// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^ 0 . 8 . 20 ;
import { Math } from " ../math/Math.sol " ;
import { Errors } from " ../Errors.sol " ;
* @ dev Implementation of secp256r1 verification and recovery functions .
* The secp256r1 curve ( also known as P256 ) is a NIST standard curve with wide support in modern devices
* and cryptographic standards . Some notable examples include Apple ' s Secure Enclave and Android ' s Keystore
* as well as authentication protocols like FIDO2 .
* Based on the original https : //github.com/itsobvioustech/aa-passkeys-wallet/blob/d3d423f28a4d8dfcb203c7fa0c47f42592a7378e/src/Secp256r1.sol[implementation of itsobvioustech] (GNU General Public License v3.0).
* Heavily inspired in https : //github.com/maxrobot/elliptic-solidity/blob/c4bb1b6e8ae89534d8db3a6b3a6b52219100520f/contracts/Secp256r1.sol[maxrobot] and
* https : //github.com/tdrerup/elliptic-curve-solidity/blob/59a9c25957d4d190eff53b6610731d81a077a15e/contracts/curves/EllipticCurve.sol[tdrerup] implementations.
* _Available since v5 . 1 . _
* /
library P256 {
struct JPoint {
uint256 x ;
uint256 y ;
uint256 z ;
/// @dev Generator (x component)
uint256 internal constant GX = 0x6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296 ;
/// @dev Generator (y component)
uint256 internal constant GY = 0x4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5 ;
/// @dev P (size of the field)
uint256 internal constant P = 0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ;
/// @dev N (order of G)
uint256 internal constant N = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551 ;
/// @dev A parameter of the weierstrass equation
uint256 internal constant A = 0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC ;
/// @dev B parameter of the weierstrass equation
uint256 internal constant B = 0x5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B ;
/// @dev (P + 1) / 4. Useful to compute sqrt
uint256 private constant P1DIV4 = 0x3fffffffc0000000400000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000 ;
/// @dev N/2 for excluding higher order `s` values
uint256 private constant HALF_N = 0x7fffffff800000007fffffffffffffffde737d56d38bcf4279dce5617e3192a8 ;
* @ dev Verifies a secp256r1 signature using the RIP - 7212 precompile and falls back to the Solidity implementation
* if the precompile is not available . This version should work on all chains , but requires the deployment of more
* bytecode .
* @ param h - hashed message
* @ param r - signature half R
* @ param s - signature half S
* @ param qx - public key coordinate X
* @ param qy - public key coordinate Y
* IMPORTANT : This function disallows signatures where the ` s ` value is above ` N / 2 ` to prevent malleability .
* To flip the ` s ` value , compute ` s = N - s ` .
* /
function verify ( bytes32 h , bytes32 r , bytes32 s , bytes32 qx , bytes32 qy ) internal view returns ( bool ) {
( bool valid , bool supported ) = _tryVerifyNative ( h , r , s , qx , qy ) ;
return supported ? valid : verifySolidity ( h , r , s , qx , qy ) ;
* @ dev Same as { verify } , but it will revert if the required precompile is not available .
* Make sure any logic ( code or precompile ) deployed at that address is the expected one ,
* otherwise the returned value may be misinterpreted as a positive boolean .
* /
function verifyNative ( bytes32 h , bytes32 r , bytes32 s , bytes32 qx , bytes32 qy ) internal view returns ( bool ) {
( bool valid , bool supported ) = _tryVerifyNative ( h , r , s , qx , qy ) ;
if ( supported ) {
return valid ;
} else {
revert Errors . MissingPrecompile ( address ( 0x100 ) ) ;
* @ dev Same as { verify } , but it will return false if the required precompile is not available .
