* Changed CalcGasLimit to no longer need current block
* Added a gas * price + value on tx validation
* Transactions in the pool are now re-validated once every X
Transactions are now propagated to peers from which we have not yet
received the transaction. This will significantly reduce the chatter on
the network.
Moved new mined block handler to the protocol handler and moved
transaction handling to protocol handler.
Implemented a new transaction queue. Transactions with a holes in their
nonce sequence are also not propagated over the network.
N: 0,1,2,5,6,7 = propagate 0..2 -- 5..N is kept in the tx pool
You can now specify `null` as a way of saying "not interested in this
topic, match all". core.Filter assumes the zero'd address to be the
wildcard. JSON rpc assumes empty strings to be wildcards.
During a split parent and grand parent were included in the database but
not in the canonical chain (numbered chain). Added a `merge` function
which finds the common ancestor of the chains and reinserts the missing
- follow up locks and fix them
- chainManager: call SetQueued for parentErr future blocks, uncomment TD checks, unskip test
- make ErrIncorrectTD non-fatal to be forgiving to genuine mistaken nodes (temp) but demote them to guard against stuck best peers.
- add purging to bounded nodeCache (config nodeCacheSize)
- use nodeCache when creating blockpool entries and let non-best peers add blocks (performance boost)
- minor error in addError
- reduce idleBestPeerTimeout to 1 minute
- correct status counts and unskip status passing status test
- glogified logging
- queued bool // flag for blockpool to skip TD check
- set to true when future block queued
- in checkTD: skip check if queued
- TODO: add test (insertchain sets future block)