Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
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// Copyright 2023 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package blsync
import (
ctypes ""
// beaconBlockSync implements request.Module; it fetches the beacon blocks belonging
// to the validated and prefetch heads.
type beaconBlockSync struct {
recentBlocks *lru.Cache[common.Hash, *capella.BeaconBlock]
locked map[common.Hash]request.ServerAndID
serverHeads map[request.Server]common.Hash
headTracker headTracker
lastHeadInfo types.HeadInfo
chainHeadFeed *event.Feed
type headTracker interface {
PrefetchHead() types.HeadInfo
ValidatedHead() (types.SignedHeader, bool)
ValidatedFinality() (types.FinalityUpdate, bool)
// newBeaconBlockSync returns a new beaconBlockSync.
func newBeaconBlockSync(headTracker headTracker, chainHeadFeed *event.Feed) *beaconBlockSync {
return &beaconBlockSync{
headTracker: headTracker,
chainHeadFeed: chainHeadFeed,
recentBlocks: lru.NewCache[common.Hash, *capella.BeaconBlock](10),
locked: make(map[common.Hash]request.ServerAndID),
serverHeads: make(map[request.Server]common.Hash),
// Process implements request.Module.
func (s *beaconBlockSync) Process(requester request.Requester, events []request.Event) {
for _, event := range events {
switch event.Type {
case request.EvResponse, request.EvFail, request.EvTimeout:
sid, req, resp := event.RequestInfo()
blockRoot := common.Hash(req.(sync.ReqBeaconBlock))
if resp != nil {
s.recentBlocks.Add(blockRoot, resp.(*capella.BeaconBlock))
if s.locked[blockRoot] == sid {
delete(s.locked, blockRoot)
case sync.EvNewHead:
s.serverHeads[event.Server] = event.Data.(types.HeadInfo).BlockRoot
case request.EvUnregistered:
delete(s.serverHeads, event.Server)
// request validated head block if unavailable and not yet requested
if vh, ok := s.headTracker.ValidatedHead(); ok {
s.tryRequestBlock(requester, vh.Header.Hash(), false)
// request prefetch head if the given server has announced it
if prefetchHead := s.headTracker.PrefetchHead().BlockRoot; prefetchHead != (common.Hash{}) {
s.tryRequestBlock(requester, prefetchHead, true)
func (s *beaconBlockSync) tryRequestBlock(requester request.Requester, blockRoot common.Hash, needSameHead bool) {
if _, ok := s.recentBlocks.Get(blockRoot); ok {
if _, ok := s.locked[blockRoot]; ok {
for _, server := range requester.CanSendTo() {
if needSameHead && (s.serverHeads[server] != blockRoot) {
id := requester.Send(server, sync.ReqBeaconBlock(blockRoot))
s.locked[blockRoot] = request.ServerAndID{Server: server, ID: id}
func blockHeadInfo(block *capella.BeaconBlock) types.HeadInfo {
if block == nil {
return types.HeadInfo{}
return types.HeadInfo{Slot: uint64(block.Slot), BlockRoot: beaconBlockHash(block)}
// beaconBlockHash calculates the hash of a beacon block.
func beaconBlockHash(beaconBlock *capella.BeaconBlock) common.Hash {
return common.Hash(beaconBlock.HashTreeRoot(configs.Mainnet, tree.GetHashFn()))
// getExecBlock extracts the execution block from the beacon block's payload.
func getExecBlock(beaconBlock *capella.BeaconBlock) (*ctypes.Block, error) {
payload := &beaconBlock.Body.ExecutionPayload
txs := make([]*ctypes.Transaction, len(payload.Transactions))
for i, opaqueTx := range payload.Transactions {
var tx ctypes.Transaction
if err := tx.UnmarshalBinary(opaqueTx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse tx %d: %v", i, err)
txs[i] = &tx
withdrawals := make([]*ctypes.Withdrawal, len(payload.Withdrawals))
for i, w := range payload.Withdrawals {
withdrawals[i] = &ctypes.Withdrawal{
Index: uint64(w.Index),
Validator: uint64(w.ValidatorIndex),
Address: common.Address(w.Address),
Amount: uint64(w.Amount),
wroot := ctypes.DeriveSha(ctypes.Withdrawals(withdrawals), trie.NewStackTrie(nil))
execHeader := &ctypes.Header{
ParentHash: common.Hash(payload.ParentHash),
UncleHash: ctypes.EmptyUncleHash,
Coinbase: common.Address(payload.FeeRecipient),
Root: common.Hash(payload.StateRoot),
TxHash: ctypes.DeriveSha(ctypes.Transactions(txs), trie.NewStackTrie(nil)),
ReceiptHash: common.Hash(payload.ReceiptsRoot),
Bloom: ctypes.Bloom(payload.LogsBloom),
Difficulty: common.Big0,
Number: new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(payload.BlockNumber)),
GasLimit: uint64(payload.GasLimit),
GasUsed: uint64(payload.GasUsed),
Time: uint64(payload.Timestamp),
Extra: []byte(payload.ExtraData),
MixDigest: common.Hash(payload.PrevRandao), // reused in merge
Nonce: ctypes.BlockNonce{}, // zero
BaseFee: (*uint256.Int)(&payload.BaseFeePerGas).ToBig(),
WithdrawalsHash: &wroot,
execBlock := ctypes.NewBlockWithHeader(execHeader).WithBody(txs, nil).WithWithdrawals(withdrawals)
if execBlockHash := execBlock.Hash(); execBlockHash != common.Hash(payload.BlockHash) {
return execBlock, fmt.Errorf("Sanity check failed, payload hash does not match (expected %x, got %x)", common.Hash(payload.BlockHash), execBlockHash)
return execBlock, nil
func (s *beaconBlockSync) updateEventFeed() {
head, ok := s.headTracker.ValidatedHead()
if !ok {
finality, ok := s.headTracker.ValidatedFinality() //TODO fetch directly if subscription does not deliver
if !ok || head.Header.Epoch() != finality.Attested.Header.Epoch() {
validatedHead := head.Header.Hash()
headBlock, ok := s.recentBlocks.Get(validatedHead)
if !ok {
headInfo := blockHeadInfo(headBlock)
if headInfo == s.lastHeadInfo {
s.lastHeadInfo = headInfo
// new head block and finality info available; extract executable data and send event to feed
execBlock, err := getExecBlock(headBlock)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error extracting execution block from validated beacon block", "error", err)
HeadBlock: engine.BlockToExecutableData(execBlock, nil, nil).ExecutionPayload,
Finalized: common.Hash(finality.Finalized.PayloadHeader.BlockHash),