#!/bin/bash -eu # Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ # This sets the -coverpgk for the coverage report when the corpus is executed through go test coverpkg="github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/..." function coverbuild { path=$1 function=$2 fuzzer=$3 tags="" if [[ $# -eq 4 ]]; then tags="-tags $4" fi cd $path fuzzed_package=`pwd | rev | cut -d'/' -f 1 | rev` cp $GOPATH/ossfuzz_coverage_runner.go ./"${function,,}"_test.go sed -i -e 's/FuzzFunction/'$function'/' ./"${function,,}"_test.go sed -i -e 's/mypackagebeingfuzzed/'$fuzzed_package'/' ./"${function,,}"_test.go sed -i -e 's/TestFuzzCorpus/Test'$function'Corpus/' ./"${function,,}"_test.go cat << DOG > $OUT/$fuzzer #/bin/sh cd $OUT/$path go test -run Test${function}Corpus -v $tags -coverprofile \$1 -coverpkg $coverpkg DOG chmod +x $OUT/$fuzzer #echo "Built script $OUT/$fuzzer" #cat $OUT/$fuzzer cd - } function build_native_go_fuzzer() { fuzzer=$1 function=$2 path=$3 tags="-tags gofuzz" if [[ $SANITIZER == *coverage* ]]; then coverbuild $path $function $fuzzer $coverpkg else go-118-fuzz-build $tags -o $fuzzer.a -func $function $path $CXX $CXXFLAGS $LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE $fuzzer.a -o $OUT/$fuzzer fi } function compile_fuzzer() { path=$GOPATH/src/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/$1 function=$2 fuzzer=$3 echo "Building $fuzzer" cd $path # Install build dependencies go install github.com/AdamKorcz/go-118-fuzz-build@latest go get github.com/AdamKorcz/go-118-fuzz-build/testing # Test if file contains a line with "func $function(" and "testing.F". if [ $(grep -r "func $function(" $path | grep "testing.F" | wc -l) -eq 1 ] then build_native_go_fuzzer $fuzzer $function $path else echo "Could not find the function: func ${function}(f *testing.F)" fi ## Check if there exists a seed corpus file corpusfile="${path}/testdata/${fuzzer}_seed_corpus.zip" if [ -f $corpusfile ] then cp $corpusfile $OUT/ echo "Found seed corpus: $corpusfile" fi cd - } compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bitutil FuzzEncoder fuzzBitutilEncoder compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bitutil FuzzDecoder fuzzBitutilDecoder compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bn256 FuzzAdd fuzzBn256Add compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bn256 FuzzMul fuzzBn256Mul compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bn256 FuzzPair fuzzBn256Pair compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/runtime Fuzz fuzzVmRuntime compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/keystore Fuzz fuzzKeystore compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/txfetcher Fuzz fuzzTxfetcher compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/rlp Fuzz fuzzRlp compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/trie Fuzz fuzzTrie compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/stacktrie Fuzz fuzzStackTrie compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/difficulty Fuzz fuzzDifficulty compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/abi Fuzz fuzzAbi compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/les Fuzz fuzzLes compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/secp256k1 Fuzz fuzzSecp256k1 compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/vflux FuzzClientPool fuzzClientPool compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzG1Add fuzz_g1_add compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzG1Mul fuzz_g1_mul compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzG1MultiExp fuzz_g1_multiexp compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzG2Add fuzz_g2_add compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzG2Mul fuzz_g2_mul compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzG2MultiExp fuzz_g2_multiexp compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzPairing fuzz_pairing compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzMapG1 fuzz_map_g1 compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzMapG2 fuzz_map_g2 compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzCrossG1Add fuzz_cross_g1_add compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzCrossG1MultiExp fuzz_cross_g1_multiexp compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzCrossG2Add fuzz_cross_g2_add compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/bls12381 FuzzCrossPairing fuzz_cross_pairing compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/snap FuzzARange fuzz_account_range compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/snap FuzzSRange fuzz_storage_range compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/snap FuzzByteCodes fuzz_byte_codes compile_fuzzer tests/fuzzers/snap FuzzTrieNodes fuzz_trie_nodes #TODO: move this to tests/fuzzers, if possible compile_fuzzer crypto/blake2b Fuzz fuzzBlake2b