- follow up locks and fix them
- chainManager: call SetQueued for parentErr future blocks, uncomment TD checks, unskip test
- make ErrIncorrectTD non-fatal to be forgiving to genuine mistaken nodes (temp) but demote them to guard against stuck best peers.
- add purging to bounded nodeCache (config nodeCacheSize)
- use nodeCache when creating blockpool entries and let non-best peers add blocks (performance boost)
- minor error in addError
- reduce idleBestPeerTimeout to 1 minute
- correct status counts and unskip status passing status test
- glogified logging
The transaction pool will now some easily be able to pre determine the
validity of a transaction by checking the following:
* Account existst
* gas limit higher than the instrinsic gas
* enough funds to pay upfront costs
* nonce check
- logjson flag remove logformat flag
- passed to eth Config
- logsystem not a field of Ethereum
- LogSystem does not need to expose GetLogLevel/SetLogLevel
- message struct just implements more generic LogMsg interface
- LogMsg is a fmt.Stringer with Level()
- jsonMsg ([]byte) implements LogMsg
- remove "raw" systems
- move level logic inside StdLogSystem
- logsystems only print their kind of msg: jsonLogSystem prints jsonMsg, StdLogSystem prints stdMsg
- update blockpool td by subscribing to ChainHeadEvent
- if ahead of best peer, demote it
- addPeer now take own td as current td
- removePeer now take own td as current td
- add relevant tests to peers_test
- eth: backend now calls blockpool with eth.eventMux and chainManager.Td
- protocolversion, networkid global int flags to cli and mist
- fix bug with protocolversion check using wrong db
- log protocolversion & networkid in backend
- NodeInfo, PeerInfo types, PeersInfo(), NodeInfo() in eth/backend to support node admin IF
- start net only if MaxPeers > 0, close extraDb in Stop()
- defer s.extraDb.Close()