Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
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package librato
import (
// a regexp for extracting the unit from time.Duration.String
var unitRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`[^\\d]+$`)
// a helper that turns a time.Duration into librato display attributes for timer metrics
func translateTimerAttributes(d time.Duration) (attrs map[string]interface{}) {
attrs = make(map[string]interface{})
attrs[DisplayTransform] = fmt.Sprintf("x/%d", int64(d))
attrs[DisplayUnitsShort] = string(unitRegexp.Find([]byte(d.String())))
type Reporter struct {
Email, Token string
Namespace string
Source string
Interval time.Duration
Registry metrics.Registry
Percentiles []float64 // percentiles to report on histogram metrics
TimerAttributes map[string]interface{} // units in which timers will be displayed
intervalSec int64
func NewReporter(r metrics.Registry, d time.Duration, e string, t string, s string, p []float64, u time.Duration) *Reporter {
return &Reporter{e, t, "", s, d, r, p, translateTimerAttributes(u), int64(d / time.Second)}
func Librato(r metrics.Registry, d time.Duration, e string, t string, s string, p []float64, u time.Duration) {
NewReporter(r, d, e, t, s, p, u).Run()
func (rep *Reporter) Run() {
log.Printf("WARNING: This client has been DEPRECATED! It has been moved to and will be removed from rcrowley/go-metrics on August 5th 2015")
ticker := time.NewTicker(rep.Interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
metricsApi := &LibratoClient{rep.Email, rep.Token}
for now := range ticker.C {
var metrics Batch
var err error
if metrics, err = rep.BuildRequest(now, rep.Registry); err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR constructing librato request body %s", err)
if err := metricsApi.PostMetrics(metrics); err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR sending metrics to librato %s", err)
// calculate sum of squares from data provided by metrics.Histogram
// see
func sumSquares(icount int64, mean, stDev float64) float64 {
count := float64(icount)
sumSquared := math.Pow(count*mean, 2)
sumSquares := math.Pow(count*stDev, 2) + sumSquared/count
if math.IsNaN(sumSquares) {
return 0.0
return sumSquares
func sumSquaresTimer(t metrics.TimerSnapshot) float64 {
count := float64(t.Count())
sumSquared := math.Pow(count*t.Mean(), 2)
sumSquares := math.Pow(count*t.StdDev(), 2) + sumSquared/count
if math.IsNaN(sumSquares) {
return 0.0
return sumSquares
func (rep *Reporter) BuildRequest(now time.Time, r metrics.Registry) (snapshot Batch, err error) {
snapshot = Batch{
// coerce timestamps to a stepping fn so that they line up in Librato graphs
MeasureTime: (now.Unix() / rep.intervalSec) * rep.intervalSec,
Source: rep.Source,
snapshot.Gauges = make([]Measurement, 0)
snapshot.Counters = make([]Measurement, 0)
histogramGaugeCount := 1 + len(rep.Percentiles)
r.Each(func(name string, metric interface{}) {
if rep.Namespace != "" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", rep.Namespace, name)
measurement := Measurement{}
measurement[Period] = rep.Interval.Seconds()
switch m := metric.(type) {
case metrics.Counter:
ms := m.Snapshot()
if ms.Count() > 0 {
measurement[Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "count")
measurement[Value] = float64(ms.Count())
measurement[Attributes] = map[string]interface{}{
DisplayUnitsLong: Operations,
DisplayUnitsShort: OperationsShort,
DisplayMin: "0",
snapshot.Counters = append(snapshot.Counters, measurement)
case metrics.CounterFloat64:
if count := m.Snapshot().Count(); count > 0 {
measurement[Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "count")
measurement[Value] = count
measurement[Attributes] = map[string]interface{}{
DisplayUnitsLong: Operations,
DisplayUnitsShort: OperationsShort,
DisplayMin: "0",
