id] = entry
// initialize previously unknown peers with good statistics to give a chance to prove themselves
entry.connectStats.add(1, initStatsWeight)
entry.delayStats.add(0, initStatsWeight)
entry.responseStats.add(0, initStatsWeight)
entry.timeoutStats.add(0, initStatsWeight)
entry.lastDiscovered = now
addr := &poolEntryAddress{
@ -298,9 +402,8 @@ func (pool *serverPool) loadNodes() {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("node list decode error: %v", err)
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("loaded node list")
for _, e := range list {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof(" adding node %v fails: %v connStats sum: %v cnt: %v qualityStats sum: %v cnt: %v", e.id.String()+"@"+e.lastConnected.strKey(), e.lastConnected.fails, e.connectStats.sum, e.connectStats.cnt, e.qualityStats.sum, e.qualityStats.cnt)
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("loaded server stats %016x fails: %v connStats: %v / %v delayStats: %v / %v responseStats: %v / %v timeoutStats: %v / %v", e.id[0:8], e.lastConnected.fails, e.connectStats.avg, e.connectStats.weight, time.Duration(e.delayStats.avg), e.delayStats.weight, time.Duration(e.responseStats.avg), e.responseStats.weight, e.timeoutStats.avg, e.timeoutStats.weight)
pool.entries[e.id] = e
@ -433,7 +536,7 @@ func (pool *serverPool) checkDialTimeout(entry *poolEntry) {
} else {
entry.connectStats.add(0, 1)
@ -447,33 +550,36 @@ const (
// poolEntry represents a server node and stores its current state and statistics.
type poolEntry struct {
peer *peer
id discover.NodeID
addr map[string]*poolEntryAddress
lastConnected, dialed *poolEntryAddress
addrSelect weightedRandomSelect
lastDiscovered mclock.AbsTime
known, knownSelected bool
connectStats, qualityStats poolStats
state int
queueIdx int
removed bool
lastDiscovered mclock.AbsTime
known, knownSelected bool
connectStats, delayStats poolStats
responseStats, timeoutStats poolStats
state int
regTime mclock.AbsTime
queueIdx int
removed bool
delayedRetry bool
shortRetry int
func (e *poolEntry) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
return rlp.Encode(w, []interface{}{e.id, e.lastConnected.ip, e.lastConnected.port, e.lastConnected.fails, &e.connectStats, &e.qualityStats})
return rlp.Encode(w, []interface{}{e.id, e.lastConnected.ip, e.lastConnected.port, e.lastConnected.fails, &e.connectStats, &e.delayStats, &e.responseStats, &e.timeoutStats})
func (e *poolEntry) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
var entry struct {
ID discover.NodeID
IP net.IP
Port uint16
Fails uint
CStat, QStat poolStats
ID discover.NodeID
IP net.IP
Port uint16
Fails uint
CStat, DStat, RStat, TStat poolStats
if err := s.Decode(&entry); err != nil {
return err
@ -486,7 +592,9 @@ func (e *poolEntry) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
e.lastConnected = addr
e.connectStats = entry.CStat
e.qualityStats = entry.QStat
e.delayStats = entry.DStat
e.responseStats = entry.RStat
e.timeoutStats = entry.TStat
e.shortRetry = shortRetryCnt
e.known = true
return nil
@ -516,7 +624,7 @@ func (e *knownEntry) Weight() int64 {
if e.state != psNotConnected || !e.known || e.delayedRetry {
return 0
return int64(1000000000 * e.connectStats.recentAvg() * (e.qualityStats.recentAvg() + 0.001) * math.Exp(-float64(e.lastConnected.fails)*failDropLn))
return int64(1000000000 * e.connectStats.recentAvg() * math.Exp(-float64(e.lastConnected.fails)*failDropLn-e.responseStats.recentAvg()/float64(responseScoreTC)-e.delayStats.recentAvg()/float64(delayScoreTC)) * math.Pow((1-e.timeoutStats.recentAvg()), timeoutPow))
// poolEntryAddress is a separate object because currently it is necessary to remember
@ -544,18 +652,17 @@ func (a *poolEntryAddress) strKey() string {
// pstatRecentAdjust with each update and also returned exponentially to the
// average with the time constant pstatReturnToMeanTC
type poolStats struct {
sum, avg, recent float64
cnt uint
lastRecalc mclock.AbsTime
sum, weight, avg, recent float64
lastRecalc mclock.AbsTime
// init initializes stats with a long term sum/update count pair retrieved from the database
func (s *poolStats) init(sum float64, cnt uint) {
func (s *poolStats) init(sum, weight float64) {
s.sum = sum
s.cnt = cnt
s.weight = weight
var avg float64
if cnt > 0 {
avg = s.sum / float64(cnt)
if weight > 0 {
avg = s.sum / weight
s.avg = avg
s.recent = avg
@ -566,16 +673,22 @@ func (s *poolStats) init(sum float64, cnt uint) {
func (s *poolStats) recalc() {
now := mclock.Now()
s.recent = s.avg + (s.recent-s.avg)*math.Exp(-float64(now-s.lastRecalc)/float64(pstatReturnToMeanTC))
if s.cnt > 0 {
s.avg = s.sum / float64(s.cnt)
if s.sum == 0 {
s.avg = 0
} else {
if s.sum > s.weight*1e30 {
s.avg = 1e30
} else {
s.avg = s.sum / s.weight
s.lastRecalc = now
// add updates the stats with a new value
func (s *poolStats) add(val float64) {
s.sum += val
func (s *poolStats) add(value, weight float64) {
s.weight += weight
s.sum += value * weight
@ -586,18 +699,17 @@ func (s *poolStats) recentAvg() float64 {
func (s *poolStats) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
return rlp.Encode(w, []interface{}{math.Float64bits(s.sum), s.cnt})
return rlp.Encode(w, []interface{}{math.Float64bits(s.sum), math.Float64bits(s.weight)})
func (s *poolStats) DecodeRLP(st *rlp.Stream) error {
var stats struct {
SumUint uint64
Cnt uint
SumUint, WeightUint uint64
if err := st.Decode(&stats); err != nil {
return err
s.init(math.Float64frombits(stats.SumUint), stats.Cnt)
s.init(math.Float64frombits(stats.SumUint), math.Float64frombits(stats.WeightUint))
return nil

@ -505,3 +505,14 @@ func (self *LightChain) SyncCht(ctx context.Context) bool {
return false
// LockChain locks the chain mutex for reading so that multiple canonical hashes can be
// retrieved while it is guaranteed that they belong to the same version of the chain
func (self *LightChain) LockChain() {
// UnlockChain unlocks the chain mutex
func (self *LightChain) UnlockChain() {
