// Copyright 2024 The go-ethereum Authors // This file is part of the go-ethereum library. // // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see . package sync import ( "testing" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/beacon/light/request" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/beacon/types" ) func TestCheckpointInit(t *testing.T) { chain := &TestCommitteeChain{} checkpoint := &types.BootstrapData{Header: types.Header{Slot: 0x2000*4 + 0x1000}} // period 4 checkpointHash := checkpoint.Header.Hash() chkInit := NewCheckpointInit(chain, checkpointHash) ts := NewTestScheduler(t, chkInit) // add 2 servers ts.AddServer(testServer1, 1) ts.AddServer(testServer2, 1) // expect bootstrap request to server 1 ts.Run(1, testServer1, ReqCheckpointData(checkpointHash)) // server 1 times out; expect request to server 2 ts.RequestEvent(request.EvTimeout, ts.Request(1, 1), nil) ts.Run(2, testServer2, ReqCheckpointData(checkpointHash)) // invalid response from server 2; expect init state to still be false ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(2, 1), &types.BootstrapData{Header: types.Header{Slot: 123456}}) ts.ExpFail(testServer2) ts.Run(3) chain.ExpInit(t, false) // server 1 fails (hard timeout) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvFail, ts.Request(1, 1), nil) ts.Run(4) chain.ExpInit(t, false) // server 3 is registered; expect bootstrap request to server 3 ts.AddServer(testServer3, 1) ts.Run(5, testServer3, ReqCheckpointData(checkpointHash)) // valid response from server 3; expect chain to be initialized ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(5, 1), checkpoint) ts.Run(6) chain.ExpInit(t, true) } func TestUpdateSyncParallel(t *testing.T) { chain := &TestCommitteeChain{} chain.SetNextSyncPeriod(0) updateSync := NewForwardUpdateSync(chain) ts := NewTestScheduler(t, updateSync) // add 2 servers, head at period 100; allow 3-3 parallel requests for each ts.AddServer(testServer1, 3) ts.ServerEvent(EvNewOptimisticUpdate, testServer1, types.OptimisticUpdate{SignatureSlot: 0x2000*100 + 0x1000}) ts.AddServer(testServer2, 3) ts.ServerEvent(EvNewOptimisticUpdate, testServer2, types.OptimisticUpdate{SignatureSlot: 0x2000*100 + 0x1000}) // expect 6 requests to be sent ts.Run(1, testServer1, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 0, Count: 8}, testServer1, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 8, Count: 8}, testServer1, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 16, Count: 8}, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 24, Count: 8}, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 32, Count: 8}, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 40, Count: 8}) // valid response to request 1; expect 8 periods synced and a new request started ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(1, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(1, 1))) ts.AddAllowance(testServer1, 1) ts.Run(2, testServer1, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 48, Count: 8}) chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 8) // valid response to requests 4 and 5 ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(1, 4), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(1, 4))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(1, 5), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(1, 5))) ts.AddAllowance(testServer2, 2) // expect 2 more requests but no sync progress (responses 4 and 5 cannot be added before 2 and 3) ts.Run(3, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 56, Count: 8}, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 64, Count: 8}) chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 8) // soft timeout for requests 2 and 3 (server 1 is overloaded) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvTimeout, ts.Request(1, 2), nil) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvTimeout, ts.Request(1, 3), nil) // no allowance, no more requests ts.Run(4) // valid response to requests 6 and 8 and 9 ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(1, 6), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(1, 6))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(3, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(3, 1))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(3, 2), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(3, 2))) ts.AddAllowance(testServer2, 3) // server 2 can now resend requests 2 and 3 (timed out by server 1) and also send a new one ts.Run(5, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 8, Count: 8}, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 16, Count: 8}, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 72, Count: 8}) // server 1 finally answers timed out request 2 ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(1, 2), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(1, 2))) ts.AddAllowance(testServer1, 1) // expect sync progress and one new request ts.Run(6, testServer1, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 80, Count: 8}) chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 16) // server 2 answers requests 11 and 12 (resends of requests 2 and 3) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(5, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(5, 