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import expectThrow from '../helpers/expectThrow';
import ether from '../helpers/ether';
var CappedToken = artifacts.require('../contracts/Tokens/CappedToken.sol');
contract('Capped', function (accounts) {
const cap = ether(1000);
let token;
beforeEach(async function () {
token = await CappedToken.new(cap);
it('should start with the correct cap', async function () {
let _cap = await token.cap();
it('should mint when amount is less than cap', async function () {
const result = await token.mint(accounts[0], 100);
assert.equal(result.logs[0].event, 'Mint');
it('should fail to mint if the ammount exceeds the cap', async function () {
await token.mint(accounts[0], cap.sub(1));
await expectThrow(token.mint(accounts[0], 100));
it('should fail to mint after cap is reached', async function () {
await token.mint(accounts[0], cap);
await expectThrow(token.mint(accounts[0], 1));