// @flow // Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors // This file is part of the go-ethereum library. // // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see . import React, {Component} from 'react'; import Table from '@material-ui/core/Table'; import TableHead from '@material-ui/core/TableHead'; import TableBody from '@material-ui/core/TableBody'; import TableRow from '@material-ui/core/TableRow'; import TableCell from '@material-ui/core/TableCell'; import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid/Grid'; import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography'; import {AreaChart, Area, Tooltip, YAxis} from 'recharts'; import {FontAwesomeIcon} from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'; import {faCircle as fasCircle} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import {faCircle as farCircle} from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons'; import convert from 'color-convert'; import CustomTooltip, {bytePlotter, multiplier} from 'CustomTooltip'; import type {Network as NetworkType, PeerEvent} from '../types/content'; import {styles as commonStyles, chartStrokeWidth, hues, hueScale} from '../common'; // Peer chart dimensions. const trafficChartHeight = 18; const trafficChartWidth = 400; // setMaxIngress adjusts the peer chart's gradient values based on the given value. const setMaxIngress = (peer, value) => { peer.maxIngress = value; peer.ingressGradient = []; peer.ingressGradient.push({offset: hueScale[0], color: hues[0]}); let i = 1; for (; i < hues.length && value > hueScale[i]; i++) { peer.ingressGradient.push({offset: Math.floor(hueScale[i] * 100 / value), color: hues[i]}); } i--; if (i < hues.length - 1) { // Usually the maximum value gets between two points on the predefined // color scale (e.g. 123KB is somewhere between 100KB (#FFFF00) and // 1MB (#FF0000)), and the charts need to be comparable by the colors, // so we have to calculate the last hue using the maximum value and the // surrounding hues in order to avoid the uniformity of the top colors // on the charts. For this reason the two hues are translated into the // CIELAB color space, and the top color will be their weighted average // (CIELAB is perceptually uniform, meaning that any point on the line // between two pure color points is also a pure color, so the weighted // average will not lose from the saturation). // // In case the maximum value is greater than the biggest predefined // scale value, the top of the chart will have uniform color. const lastHue = convert.hex.lab(hues[i]); const proportion = (value - hueScale[i]) * 100 / (hueScale[i + 1] - hueScale[i]); convert.hex.lab(hues[i + 1]).forEach((val, j) => { lastHue[j] = (lastHue[j] * proportion + val * (100 - proportion)) / 100; }); peer.ingressGradient.push({offset: 100, color: `#${convert.lab.hex(lastHue)}`}); } }; // setMaxEgress adjusts the peer chart's gradient values based on the given value. // In case of the egress the chart is upside down, so the gradients need to be // calculated inversely compared to the ingress. const setMaxEgress = (peer, value) => { peer.maxEgress = value; peer.egressGradient = []; peer.egressGradient.push({offset: 100 - hueScale[0], color: hues[0]}); let i = 1; for (; i < hues.length && value > hueScale[i]; i++) { peer.egressGradient.unshift({offset: 100 - Math.floor(hueScale[i] * 100 / value), color: hues[i]}); } i--; if (i < hues.length - 1) { // Calculate the last hue. const lastHue = convert.hex.lab(hues[i]); const proportion = (value - hueScale[i]) * 100 / (hueScale[i + 1] - hueScale[i]); convert.hex.lab(hues[i + 1]).forEach((val, j) => { lastHue[j] = (lastHue[j] * proportion + val * (100 - proportion)) / 100; }); peer.egressGradient.unshift({offset: 0, color: `#${convert.lab.hex(lastHue)}`}); } }; // setIngressChartAttributes searches for the maximum value of the