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const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
const shouldBehaveLikeClone = require('./Clones.behaviour');
async function fixture() {
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
const factory = await ethers.deployContract('$Clones');
const implementation = await ethers.deployContract('DummyImplementation');
const newClone = async (opts = {}) => {
const clone = await factory.$clone.staticCall(implementation).then(address => implementation.attach(address));
const tx = await (opts.deployValue
? factory.$clone(implementation, ethers.Typed.uint256(opts.deployValue))
: factory.$clone(implementation));
if (opts.initData || opts.initValue) {
await deployer.sendTransaction({ to: clone, value: opts.initValue ?? 0n, data: opts.initData ?? '0x' });
return Object.assign(clone, { deploymentTransaction: () => tx });
const newCloneDeterministic = async (opts = {}) => {
const salt = opts.salt ?? ethers.randomBytes(32);
const clone = await factory.$cloneDeterministic
.staticCall(implementation, salt)
.then(address => implementation.attach(address));
const tx = await (opts.deployValue
? factory.$cloneDeterministic(implementation, salt, ethers.Typed.uint256(opts.deployValue))
: factory.$cloneDeterministic(implementation, salt));
if (opts.initData || opts.initValue) {
await deployer.sendTransaction({ to: clone, value: opts.initValue ?? 0n, data: opts.initData ?? '0x' });
return Object.assign(clone, { deploymentTransaction: () => tx });
return { deployer, factory, implementation, newClone, newCloneDeterministic };
describe('Clones', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture));
describe('clone', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
this.createClone = this.newClone;
describe('cloneDeterministic', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
this.createClone = this.newCloneDeterministic;
it('revert if address already used', async function () {
const salt = ethers.randomBytes(32);
// deploy once
await expect(this.factory.$cloneDeterministic(this.implementation, salt)).to.emit(
// deploy twice
await expect(this.factory.$cloneDeterministic(this.implementation, salt)).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(
it('address prediction', async function () {
const salt = ethers.randomBytes(32);
const creationCode = ethers.concat([
const predicted = await this.factory.$predictDeterministicAddress(this.implementation, salt);
const expected = ethers.getCreate2Address(this.factory.target, salt, ethers.keccak256(creationCode));
await expect(this.factory.$cloneDeterministic(this.implementation, salt))
.to.emit(this.factory, 'return$cloneDeterministic_address_bytes32')