Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
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package metrics
import (
type EWMASnapshot interface {
Rate() float64
// EWMAs calculate an exponentially-weighted moving average.
type EWMA interface {
Snapshot() EWMASnapshot
// NewEWMA constructs a new EWMA with the given alpha and sampling period.
func NewEWMA(alpha float64, period time.Duration) EWMA {
return &StandardEWMA{alpha: alpha, period: period, ts: time.Now()}
// NewEWMA1 constructs a new EWMA for a one-minute moving average.
func NewEWMA1() EWMA {
return NewEWMA(1-math.Exp(-5.0/60.0/1), 5*time.Second)
// NewEWMA5 constructs a new EWMA for a five-minute moving average.
func NewEWMA5() EWMA {
return NewEWMA(1-math.Exp(-5.0/60.0/5), 5*time.Second)
// NewEWMA15 constructs a new EWMA for a fifteen-minute moving average.
func NewEWMA15() EWMA {
return NewEWMA(1-math.Exp(-5.0/60.0/15), 5*time.Second)
// ewmaSnapshot is a read-only copy of another EWMA.
type ewmaSnapshot float64
// Rate returns the rate of events per second at the time the snapshot was
// taken.
func (a ewmaSnapshot) Rate() float64 { return float64(a) }
// NilEWMA is a no-op EWMA.
type NilEWMA struct{}
func (NilEWMA) Snapshot() EWMASnapshot { return (*emptySnapshot)(nil) }
func (NilEWMA) Update(n int64) {}
// StandardEWMA is the standard implementation of an EWMA.
type StandardEWMA struct {
uncounted int64
alpha float64
period time.Duration
ewma float64
ts time.Time
init bool
mutex sync.Mutex
// Snapshot returns a read-only copy of the EWMA.
func (a *StandardEWMA) Snapshot() EWMASnapshot {
return ewmaSnapshot(a.rate())
// rate returns the moving average rate of events per second.
func (a *StandardEWMA) rate() float64 {
defer a.mutex.Unlock()
if time.Since(a.ts)/a.period < 1 {
return a.ewma * float64(time.Second)
return a.ewma * float64(time.Second)
func (a *StandardEWMA) updateRate() {
periods := time.Since(a.ts) / a.period
rate := float64(a.uncounted) / float64(a.period)
a.ewma = a.alpha*(rate) + (1-a.alpha)*a.ewma
a.ts = a.ts.Add(a.period)
a.uncounted = 0
periods -= 1
if !a.init {
a.ewma = rate
a.init = true
a.ewma = math.Pow(1-a.alpha, float64(periods)) * a.ewma
a.ts = a.ts.Add(periods * a.period) //nolint:durationcheck
// Update adds n uncounted events.
func (a *StandardEWMA) Update(n int64) {
defer a.mutex.Unlock()
if time.Since(a.ts)/a.period < 1 {
a.uncounted += n
// used to elapse time in unit tests.
func (a *StandardEWMA) addToTimestamp(d time.Duration) {
a.ts = a.ts.Add(d)