const { expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const zip = require('lodash.zip');
const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError');
function shouldBehaveLikeMap(keys, values, zeroValue, methods, events) {
const [keyA, keyB, keyC] = keys;
const [valueA, valueB, valueC] = values;
async function expectMembersMatch(map, keys, values) {
await Promise.all(keys.map(async key => expect(await methods.contains(map, key)).to.equal(true)));
expect(await methods.length(map)).to.bignumber.equal(keys.length.toString());
expect((await Promise.all(keys.map(key => methods.get(map, key)))).map(k => k.toString())).to.have.same.members(
values.map(value => value.toString()),
// To compare key-value pairs, we zip keys and values, and convert BNs to
// strings to workaround Chai limitations when dealing with nested arrays
await Promise.all(
[...Array(keys.length).keys()].map(async index => {
const entry = await methods.at(map, index);
return [entry[0].toString(), entry[1].toString()];
keys.map(k => k.toString()),
values.map(v => v.toString()),
// This also checks that both arrays have the same length
expect((await methods.keys(map)).map(k => k.toString())).to.have.same.members(keys.map(key => key.toString()));
it('starts empty', async function () {
expect(await methods.contains(this.map, keyA)).to.equal(false);
await expectMembersMatch(this.map, [], []);
describe('set', function () {
it('adds a key', async function () {
const receipt = await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
expectEvent(receipt, events.setReturn, { ret0: true });
await expectMembersMatch(this.map, [keyA], [valueA]);
it('adds several keys', async function () {
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
await methods.set(this.map, keyB, valueB);
await expectMembersMatch(this.map, [keyA, keyB], [valueA, valueB]);
expect(await methods.contains(this.map, keyC)).to.equal(false);
it('returns false when adding keys already in the set', async function () {
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
const receipt = await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
expectEvent(receipt, events.setReturn, { ret0: false });
await expectMembersMatch(this.map, [keyA], [valueA]);
it('updates values for keys already in the set', async function () {
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueB);
await expectMembersMatch(this.map, [keyA], [valueB]);
describe('remove', function () {
it('removes added keys', async function () {
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
const receipt = await methods.remove(this.map, keyA);
expectEvent(receipt, events.removeReturn, { ret0: true });
expect(await methods.contains(this.map, keyA)).to.equal(false);
await expectMembersMatch(this.map, [], []);
it('returns false when removing keys not in the set', async function () {
const receipt = await methods.remove(this.map, keyA);
expectEvent(receipt, events.removeReturn, { ret0: false });
expect(await methods.contains(this.map, keyA)).to.equal(false);
it('adds and removes multiple keys', async function () {
// []
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
await methods.set(this.map, keyC, valueC);
// [A, C]
await methods.remove(this.map, keyA);
await methods.remove(this.map, keyB);
// [C]
await methods.set(this.map, keyB, valueB);
// [C, B]
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
await methods.remove(this.map, keyC);
// [A, B]
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
await methods.set(this.map, keyB, valueB);
// [A, B]
await methods.set(this.map, keyC, valueC);
await methods.remove(this.map, keyA);
// [B, C]
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
await methods.remove(this.map, keyB);
// [A, C]
await expectMembersMatch(this.map, [keyA, keyC], [valueA, valueC]);
expect(await methods.contains(this.map, keyA)).to.equal(true);
expect(await methods.contains(this.map, keyB)).to.equal(false);
expect(await methods.contains(this.map, keyC)).to.equal(true);
describe('read', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await methods.set(this.map, keyA, valueA);
describe('get', function () {
it('existing value', async function () {
expect(await methods.get(this.map, keyA).then(r => r.toString())).to.be.equal(valueA.toString());
it('missing value', async function () {
const key = web3.utils.toHex(keyB);
await expectRevertCustomError(methods.get(this.map, keyB), 'EnumerableMapNonexistentKey', [
key.length == 66 ? key : web3.utils.padLeft(key, 64, '0'),
describe('tryGet', function () {
it('existing value', async function () {
const result = await methods.tryGet(this.map, keyA);
it('missing value', async function () {
const result = await methods.tryGet(this.map, keyB);
module.exports = {