* /
function _tryVerifyNative (
bytes32 h ,
bytes32 r ,
bytes32 s ,
bytes32 qx ,
bytes32 qy
) private view returns ( bool valid , bool supported ) {
if ( ! _isProperSignature ( r , s ) || ! isValidPublicKey ( qx , qy ) ) {
return ( false , true ) ; // signature is invalid, and its not because the precompile is missing
( bool success , bytes memory returndata ) = address ( 0x100 ) . staticcall ( abi . encode ( h , r , s , qx , qy ) ) ;
return ( success && returndata . length == 0x20 ) ? ( abi . decode ( returndata , ( bool ) ) , true ) : ( false , false ) ;
* @ dev Same as { verify } , but only the Solidity implementation is used .
* /
function verifySolidity ( bytes32 h , bytes32 r , bytes32 s , bytes32 qx , bytes32 qy ) internal view returns ( bool ) {
if ( ! _isProperSignature ( r , s ) || ! isValidPublicKey ( qx , qy ) ) {
return false ;
JPoint [ 16 ] memory points = _preComputeJacobianPoints ( uint256 ( qx ) , uint256 ( qy ) ) ;
uint256 w = Math . invModPrime ( uint256 ( s ) , N ) ;
uint256 u1 = mulmod ( uint256 ( h ) , w , N ) ;
uint256 u2 = mulmod ( uint256 ( r ) , w , N ) ;
( uint256 x , ) = _jMultShamir ( points , u1 , u2 ) ;
return ( ( x % N ) == uint256 ( r ) ) ;
* @ dev Public key recovery
* @ param h - hashed message
* @ param v - signature recovery param
* @ param r - signature half R
* @ param s - signature half S
* IMPORTANT : This function disallows signatures where the ` s ` value is above ` N / 2 ` to prevent malleability .
* To flip the ` s ` value , compute ` s = N - s ` and ` v = 1 - v ` if ( ` v = 0 | 1 ` ) .
* /
function recovery ( bytes32 h , uint8 v , bytes32 r , bytes32 s ) internal view returns ( bytes32 x , bytes32 y ) {
if ( ! _isProperSignature ( r , s ) || v > 1 ) {
return ( 0 , 0 ) ;
uint256 p = P ; // cache P on the stack
uint256 rx = uint256 ( r ) ;
uint256 ry2 = addmod ( mulmod ( addmod ( mulmod ( rx , rx , p ) , A , p ) , rx , p ) , B , p ) ; // weierstrass equation y² = x³ + a.x + b
uint256 ry = Math . modExp ( ry2 , P1DIV4 , p ) ; // This formula for sqrt work because P ≡ 3 (mod 4)
if ( mulmod ( ry , ry , p ) != ry2 ) return ( 0 , 0 ) ; // Sanity check
if ( ry % 2 != v ) ry = p - ry ;
JPoint [ 16 ] memory points = _preComputeJacobianPoints ( rx , ry ) ;
uint256 w = Math . invModPrime ( uint256 ( r ) , N ) ;
uint256 u1 = mulmod ( N - ( uint256 ( h ) % N ) , w , N ) ;
uint256 u2 = mulmod ( uint256 ( s ) , w , N ) ;
( uint256 xU , uint256 yU ) = _jMultShamir ( points , u1 , u2 ) ;
return ( bytes32 ( xU ) , bytes32 ( yU ) ) ;
* @ dev Checks if ( x , y ) are valid coordinates of a point on the curve .
* In particular this function checks that x < P and y < P .
* /
function isValidPublicKey ( bytes32 x , bytes32 y ) internal pure returns ( bool result ) {
assembly ( " memory-safe " ) {
let p : = P
let lhs : = mulmod ( y , y , p ) // y^2
let rhs : = addmod ( mulmod ( addmod ( mulmod ( x , x , p ) , A , p ) , x , p ) , B , p ) // ((x^2 + a) * x) + b = x^3 + ax + b
result : = and ( and ( lt ( x , p ) , lt ( y , p ) ) , eq ( lhs , rhs ) ) // Should conform with the Weierstrass equation
* @ dev Checks if ( r , s ) is a proper signature .
