/* * nheko Copyright (C) 2017 Konstantinos Sideris * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "Cache.h" #include "MemberEventContent.h" #include "RoomState.h" namespace events = matrix::events; static const lmdb::val NEXT_BATCH_KEY("next_batch"); static const lmdb::val transactionID("transaction_id"); Cache::Cache(const QString &userId) : env_{nullptr} , stateDb_{0} , roomDb_{0} , isMounted_{false} , userId_{userId} {} void Cache::setup() { qDebug() << "Setting up cache"; auto statePath = QString("%1/%2/state") .arg(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation)) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(userId_.toUtf8().toHex())); cacheDirectory_ = QString("%1/%2") .arg(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation)) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(userId_.toUtf8().toHex())); bool isInitial = !QFile::exists(statePath); env_ = lmdb::env::create(); env_.set_mapsize(128UL * 1024UL * 1024UL); /* 128 MB */ env_.set_max_dbs(1024UL); if (isInitial) { qDebug() << "First time initializing LMDB"; if (!QDir().mkpath(statePath)) { throw std::runtime_error( ("Unable to create state directory:" + statePath).toStdString().c_str()); } } try { env_.open(statePath.toStdString().c_str()); } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { if (e.code() != MDB_VERSION_MISMATCH && e.code() != MDB_INVALID) { throw std::runtime_error("LMDB initialization failed" + std::string(e.what())); } qWarning() << "Resetting cache due to LMDB version mismatch:" << e.what(); QDir stateDir(statePath); for (const auto &file : stateDir.entryList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { if (!stateDir.remove(file)) throw std::runtime_error( ("Unable to delete file " + file).toStdString().c_str()); } env_.open(statePath.toStdString().c_str()); } auto txn = lmdb::txn::begin(env_); stateDb_ = lmdb::dbi::open(txn, "state", MDB_CREATE); roomDb_ = lmdb::dbi::open(txn, "rooms", MDB_CREATE); txn.commit(); isMounted_ = true; } void Cache::setState(const QString &nextBatchToken, const QMap &states) { if (!isMounted_) return; try { auto txn = lmdb::txn::begin(env_); setNextBatchToken(txn, nextBatchToken); for (auto it = states.constBegin(); it != states.constEnd(); ++it) insertRoomState(txn, it.key(), it.value()); txn.commit(); } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { qCritical() << "The cache couldn't be updated: " << e.what(); unmount(); deleteData(); } } void Cache::insertRoomState(lmdb::txn &txn, const QString &roomid, const RoomState &state) { auto stateEvents = QJsonDocument(state.serialize()).toBinaryData(); auto id = roomid.toUtf8(); lmdb::dbi_put(txn, roomDb_, lmdb::val(id.data(), id.size()), lmdb::val(stateEvents.data(), stateEvents.size())); for (const auto &membership : state.memberships) { lmdb::dbi membersDb = lmdb::dbi::open(txn, roomid.toStdString().c_str(), MDB_CREATE); // The user_id this membership event relates to, is used // as the index on the membership database. auto key = membership.stateKey().toUtf8(); auto memberEvent = QJsonDocument(membership.serialize()).toBinaryData(); switch (membership.content().membershipState()) { // We add or update (e.g invite -> join) a new user to the membership // list. case events::Membership::Invite: case events::Membership::Join: { lmdb::dbi_put(txn, membersDb, lmdb::val(key.data(), key.size()), lmdb::val(memberEvent.data(), memberEvent.size())); break; } // We remove the user from the membership list. case events::Membership::Leave: case events::Membership::Ban: { lmdb::dbi_del(txn, membersDb, lmdb::val(key.data(), key.size()), lmdb::val(memberEvent.data(), memberEvent.size())); break; } case events::Membership::Knock: { qWarning() << "Skipping knock membership" << roomid << key; break; } } } } void Cache::removeRoom(const QString &roomid) { if (!isMounted_) return; auto txn = lmdb::txn::begin(env_, nullptr, 0); lmdb::dbi_del(txn, roomDb_, lmdb::val(roomid.toUtf8(), roomid.toUtf8().size()), nullptr); txn.commit(); } QMap Cache::states() { QMap states; auto txn = lmdb::txn::begin(env_, nullptr, MDB_RDONLY); auto cursor = lmdb::cursor::open(txn, roomDb_); std::string room; std::string stateData; // Retrieve all the room names. while (cursor.get(room, stateData, MDB_NEXT)) { auto roomid = QString::fromUtf8(room.data(), room.size()); auto json = QJsonDocument::fromBinaryData(QByteArray(stateData.data(), stateData.size())); RoomState state; state.parse(json.object()); auto memberDb = lmdb::dbi::open(txn, roomid.toStdString().c_str(), MDB_CREATE); QMap> members; auto memberCursor = lmdb::cursor::open(txn, memberDb); std::string memberId; std::string memberContent; while (memberCursor.get(memberId, memberContent, MDB_NEXT)) { auto userid = QString::fromUtf8(memberId.data(), memberId.size()); auto data = QJsonDocument::fromBinaryData( QByteArray(memberContent.data(), memberContent.size())); try { events::StateEvent member; member.deserialize(data.object()); members.insert(userid, member); } catch (const DeserializationException &e) { qWarning() << e.what(); qWarning() << "Fault while parsing member event" << data.object(); continue; } } qDebug() << members.size() << "members for" << roomid; state.memberships = members; states.insert(roomid, state); } qDebug() << "Retrieved" << states.size() << "rooms"; cursor.close(); txn.commit(); return states; } void Cache::setNextBatchToken(lmdb::txn &txn, const QString &token) { auto value = token.toUtf8(); lmdb::dbi_put(txn, stateDb_, NEXT_BATCH_KEY, lmdb::val(value.data(), value.size())); } bool Cache::isInitialized() const { auto txn = lmdb::txn::begin(env_, nullptr, MDB_RDONLY); lmdb::val token; bool res = lmdb::dbi_get(txn, stateDb_, NEXT_BATCH_KEY, token); txn.commit(); return res; } QString Cache::nextBatchToken() const { auto txn = lmdb::txn::begin(env_, nullptr, MDB_RDONLY); lmdb::val token; lmdb::dbi_get(txn, stateDb_, NEXT_BATCH_KEY, token); txn.commit(); return QString::fromUtf8(token.data(), token.size()); } void Cache::deleteData() { qInfo() << "Deleting cache data"; if (!cacheDirectory_.isEmpty()) QDir(cacheDirectory_).removeRecursively(); }