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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (crosschain/CrossChainEnabled.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
import "./errors.sol";
* @dev Provides information for building cross-chain aware contracts. This
* abstract contract provides accessors and modifiers to control the execution
* flow when receiving cross-chain messages.
* Actual implementations of cross-chain aware contracts, which are based on
* this abstraction, will have to inherit from a bridge-specific
* specialization. Such specializations are provided under
* `crosschain/<chain>/CrossChainEnabled<chain>.sol`.
* _Available since v4.6._
abstract contract CrossChainEnabled {
* @dev Throws if the current function call is not the result of a
* cross-chain execution.
modifier onlyCrossChain() {
if (!_isCrossChain()) revert NotCrossChainCall();
* @dev Throws if the current function call is not the result of a
* cross-chain execution initiated by `account`.
modifier onlyCrossChainSender(address expected) {
address actual = _crossChainSender();
if (expected != actual) revert InvalidCrossChainSender(actual, expected);
* @dev Returns whether the current function call is the result of a
* cross-chain message.
function _isCrossChain() internal view virtual returns (bool);
* @dev Returns the address of the sender of the cross-chain message that
* triggered the current function call.
* IMPORTANT: Should revert with `NotCrossChainCall` if the current function
* call is not the result of a cross-chain message.
function _crossChainSender() internal view virtual returns (address);