You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
4.8 KiB

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include "Event.h"
#include "RoomEvent.h"
#include "StateEvent.h"
#include "AliasesEventContent.h"
#include "AvatarEventContent.h"
#include "CanonicalAliasEventContent.h"
#include "CreateEventContent.h"
#include "HistoryVisibilityEventContent.h"
#include "JoinRulesEventContent.h"
#include "MemberEventContent.h"
#include "NameEventContent.h"
#include "PowerLevelsEventContent.h"
#include "TopicEventContent.h"
using namespace matrix::events;
TEST(EventCollection, Deserialize)
8 years ago
auto events = QJsonArray{
QJsonObject{ { "content", QJsonObject{ { "name", "Name" } } },
{ "event_id", "$" },
{ "prev_content", QJsonObject{ { "name", "Previous Name" } } },
{ "room_id", "!" },
{ "sender", "" },
{ "origin_server_ts", 1323238293289323LL },
{ "state_key", "" },
{ "type", "" } },
QJsonObject{ { "content", QJsonObject{ { "topic", "Topic" } } },
{ "event_id", "$" },
{ "prev_content", QJsonObject{ { "topic", "Previous Topic" } } },
{ "room_id", "!" },
{ "state_key", "" },
{ "sender", "" },
{ "origin_server_ts", 1323238293289323LL },
{ "type", "" } },
8 years ago
for (const auto &event : events) {
EventType ty = extractEventType(event.toObject());
8 years ago
if (ty == EventType::RoomName) {
StateEvent<NameEventContent> name_event;
8 years ago
EXPECT_EQ(name_event.content().name(), "Name");
EXPECT_EQ(name_event.previousContent().name(), "Previous Name");
} else if (ty == EventType::RoomTopic) {
StateEvent<TopicEventContent> topic_event;
8 years ago
EXPECT_EQ(topic_event.content().topic(), "Topic");
EXPECT_EQ(topic_event.previousContent().topic(), "Previous Topic");
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(false, true);
TEST(EventCollection, DeserializationException)
8 years ago
// Using wrong event types.
auto events = QJsonArray{
QJsonObject{ { "content", QJsonObject{ { "name", "Name" } } },
{ "event_id", "$" },
{ "prev_content", QJsonObject{ { "name", "Previous Name" } } },
{ "room_id", "!" },
{ "sender", "" },
{ "origin_server_ts", 1323238293289323LL },
{ "state_key", "" },
{ "type", "" } },
QJsonObject{ { "content", QJsonObject{ { "topic", "Topic" } } },
{ "event_id", "$" },
{ "prev_content", QJsonObject{ { "topic", "Previous Topic" } } },
{ "room_id", "!" },
{ "state_key", "" },
{ "sender", "" },
{ "origin_server_ts", 1323238293289323LL },
{ "type", "" } },
8 years ago
for (const auto &event : events) {
EventType ty = extractEventType(event.toObject());
8 years ago
if (ty == EventType::RoomName) {
StateEvent<NameEventContent> name_event;
8 years ago
try {
} catch (const DeserializationException &e) {
ASSERT_STREQ("name key is missing", e.what());
8 years ago
} else if (ty == EventType::RoomTopic) {
StateEvent<TopicEventContent> topic_event;
8 years ago
try {
} catch (const DeserializationException &e) {
ASSERT_STREQ("topic key is missing", e.what());
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(false, true);