/* * nheko Copyright (C) 2017 Konstantinos Sideris * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "ui_RoomList.h" #include #include #include #include #include "RoomInfoListItem.h" #include "RoomList.h" #include "Sync.h" RoomList::RoomList(QSharedPointer client, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , ui(new Ui::RoomList) , client_(client) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->scrollVerticalLayout->addStretch(1); setStyleSheet("border-top: none"); connect(client_.data(), SIGNAL(roomAvatarRetrieved(const QString &, const QPixmap &)), this, SLOT(updateRoomAvatar(const QString &, const QPixmap &))); } RoomList::~RoomList() { delete ui; } void RoomList::clear() { for (const auto &room : rooms_) room->deleteLater(); rooms_.clear(); } RoomInfo RoomList::extractRoomInfo(const State &room_state) { RoomInfo info; auto events = room_state.events(); for (const auto &event : events) { if (event.type() == "m.room.name") { info.setName(event.content().value("name").toString()); } else if (event.type() == "m.room.topic") { info.setTopic(event.content().value("topic").toString()); } else if (event.type() == "m.room.avatar") { info.setAvatarUrl(QUrl(event.content().value("url").toString())); } else if (event.type() == "m.room.canonical_alias") { if (info.name().isEmpty()) info.setName(event.content().value("alias").toString()); } } // Sanitize info for print. info.setTopic(info.topic().simplified()); info.setName(info.name().simplified()); return info; } void RoomList::updateUnreadMessageCount(const QString &roomid, int count) { if (!rooms_.contains(roomid)) { qWarning() << "UpdateUnreadMessageCount: Unknown roomid"; return; } rooms_[roomid]->updateUnreadMessageCount(count); calculateUnreadMessageCount(); } void RoomList::calculateUnreadMessageCount() { int total_unread_msgs = 0; for (const auto &room : rooms_) total_unread_msgs += room->unreadMessageCount(); emit totalUnreadMessageCountUpdated(total_unread_msgs); } void RoomList::setInitialRooms(const Rooms &rooms) { rooms_.clear(); for (auto it = rooms.join().constBegin(); it != rooms.join().constEnd(); it++) { RoomInfo info = RoomList::extractRoomInfo(it.value().state()); info.setId(it.key()); if (info.name().isEmpty()) continue; if (!info.avatarUrl().isEmpty()) client_->fetchRoomAvatar(info.id(), info.avatarUrl()); RoomInfoListItem *room_item = new RoomInfoListItem(info, ui->scrollArea); connect(room_item, SIGNAL(clicked(const RoomInfo &)), this, SLOT(highlightSelectedRoom(const RoomInfo &))); rooms_.insert(it.key(), room_item); int pos = ui->scrollVerticalLayout->count() - 1; ui->scrollVerticalLayout->insertWidget(pos, room_item); } // TODO: Move this into its own function. auto first_room = rooms_.first(); first_room->setPressedState(true); emit roomChanged(first_room->info()); } void RoomList::highlightSelectedRoom(const RoomInfo &info) { emit roomChanged(info); if (!rooms_.contains(info.id())) { qDebug() << "RoomList: clicked unknown roomid"; return; } // TODO: Send a read receipt for the last event. auto room = rooms_[info.id()]; room->clearUnreadMessageCount(); calculateUnreadMessageCount(); for (auto it = rooms_.constBegin(); it != rooms_.constEnd(); it++) { if (it.key() != info.id()) it.value()->setPressedState(false); } } void RoomList::updateRoomAvatar(const QString &roomid, const QPixmap &img) { if (!rooms_.contains(roomid)) { qDebug() << "Avatar update on non existent room" << roomid; return; } auto list_item = rooms_.value(roomid); list_item->setAvatar(img.toImage()); }