* In particular , this checks that ` s ` is in the " lower-range " , making the signature non - malleable .
* /
function _isProperSignature ( bytes32 r , bytes32 s ) private pure returns ( bool ) {
return uint256 ( r ) > 0 && uint256 ( r ) < N && uint256 ( s ) > 0 && uint256 ( s ) <= HALF_N ;
* @ dev Reduce from jacobian to affine coordinates
* @ param jx - jacobian coordinate x
* @ param jy - jacobian coordinate y
* @ param jz - jacobian coordinate z
* @ return ax - affine coordinate x
* @ return ay - affine coordinate y
* /
function _affineFromJacobian ( uint256 jx , uint256 jy , uint256 jz ) private view returns ( uint256 ax , uint256 ay ) {
if ( jz == 0 ) return ( 0 , 0 ) ;
uint256 p = P ; // cache P on the stack
uint256 zinv = Math . invModPrime ( jz , p ) ;
assembly ( " memory-safe " ) {
let zzinv : = mulmod ( zinv , zinv , p )
ax : = mulmod ( jx , zzinv , p )
ay : = mulmod ( jy , mulmod ( zzinv , zinv , p ) , p )
* @ dev Point addition on the jacobian coordinates
* Reference : https : //www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#addition-add-1998-cmo-2
* Note that :
* - ` addition - add - 1998 - cmo - 2 ` doesn ' t support identical input points. This version is modified to use
* the ` h ` and ` r ` values computed by ` addition - add - 1998 - cmo - 2 ` to detect identical inputs , and fallback to
* ` doubling - dbl - 1998 - cmo - 2 ` if needed .
* - if one of the points is at infinity ( i . e . ` z = 0 ` ) , the result is undefined .
* /
function _jAdd (
JPoint memory p1 ,
uint256 x2 ,
uint256 y2 ,
uint256 z2
) private pure returns ( uint256 rx , uint256 ry , uint256 rz ) {
assembly ( " memory-safe " ) {
let p : = P
let z1 : = mload ( add ( p1 , 0x40 ) )
let zz1 : = mulmod ( z1 , z1 , p ) // zz1 = z1²
let s1 : = mulmod ( mload ( add ( p1 , 0x20 ) ) , mulmod ( mulmod ( z2 , z2 , p ) , z2 , p ) , p ) // s1 = y1*z2³
let r : = addmod ( mulmod ( y2 , mulmod ( zz1 , z1 , p ) , p ) , sub ( p , s1 ) , p ) // r = s2-s1 = y2*z1³-s1 = y2*z1³-y1*z2³
let u1 : = mulmod ( mload ( p1 ) , mulmod ( z2 , z2 , p ) , p ) // u1 = x1*z2²
let h : = addmod ( mulmod ( x2 , zz1 , p ) , sub ( p , u1 ) , p ) // h = u2-u1 = x2*z1²-u1 = x2*z1²-x1*z2²
// detect edge cases where inputs are identical
switch and ( iszero ( r ) , iszero ( h ) )
// case 0: points are different
case 0 {
let hh : = mulmod ( h , h , p ) // h²
// x' = r²-h³-2*u1*h²
rx : = addmod (
addmod ( mulmod ( r , r , p ) , sub ( p , mulmod ( h , hh , p ) ) , p ) ,
sub ( p , mulmod ( 2 , mulmod ( u1 , hh , p ) , p ) ) ,
// y' = r*(u1*h²-x')-s1*h³
ry : = addmod (
mulmod ( r , addmod ( mulmod ( u1 , hh , p ) , sub ( p , rx ) , p ) , p ) ,
sub ( p , mulmod ( s1 , mulmod ( h , hh , p ) , p ) ) ,
