@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ matrix: |
# This builder does the Ubuntu PPA and Linux Azure uploads |
- os: linux |
dist: trusty |
sudo: required |
go: 1.7 |
env: |
- ubuntu-ppa |
@ -27,17 +28,31 @@ matrix: |
addons: |
apt: |
packages: |
- gcc-multilib |
- devscripts |
- debhelper |
- dput |
- gcc-multilib |
script: |
# Build for the primary platforms that Trusty can manage |
- go run build/ci.go debsrc -signer "Felix Lange (Geth CI Testing Key) <fjl@twurst.com>" -upload ppa:lp-fjl/geth-ci-testing |
- go run build/ci.go install |
- go run build/ci.go archive -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds |
- go run build/ci.go install -arch 386 |
- go run build/ci.go archive -arch 386 -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds |
# Switch over GCC to cross compilation (breaks 386, hence why do it here only) |
- sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi libc6-dev-armel-cross gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf libc6-dev-armhf-cross gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu libc6-dev-arm64-cross |
- sudo ln -s /usr/include/asm-generic /usr/include/asm |
- GOARM=5 CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc go run build/ci.go install -arch arm |
- GOARM=5 go run build/ci.go archive -arch arm -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds |
- GOARM=6 CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc go run build/ci.go install -arch arm |
- GOARM=6 go run build/ci.go archive -arch arm -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds |
- GOARM=7 CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc go run build/ci.go install -arch arm |
- GOARM=7 go run build/ci.go archive -arch arm -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds |
- CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc go run build/ci.go install -arch arm64 |
- go run build/ci.go archive -arch arm64 -type tar -signer LINUX_SIGNING_KEY -upload gethstore/builds |
# This builder does the OSX Azure uploads |
- os: osx |
go: 1.7 |