@ -10,33 +10,34 @@
GOBIN = ./build/bin
GO ?= latest
GORUN = env GO111MODULE = on go run
geth :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go install ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/geth
@echo "Done building."
@echo " Run \" $( GOBIN) /geth\" to launch geth. "
all :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go install
$( GORUN) build/ci.go install
android :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go aar --local
$( GORUN) build/ci.go aar --local
@echo "Done building."
@echo " Import \" $( GOBIN) /geth.aar\" to use the library. "
ios :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xcode --local
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xcode --local
@echo "Done building."
@echo " Import \" $( GOBIN) /Geth.framework\" to use the library. "
test : all
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go test
$( GORUN) build/ci.go test
lint : ## Run linters.
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go lint
$( GORUN) build/ci.go lint
clean :
go clean -cache
env GO111MODULE = on go clean -cache
rm -fr build/_workspace/pkg/ $( GOBIN) /*
# The devtools target installs tools required for 'go generate'.
@ -63,12 +64,12 @@ geth-linux: geth-linux-386 geth-linux-amd64 geth-linux-arm geth-linux-mips64 get
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-*
geth-linux-386 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/386 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/386 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux 386 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep 386
geth-linux-amd64 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux amd64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep amd64
@ -77,42 +78,42 @@ geth-linux-arm: geth-linux-arm-5 geth-linux-arm-6 geth-linux-arm-7 geth-linux-ar
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep arm
geth-linux-arm-5 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/arm-5 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/arm-5 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARMv5 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep arm-5
geth-linux-arm-6 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/arm-6 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/arm-6 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARMv6 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep arm-6
geth-linux-arm-7 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/arm-7 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/arm-7 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARMv7 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep arm-7
geth-linux-arm64 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/arm64 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/arm64 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARM64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep arm64
geth-linux-mips :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/mips --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/mips --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux MIPS cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep mips
geth-linux-mipsle :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/mipsle --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/mipsle --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux MIPSle cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep mipsle
geth-linux-mips64 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/mips64 --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/mips64 --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux MIPS64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep mips64
geth-linux-mips64le :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/mips64le --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= linux/mips64le --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux MIPS64le cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-linux-* | grep mips64le
@ -121,12 +122,12 @@ geth-darwin: geth-darwin-386 geth-darwin-amd64
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-darwin-*
geth-darwin-386 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= darwin/386 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= darwin/386 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Darwin 386 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-darwin-* | grep 386
geth-darwin-amd64 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= darwin/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= darwin/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Darwin amd64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-darwin-* | grep amd64
@ -135,11 +136,11 @@ geth-windows: geth-windows-386 geth-windows-amd64
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-windows-*
geth-windows-386 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= windows/386 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= windows/386 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Windows 386 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-windows-* | grep 386
geth-windows-amd64 :
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= windows/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth
$( GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go= $( GO) --targets= windows/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth
@echo "Windows amd64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -ld $( GOBIN) /geth-windows-* | grep amd64