// z' = h*z1*z2
rz : = mulmod ( h , mulmod ( z1 , z2 , p ) , p )
// case 1: points are equal
case 1 {
let x : = x2
let y : = y2
let z : = z2
let yy : = mulmod ( y , y , p )
let zz : = mulmod ( z , z , p )
let m : = addmod ( mulmod ( 3 , mulmod ( x , x , p ) , p ) , mulmod ( A , mulmod ( zz , zz , p ) , p ) , p ) // m = 3*x²+a*z⁴
let s : = mulmod ( 4 , mulmod ( x , yy , p ) , p ) // s = 4*x*y²
// x' = t = m²-2*s
rx : = addmod ( mulmod ( m , m , p ) , sub ( p , mulmod ( 2 , s , p ) ) , p )
// y' = m*(s-t)-8*y⁴ = m*(s-x')-8*y⁴
// cut the computation to avoid stack too deep
let rytmp1 : = sub ( p , mulmod ( 8 , mulmod ( yy , yy , p ) , p ) ) // -8*y⁴
let rytmp2 : = addmod ( s , sub ( p , rx ) , p ) // s-x'
ry : = addmod ( mulmod ( m , rytmp2 , p ) , rytmp1 , p ) // m*(s-x')-8*y⁴
// z' = 2*y*z
rz : = mulmod ( 2 , mulmod ( y , z , p ) , p )
* @ dev Point doubling on the jacobian coordinates
* Reference : https : //www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#doubling-dbl-1998-cmo-2
* /
function _jDouble ( uint256 x , uint256 y , uint256 z ) private pure returns ( uint256 rx , uint256 ry , uint256 rz ) {
assembly ( " memory-safe " ) {
let p : = P
let yy : = mulmod ( y , y , p )
let zz : = mulmod ( z , z , p )
let m : = addmod ( mulmod ( 3 , mulmod ( x , x , p ) , p ) , mulmod ( A , mulmod ( zz , zz , p ) , p ) , p ) // m = 3*x²+a*z⁴
let s : = mulmod ( 4 , mulmod ( x , yy , p ) , p ) // s = 4*x*y²
// x' = t = m²-2*s
rx : = addmod ( mulmod ( m , m , p ) , sub ( p , mulmod ( 2 , s , p ) ) , p )
// y' = m*(s-t)-8*y⁴ = m*(s-x')-8*y⁴
ry : = addmod ( mulmod ( m , addmod ( s , sub ( p , rx ) , p ) , p ) , sub ( p , mulmod ( 8 , mulmod ( yy , yy , p ) , p ) ) , p )
// z' = 2*y*z
rz : = mulmod ( 2 , mulmod ( y , z , p ) , p )
* @ dev Compute G · u1 + P · u2 using the precomputed points for G and P ( see { _preComputeJacobianPoints } ) .
* Uses Strauss Shamir trick for EC multiplication
* https : //stackoverflow.com/questions/50993471/ec-scalar-multiplication-with-strauss-shamir-method
* We optimize this for 2 bits at a time rather than a single bit . The individual points for a single pass are
* precomputed . Overall this reduces the number of additions while keeping the same number of
* doublings
* /
function _jMultShamir (
JPoint [ 16 ] memory points ,
uint256 u1 ,
uint256 u2
) private view returns ( uint256 rx , uint256 ry ) {
uint256 x = 0 ;
uint256 y = 0 ;
uint256 z = 0 ;
unchecked {
for ( uint256 i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++ i ) {
if ( z > 0 ) {
( x , y , z ) = _jDouble ( x , y , z ) ;
( x , y , z ) = _jDouble ( x , y , z ) ;
// Read 2 bits of u1, and 2 bits of u2. Combining the two gives the lookup index in the table.