1))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(5, 2), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(5, 2))) ts.AddAllowance(testServer2, 2) ts.Run(7, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 88, Count: 8}, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 96, Count: 4}) // finally the gap is filled, update can process responses up to req6 chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 48) // all remaining requests are answered ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(1, 3), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(1, 3))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(2, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(2, 1))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(5, 3), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(5, 3))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(6, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(6, 1))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(7, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(7, 1))) ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(7, 2), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(7, 2))) ts.Run(8) // expect chain to be fully synced chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 100) } func TestUpdateSyncDifferentHeads(t *testing.T) { chain := &TestCommitteeChain{} chain.SetNextSyncPeriod(10) updateSync := NewForwardUpdateSync(chain) ts := NewTestScheduler(t, updateSync) // add 3 servers with different announced head periods ts.AddServer(testServer1, 1) ts.ServerEvent(EvNewOptimisticUpdate, testServer1, types.OptimisticUpdate{SignatureSlot: 0x2000*15 + 0x1000}) ts.AddServer(testServer2, 1) ts.ServerEvent(EvNewOptimisticUpdate, testServer2, types.OptimisticUpdate{SignatureSlot: 0x2000*16 + 0x1000}) ts.AddServer(testServer3, 1) ts.ServerEvent(EvNewOptimisticUpdate, testServer3, types.OptimisticUpdate{SignatureSlot: 0x2000*17 + 0x1000}) // expect request to the best announced head ts.Run(1, testServer3, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 10, Count: 7}) // request times out, expect request to the next best head ts.RequestEvent(request.EvTimeout, ts.Request(1, 1), nil) ts.Run(2, testServer2, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 10, Count: 6}) // request times out, expect request to the last available server ts.RequestEvent(request.EvTimeout, ts.Request(2, 1), nil) ts.Run(3, testServer1, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 10, Count: 5}) // valid response to request 3, expect chain synced to period 15 ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(3, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(3, 1))) ts.AddAllowance(testServer1, 1) ts.Run(4) chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 15) // invalid response to request 1, server can only deliver updates up to period 15 despite announced head truncated := ts.Request(1, 1) truncated.request = ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 10, Count: 5} ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(1, 1), testRespUpdate(truncated)) ts.ExpFail(testServer3) ts.Run(5) // expect no progress of chain head chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 15) // valid response to request 2, expect chain synced to period 16 ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(2, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(2, 1))) ts.AddAllowance(testServer2, 1) ts.Run(6) chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 16) // a new server is registered with announced head period 17 ts.AddServer(testServer4, 1) ts.ServerEvent(EvNewOptimisticUpdate, testServer4, types.OptimisticUpdate{SignatureSlot: 0x2000*17 + 0x1000}) // expect request to sync one more period ts.Run(7, testServer4, ReqUpdates{FirstPeriod: 16, Count: 1}) // valid response, expect chain synced to period 17 ts.RequestEvent(request.EvResponse, ts.Request(7, 1), testRespUpdate(ts.Request(7, 1))) ts.AddAllowance(testServer4, 1) ts.Run(8) chain.ExpNextSyncPeriod(t, 17) } func TestRangeLock(t *testing.T) { r := make(rangeLock) // Lock from 0 to 99. r.lock(0, 100, 1) for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { if v, ok := r[uint64(i)]; v <= 0 || !ok { t.Fatalf("integer space: %d not locked", i) } } // Unlock from 0 to 99. r.lock(0, 100, -1) for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { if v, ok := r[uint64(i)]; v > 0 || ok { t.Fatalf("integer space: %d is locked", i) } } // Lock from 0 to 99 then unlock from 10 to 59. r.lock(0, 100, 1) r.lock(10, 50, -1) first, count := r.firstUnlocked(0, 100) if first != 10 || count != 50 { t.Fatalf("unexpected first: %d or count: %d", first, count) } } func testRespUpdate(request requestWithID) request.Response { var resp RespUpdates if request.request == nil { return resp } req := request.request.(ReqUpdates) resp.Updates = make([]*types.LightClientUpdate, int(req.Count)) resp.Committees = make([]*types.SerializedSyncCommittee, int(req.Count)) period := req.FirstPeriod for i := range resp.Updates { resp.Updates[i] = &types.LightClientUpdate{AttestedHeader: types.SignedHeader{Header: types.Header{Slot: 0x2000*period + 0x1000}}} resp.Committees[i] = new(types.SerializedSyncCommittee) period++ } return resp }