snapshot.Counters = append(snapshot.Counters, measurement)
case metrics.Gauge:
measurement[Name] = name
measurement[Value] = float64(m.Snapshot().Value())
snapshot.Gauges = append(snapshot.Gauges, measurement)
case metrics.GaugeFloat64:
measurement[Name] = name
measurement[Value] = m.Snapshot().Value()
snapshot.Gauges = append(snapshot.Gauges, measurement)
case metrics.GaugeInfo:
measurement[Name] = name
measurement[Value] = m.Snapshot().Value()
snapshot.Gauges = append(snapshot.Gauges, measurement)
case metrics.Histogram:
ms := m.Snapshot()
if ms.Count() > 0 {
gauges := make([]Measurement, histogramGaugeCount)
measurement[Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "hist")
measurement[Count] = uint64(ms.Count())
measurement[Max] = float64(ms.Max())
measurement[Min] = float64(ms.Min())
measurement[Sum] = float64(ms.Sum())
measurement[SumSquares] = sumSquares(ms.Count(), ms.Mean(), ms.StdDev())
gauges[0] = measurement
for i, p := range rep.Percentiles {
gauges[i+1] = Measurement{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%.2f", measurement[Name], p),
Value: ms.Percentile(p),
Period: measurement[Period],
snapshot.Gauges = append(snapshot.Gauges, gauges...)
case metrics.Meter:
ms := m.Snapshot()
measurement[Name] = name
measurement[Value] = float64(ms.Count())
snapshot.Counters = append(snapshot.Counters, measurement)
snapshot.Gauges = append(snapshot.Gauges,
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "1min"),
Value: ms.Rate1(),
Period: int64(rep.Interval.Seconds()),
Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
DisplayUnitsLong: Operations,
DisplayUnitsShort: OperationsShort,
DisplayMin: "0",
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "5min"),
Value: ms.Rate5(),
Period: int64(rep.Interval.Seconds()),
Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
DisplayUnitsLong: Operations,
DisplayUnitsShort: OperationsShort,
DisplayMin: "0",
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "15min"),
Value: ms.Rate15(),
Period: int64(rep.Interval.Seconds()),
Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
DisplayUnitsLong: Operations,
DisplayUnitsShort: OperationsShort,
DisplayMin: "0",
case metrics.Timer:
ms := m.Snapshot()
measurement[Name] = name
measurement[Value] = float64(ms.Count())
snapshot.Counters = append(snapshot.Counters, measurement)
if ms.Count() > 0 {
libratoName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "timer.mean")
gauges := make([]Measurement, histogramGaugeCount)
gauges[0] = Measurement{
Name: libratoName,
Count: uint64(ms.Count()),
Sum: ms.Mean() * float64(ms.Count()),
Max: float64(ms.Max()),
Min: float64(ms.Min()),
SumSquares: sumSquaresTimer(ms),
Period: int64(rep.Interval.Seconds()),
Attributes: rep.TimerAttributes,
for i, p := range rep.Percentiles {
gauges[i+1] = Measurement{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.timer.%2.0f", name, p*100),
Value: ms.Percentile(p),
Period: int64(rep.Interval.Seconds()),
Attributes: rep.TimerAttributes,
snapshot.Gauges = append(snapshot.Gauges, gauges...)
snapshot.Gauges = append(snapshot.Gauges,
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "rate.1min"),
Value: ms.Rate1(),
Period: int64(rep.Interval.Seconds()),
Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
DisplayUnitsLong: Operations,
DisplayUnitsShort: OperationsShort,
DisplayMin: "0",
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "rate.5min"),
Value: ms.Rate5(),
Period: int64(rep.Interval.Seconds()),
Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
DisplayUnitsLong: Operations,
DisplayUnitsShort: OperationsShort,
DisplayMin: "0",
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, "rate.15min"),
Value: ms.Rate15(),
Period: int64(rep.Interval.Seconds()),
Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
DisplayUnitsLong: Operations,
DisplayUnitsShort: OperationsShort,
DisplayMin: "0",