uint256 pos = ( ( u1 >> 252 ) & 0xc ) | ( ( u2 >> 254 ) & 0x3 ) ;
// Points that have z = 0 are points at infinity. They are the additive 0 of the group
// - if the lookup point is a 0, we can skip it
// - otherwise:
// - if the current point (x, y, z) is 0, we use the lookup point as our new value (0+P=P)
// - if the current point (x, y, z) is not 0, both points are valid and we can use `_jAdd`
if ( points [ pos ] . z != 0 ) {
if ( z == 0 ) {
( x , y , z ) = ( points [ pos ] . x , points [ pos ] . y , points [ pos ] . z ) ;
} else {
( x , y , z ) = _jAdd ( points [ pos ] , x , y , z ) ;
u1 <<= 2 ;
u2 <<= 2 ;
return _affineFromJacobian ( x , y , z ) ;
* @ dev Precompute a matrice of useful jacobian points associated with a given P . This can be seen as a 4 x4 matrix
* that contains combination of P and G ( generator ) up to 3 times each . See the table below :
* ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐
* │ i │ 0 1 2 3 │
* ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤
* │ 0 │ 0 p 2 p 3 p │
* │ 4 │ g g + p g + 2 p g + 3 p │
* │ 8 │ 2 g 2 g + p 2 g + 2 p 2 g + 3 p │
* │ 12 │ 3 g 3 g + p 3 g + 2 p 3 g + 3 p │
* └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘
* Note that ` _jAdd ` ( and thus ` _jAddPoint ` ) does not handle the case where one of the inputs is a point at
* infinity ( z = 0 ) . However , we know that since ` N ≡ 1 mod 2 ` and ` N ≡ 1 mod 3 ` , there is no point P such that
* 2 P = 0 or 3 P = 0 . This guarantees that g , 2 g , 3 g , p , 2 p , 3 p are all non - zero , and that all ` _jAddPoint ` calls
* have valid inputs .
* /
function _preComputeJacobianPoints ( uint256 px , uint256 py ) private pure returns ( JPoint [ 16 ] memory points ) {
points [ 0x00 ] = JPoint ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; // 0,0
points [ 0x01 ] = JPoint ( px , py , 1 ) ; // 1,0 (p)
points [ 0x04 ] = JPoint ( GX , GY , 1 ) ; // 0,1 (g)
points [ 0x02 ] = _jDoublePoint ( points [ 0x01 ] ) ; // 2,0 (2p)
points [ 0x08 ] = _jDoublePoint ( points [ 0x04 ] ) ; // 0,2 (2g)
points [ 0x03 ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x01 ] , points [ 0x02 ] ) ; // 3,0 (p+2p = 3p)
points [ 0x05 ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x01 ] , points [ 0x04 ] ) ; // 1,1 (p+g)
points [ 0x06 ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x02 ] , points [ 0x04 ] ) ; // 2,1 (2p+g)
points [ 0x07 ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x03 ] , points [ 0x04 ] ) ; // 3,1 (3p+g)
points [ 0x09 ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x01 ] , points [ 0x08 ] ) ; // 1,2 (p+2g)
points [ 0x0a ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x02 ] , points [ 0x08 ] ) ; // 2,2 (2p+2g)
points [ 0x0b ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x03 ] , points [ 0x08 ] ) ; // 3,2 (3p+2g)
points [ 0x0c ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x04 ] , points [ 0x08 ] ) ; // 0,3 (g+2g = 3g)
points [ 0x0d ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x01 ] , points [ 0x0c ] ) ; // 1,3 (p+3g)
points [ 0x0e ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x02 ] , points [ 0x0c ] ) ; // 2,3 (2p+3g)
points [ 0x0f ] = _jAddPoint ( points [ 0x03 ] , points [ 0x0c ] ) ; // 3,3 (3p+3g)
function _jAddPoint ( JPoint memory p1 , JPoint memory p2 ) private pure returns ( JPoint memory ) {
( uint256 x , uint256 y , uint256 z ) = _jAdd ( p1 , p2 . x , p2 . y , p2 . z ) ;
return JPoint ( x , y , z ) ;
function _jDoublePoint ( JPoint memory p ) private pure returns ( JPoint memory ) {
( uint256 x , uint256 y , uint256 z ) = _jDouble ( p . x , p . y , p . z ) ;
return JPoint ( x , y , z ) ;