OpenZeppelin Contracts uses a fully automated release process that takes care of compiling, packaging, and publishing the library, all of which is carried out in a clean CI environment (GitHub Actions), implemented in the [`release-cycle`](.github/workflows/release-cycle.yml) workflow. This helps to reduce the potential for human error and inconsistencies, and ensures that the release process is ongoing and reliable.
[Changesets]( are used as part of our release process for `` management. Each change that is relevant for the codebase is expected to include a changeset.
The release cycle happens on release branches called `release-vX.Y`. Each of these branches starts as a release candidate (rc) and is eventually promoted to final.
A release branch can be updated with cherry-picked patches from `master`, or may sometimes be committed to directly in the case of old releases. These commits will lead to a new release candidate or a patch increment depending on the state of the release branch.