ingress // samples, and adjusts the peer chart's gradient values accordingly. const setIngressChartAttributes = (peer) => { let max = 0; peer.ingress.forEach(({value}) => { if (value > max) { max = value; } }); setMaxIngress(peer, max); }; // setEgressChartAttributes searches for the maximum value of the egress // samples, and adjusts the peer chart's gradient values accordingly. const setEgressChartAttributes = (peer) => { let max = 0; peer.egress.forEach(({value}) => { if (value > max) { max = value; } }); setMaxEgress(peer, max); }; // inserter is a state updater function for the main component, which handles the peers. export const inserter = (sampleLimit: number) => (update: NetworkType, prev: NetworkType) => { // The first message contains the metered peer history. if (update.peers && update.peers.bundles) { prev.peers = update.peers; Object.values(prev.peers.bundles).forEach((bundle) => { if (bundle.knownPeers) { Object.values(bundle.knownPeers).forEach((peer) => { if (!peer.maxIngress) { setIngressChartAttributes(peer); } if (!peer.maxEgress) { setEgressChartAttributes(peer); } }); } }); } if (Array.isArray(update.diff)) { update.diff.forEach((event: PeerEvent) => { if (!event.ip) { console.error('Peer event without IP', event); return; } switch (event.remove) { case 'bundle': { delete prev.peers.bundles[event.ip]; return; } case 'known': { if (!event.id) { console.error('Remove known peer event without ID', event.ip); return; } const bundle = prev.peers.bundles[event.ip]; if (!bundle || !bundle.knownPeers || !bundle.knownPeers[event.id]) { console.error('No known peer to remove', event.ip, event.id); return; } delete bundle.knownPeers[event.id]; return; } case 'attempt': { const bundle = prev.peers.bundles[event.ip]; if (!bundle || !Array.isArray(bundle.attempts) || bundle.attempts.length < 1) { console.error('No unknown peer to remove', event.ip); return; } bundle.attempts.splice(0, 1); return; } } if (!prev.peers.bundles[event.ip]) { prev.peers.bundles[event.ip] = { location: { country: '', city: '', latitude: 0, longitude: 0, }, knownPeers: {}, attempts: [], }; } const bundle = prev.peers.bundles[event.ip]; if (event.location) { bundle.location = event.location; return; } if (!event.id) { if (!bundle.attempts) { bundle.attempts = []; } bundle.attempts.push({ connected: event.connected, disconnected: event.disconnected, }); return; } if (!bundle.knownPeers) { bundle.knownPeers = {}; } if (!bundle.knownPeers[event.id]) { bundle.knownPeers[event.id] = { connected: [], disconnected: [], ingress: [], egress: [], active: false, }; } const peer = bundle.knownPeers[event.id]; if (!peer.maxIngress) { setIngressChartAttributes(peer); } if (!peer.maxEgress) { setEgressChartAttributes(peer); } if (event.connected) { if (!peer.connected) { console.warn('peer.connected should exist'); peer.connected = []; } peer.connected.push(event.connected); } if (event.disconnected) { if (!peer.disconnected) { console.warn('peer.disconnected should exist'); peer.disconnected = []; } peer.disconnected.push(event.disconnected); } switch (event.activity) { case 'active': peer.active = true; break; case 'inactive': peer.active = false; break; } if (Array.isArray(event.ingress) && Array.isArray(event.egress)) { if (event.ingress.length !== event.egress.length) { console.error('Different traffic sample length', event); return; } // Check if there is a new maximum value, and reset the colors in case. let maxIngress = peer.maxIngress; event.ingress.forEach(({value}) => { if (value > maxIngress) { maxIngress = value; } }); if (maxIngress > peer.maxIngress) { setMaxIngress(peer, maxIngress); } // Push the new values. peer.ingress.splice(peer.ingress.length, 0, ...event.ingress); const ingressDiff = peer.ingress.length - sampleLimit; if (ingressDiff > 0) { // Check if the maximum value is in the beginning. let i = 0; while (i < ingressDiff && peer.ingress[i].value < peer.maxIngress) { i++; } // Remove the old values from the beginning. peer.ingress.splice(0, ingressDiff); if (i < ingressDiff) { // Reset the colors if the maximum value leaves the chart. setIngressChartAttributes(peer); } } // Check if there is a new maximum value, and reset the colors in case. let maxEgress = peer.maxEgress; event.egress.forEach(({value}) => { if (value > maxEgress) { maxEgress = value; } }); if (maxEgress > peer.maxEgress) { setMaxEgress(peer, maxEgress); } // Push the new values. peer.egress.splice(peer.egress.length, 0, ...event.egress); const egressDiff = peer.egress.length - sampleLimit; if (egressDiff > 0) { // Check if the maximum value is in the beginning. let i = 0; while (i < egressDiff && peer.egress[i].value < peer.maxEgress) { i++; } // Remove the old values from the beginning. peer.egress.splice(0, egressDiff); if (i < egressDiff) { // Reset the colors if the maximum value leaves the chart. setEgressChartAttributes(peer); } } } }); } return prev; }; // styles contains the constant styles of the component. const styles = { tableHead: { height: 'auto', }, tableRow: { height: 'auto', }, tableCell: { paddingTop: 0, paddingRight: 5, paddingBottom: 0, paddingLeft: 5, border: 'none', }, }; export type Props = { container: Object, content: NetworkType, shouldUpdate: Object, }; type State = {}; // Network renders the network page. class Network extends Component { componentDidMount() { const {container} = this.props; if (typeof container === 'undefined') { return; } container.scrollTop = 0; } formatTime = (t: string) => { const time = new Date(t); if (isNaN(time)) { return ''; } const month = `0${time.getMonth() + 1}`.slice(-2); const date = `0${time.getDate()}`.slice(-2); const hours = `0${time.getHours()}`.slice(-2); const minutes = `0${time.getMinutes()}`.slice(-2); const seconds = `0${time.getSeconds()}`.slice(-2); return `${month}/${date}/${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`; }; copyToClipboard = (id) => (event) => { event.preventDefault(); navigator.clipboard.writeText(id).then(() => {}, () => { console.error("Failed to copy node id", id); }); }; peerTableRow = (ip, id, bundle, peer) => { const ingressValues = peer.ingress.map(({value}) => ({ingress: value || 0.001})); const egressValues = peer.egress.map(({value}) => ({egress: -value || -0.001})); return ( {peer.active ? : } {id.substring(0, 10)} {bundle.location ? (() => { const l = bundle.location; return `${l.country ? l.country : ''}${l.city ? `/${l.city}` : ''}`; })() : ''} {peer.ingressGradient && peer.ingressGradient.map(({offset, color}, i) => ( ))} } /> Math.max(dataMax, 0)]} /> {peer.egressGradient && peer.egressGradient.map(({offset, color}, i) => ( ))} } /> Math.min(dataMin, 0), -0.001]} /> ); }; render() { return ( Node ID Location Traffic {Object.entries(this.props.content.peers.bundles).map(([ip, bundle]) => { if (!bundle.knownPeers || Object.keys(bundle.knownPeers).length < 1) { return null; } return Object.entries(bundle.knownPeers).map(([id, peer]) => { if (peer.active === false) { return null; } return this.peerTableRow(ip, id, bundle, peer); }); })} {Object.entries(this.props.content.peers.bundles).map(([ip, bundle]) => { if (!bundle.knownPeers || Object.keys(bundle.knownPeers).length < 1) { return null; } return Object.entries(bundle.knownPeers).map(([id, peer]) => { if (peer.active === true) { return null; } return this.peerTableRow(ip, id, bundle, peer); }); })}
Connection attempts IP Location Nr {Object.entries(this.props.content.peers.bundles).map(([ip, bundle]) => { if (!bundle.attempts || bundle.attempts.length < 1) { return null; } return ( {ip} {bundle.location ? (() => { const l = bundle.location; return `${l.country ? l.country : ''}${l.city ? `/${l.city}` : ''}`; })() : ''} {Object.values(bundle.attempts).length} ); })}
); } } export default Network;